Beginners and Beyond


Who are you and what is your runner resume? (Read 90 times)



    Close as I can figure it, in the 34 and a half years I've been running, I've accumulated around 40K lifetime miles.

    And you hosted me for a trail run and a Riverwalk dinner in 2001 when I was visiting San Antonio.  I was "TRM" on the RW forums then.


    Keep Scottydogging!

      I am male, 37 and live and work in Switzerland. I started to run regularly because I was getting a tough work related certificate during a 3 year program and someone had told me that regular cardio exercise increased brain power / attention span. This was about 3 years ago and it worked well - I listened to some of the study material as audio books during my workouts and this helped me a lot.


      I have continued running and was then challenged to do a half marathon end of October of this year. In order to learn more about proper training I got on RW and bought Daniels book. Both helped me a lot and if it wasn't for the current head cold I would have said that I feel I am in really good shape and started to lose some weight too!!! I will take one step at the time so hopefully I will be able to finish the half on October 29th in one piece - my goal is breaking 2 Smile.

      HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


      2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!


        my goal is breaking 2 Smile.


        Go big, or go home!

          I'm LawyerMom, which covers most of the basics.  I'm a lawyer, I have 2 kids, I live in Orange County, CA, and I'm 41.  I have a husband, but I do not have a housekeeper or nanny, so when I'm not lawyering or parenting or running, I'm probably cleaning toilets.  Glamorous life, let me tell you.  I run as much as I can without wrecking myself, mostly slow, sometimes fast.  I hate rest days and taper weeks.  I love wine.  I also love fried food and barbecue, real dairy that's full fat, fancy cheese, nacho cheese, and I believe coffee is not simply a beverage--it is how shit gets done, and I need it, and I've come to accept that fact and feel zero guilt over the quantity I consume on the regular.


          I've been running for over 20 years.  Mostly for sanity, the jury's still out on whether that's working or not.  I mostly race 1/2s, and when I say "mostly," I do one a year that I race, and sometimes a few others to pace a friend or keep her company during whatever crazy ass training thing she's doing that month (140 HR limit remains the most annoying of these phases).  I'm an optimist constantly struggling to keep depression at bay, and running is one of the better tools I've found for doing that.


          I'm a refugee from the RWOL Beginner Forum, and I'm still grieving over Moth's passing.  I'm pissed off that we got shut down over there, but I am starting to accept it.  It helps that this forum loads in less than 5 minutes per page...


          delicate flower

            I'm LawyerMom,


            I remember you from RWOL and I've always wondered why you have three kilos of cocaine for your avatar pic.


              Haha!  I get that a lot.  Bricks of coffee.  We keep our cocaine in the bathroom like normal people, not on the kitchen counter.


                Haha!  I get that a lot.  Bricks of coffee.  We keep our cocaine in the bathroom like normal people, not on the kitchen counter.




                  Huh, I just now saw this thread. I'm Gail (gehamlin from RW as I am here), a 44-yo full-time yoga instructor and corporate refugee, living in NYC with my hubby and two cats. I've been running for 9 years. At the start, it was about health and fitness and I was bored of everything else. In my youth I was a road cyclist and raced several centuries in the tri-state area.


                  Back in winter/spring 2015 I developed Achilles Tendonitis while sightseeing in Italy. It was ugly and I missed 4 months from running. Coming back to it, I was determined to "do it right"; train right and challenge myself with some races...see what I could do. Foolishly, I let my BIL talk me into running a 10k with him ONE WEEK coming back from AT. Also, it was late was the hottest and WORST experience of my life at that time. But it emboldened me to do better... I challenged myself with more races and longer distances.


                  In the last 2 years I've run 2x 8k's, 7x 10k's, a 15k, 9x HM's (one this upcoming w/e), 3x 10M, and 1 full marathon (Steamtown 2016). Currently I'm in training for the NYC marathon next month. The Paris marathon next April will be my last full marathon and I'll just stick with the HM distance.


