Beginners and Beyond


This or That TuesDAILIES (Read 44 times)



    Soft ice cream is not good ice cream!


    JHC you are picky.



      I just sat down to the first Hunger Games FFS. It came in the mail today.


        I just sat down to the first Hunger Games FFS. It came in the mail today.


        I was disappointed, and did not see any of the others. Never read the books.




          I was disappointed, and did not see any of the others. Never read the books.


          I read the books, seen the movies. As is almost always true, the books are better.



            I was disappointed, and did not see any of the others. Never read the books.


            Welp, it's been on for over 30 minutes and I haven't shut it off yet so there's hope.


            I was late to the Lord of the Rings trilogy as well, and didn't last 15 minutes when I tried to watch the first one.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              5.5 miles, last 2 at a "moderate" pace uphill.


              And now ESU--tostadas with salsa made from veggies from our garden and then a cookies & cream cupcake.


                Contrary to most, including DCRainmaker, I don't find my foot pod is accurate at different paces. Today I tested it on the 190 metres track. I calibrated it at 97.5%. At my easy pace, it was pretty much spot on. When I was running at a faster clip, all of a sudden the track was longer than 190 metres . When I'd slow down the pace, the foot pod would measure the track at 190 metres again.


                A few months back, I did laps at the same indoor track while trying to finish them in the exact same time. I ran laps shuffling my feet, barely lifting them, some running 'normally', and some while lifting my heels to my butt. Same track, same lap times, very very different readings.


                My guess is my gait changes as I run faster. I think I shuffle my feet more when I run easy, and lift my heels more as I run faster.



                  Welp, it's been on for over 30 minutes and I haven't shut it off yet so there's hope.


                  I was late to the Lord of the Rings trilogy as well, and didn't last 15 minutes when I tried to watch the first one.


                  Probably helps that you're on RA while watching it.

                  LOTR, there's another one. Never read the books; watched the first movie, and thought it was meh at best. And, So. Effing. Long.



                    Contrary to most, including DCRainmaker, I don't find my foot pod is accurate at different paces. Today I tested it on the 190 metres track. I calibrated it at 97.5%. At my easy pace, it was pretty much spot on. When I was running at a faster clip, all of a sudden the track was longer than 190 metres . When I'd slow down the pace, the foot pod would measure the track at 190 metres again.


                    A few months back, I did laps at the same indoor track while trying to finish them in the exact same time. I ran laps shuffling my feet, barely lifting them, some running 'normally', and some while lifting my heels to my butt. Same track, same lap times, very very different readings.


                    My guess is my gait changes as I run faster. I think I shuffle my feet more when I run easy, and lift my heels more as I run faster.


                    Oddly, mine is fairly accurate at the indoor track regardless of pace - my track is 445 meters for the inner lane - and I run on the outer lane, which I assume is around 450 meters (there are three lanes and they are a touch narrower than a standard track). It almost always records .28 miles per lap and over the course of a 16 mile run it is only off at most by about .2 miles. That is probably as good as GPS.


                    But then when I run on the treadmill it is WHACK. For an 8 mile run, it will measure at least 8.5 and pretty much always shows I am running 20-30 seconds per mile faster than I actually am.  I have checked my TM and I think it's calibrated pretty close and I KNOW I am not running as fast as the footpod says I am on the treadmill.


                    So I can only think I must change my gait on the TM? I dunno.


                      Probably helps that you're drinking a cabernet by Coppola wineries. I hear that's some smooth shit.



                        Probably helps that you're drinking a cabernet by Coppola wineries. I hear that's some smooth shit.






                          Look at you go! You've been paying attention. Cool


                            Read LoTR while in a hospital crib with one-year-old DD.  She had a tent over the crib to get breathing treatments, so I stayed in there with her and read a lot over a couple of days.


                            I ran 8 on the TM because it's 98 outside and still going up.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              I just sat down to the first Hunger Games FFS. It came in the mail today.


                              You do know you can have netflix on your TV no?  FFS.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                I love The Hunger Games. Books were better but they were not that far apart.


                                the end of the second book, though, is way better.