                  Even though my training got smarter and better, I'm still a snail, running some mighty slow paces. I don't care that much about it anymore. I just enjoy the running.


                    Running With My Dog here.  Toronto is home.


                    About seven years ago, at Christmas, my parents told the extended family they had rented a big house on the beach (Block Island, RI) for a week in the upcoming summer to celebrate their 50th anniversary.


                    So I started working out for one sole reason: to look better than my brothers on the beach that year.


                    And then on the third Monday in April, I happened to turn on the TV at the right time and saw the Boston Marathon.  I remembered I had made a vow when I was 10 years old to one day run it.  From that day on, every workout was for running - nothing else.


                    It took me three marathons, but I qualified and ran Boston 2015.  I'm still trying to get back there.


                    I try to run a marathon every year, and sprinkle in 5Ks and 10Ks.  I think I may also turn my focus to half marathons - I've only run a couple, but I do like the distance.


                    And yes, I looked way better than my brothers.  That summer, and every summer since.


                    Former Bad Ass


                      I remember you from RWOL and I've always wondered why you have three kilos of cocaine for your avatar pic.


                      Thanks, Phil.  My poor keyboard...



                        I'm LawyerMom...and I believe coffee is not simply a beverage--it is how shit gets done, and I need it, and I've come to accept that fact and feel zero guilt over the quantity I consume on the regular.


                        Good to see my long-lost sister has resurfaced.


                        I don't know why people have this weird fear of coffee - like more than a cup a day will kill you.


                        It fuels my day.


                          Good to see my long-lost sister has resurfaced.


                          I don't know why people have this weird fear of coffee - like more than a cup a day will kill you.


                          It fuels my day.


                          You can feel free to accept at least 30% of the blame (credit?) for why I'm here.  Seriously.  This is a fact.


                          And hey, some days I only have 2 cups.  The cups are 16 oz cups, but whatever.  Standard cups are for amateurs.


                            HI guys and gals,


                            Tcg from the other forum.


                            53, started running at 38, lost 90 lbs within a year and ran a 5k in that same year in 19:58. Been placing in my age group ever since.


                            Spring of 2012 had a heart attack with cardiac arrest and was told by all the doctors no one walked away from that one. Was back to running within 2 weeks of being released, ran a 5k 60 days later and a half a year later. Running within a couple weeks was not advised but cardiac rehab had no idea what to do with me.


                            Everything was going great until a stroke 2 years ago (3 separate blockages in my brain) put me back in the hospital for 9 days. Back to running 2 days after they sent me home. Same thing, rehab refused to tailor something specifically for me so against advice I rehabbed myself.


                            A couple blockages and stents along the way.


                            Still able to place in my age group but it got really hard for many months. I'm back to comfortably running 5 - 6 miles.


                            About to run the Detroit Free Press International half on the 15th (wife and daughter are running as well). I'm nursing a 70% blockage but my cardiologist said be careful and gave me the go ahead after he tried talking me out of it.


                            Bone fragments in both heals right now from a couple spurs that broke off, had a second round of steroids injected today, the foot doctor said I should be fine for the run and then might need the fragments removed. I may get one more injection a couple days before the half.


                            I did place in my age group in a July 4th run I've been doing for many years.


                            If things are going good after the half, I'm going to see if I have one more 20:00 5k left in me. That means shaving off a few minutes but what the heck.


                            We also run the Detroit Turkey Trot every year and I'm considering what they call the Drumstick Double, run the 10k and then go back to the start and run the 5k. Gotta shave a few seconds of my mile pace to qualify but I ran it once 3 years ago and I think I can do it this year.


                            I can outrun a lot of things but heredity and heart disease ain't one of them, it will be neck and neck until one of us loses.

                              Tcg you rock. Was thinking of skipping todays run since I have a head cold but how could I do that now. Good man!

                              HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                              2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!
