Beginners and Beyond


Chilly Weekend Penguins are Busy Running (Read 13 times)


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges."  And some penguins don't run at all, we just hang out for the company! It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


      At least some of us are.  I changed my long run to today because the weather was forecast as slightly better than tomorrow (25 vs. 21, feels like of 14 vs. 7). I overdressed, but was mostly pretty comfortable as long as I was not heading into the wind. I ran to town so I'd have some options if I was too miserable, but I ran the full 16 and met Jim at my favorite café where I warmed up with a very large coffee and muffin. I felt good most of the way, and then proud of myself for forcing myself out the door even though I was nervous about running that far in the cold. Every year I stretch my comfort zone just a bit.


      Return To Racing

        Nice LR Ginny.  25F isn't too bad.  SRD for us, but we went to the track and walked for an hour.  Sorry to be so scarce but I'm spending some time getting the new miles team started as well as trying to get the new notebook setup.  Hope to get an outdoor run in tomorrow with a little warm up.  So nice to have no snow on the bike path.



        Former Bad Ass

          Evening!  Ran 6 outside in 71F, rain and wind.  It was nice to have such cold weather. LOL.


          Ginny, nice job.


          Jerry, nice job.



            D - so the polar vortex got to you too?  70 degrees!


            Jerry - it was actually 20 when I ran, only the second time I've run in temps that cold (and the first time was a race, so I had no choice.)  I hope you get snow and ice free paths tomorrow.  I tried to route my run so I could avoid sidewalks as much as possible, because our little snow the other day wasn't enough to make people shovel, but it was enough to turn icy.


              Ginny- Congratulations on the strong run!  That is awesome that you could have a nice warm destination in mind as you go.

              It was icy and snowy here, so I ran 13.1 on the TM.  It feels good to be able to do a LR again.  That's not what I would have said at 12.8 miles, but I can say it now. Smile


              Former Bad Ass

                D - so the polar vortex got to you too?  70 degrees!


                Jerry - it was actually 20 when I ran, only the second time I've run in temps that cold (and the first time was a race, so I had no choice.)  I hope you get snow and ice free paths tomorrow.  I tried to route my run so I could avoid sidewalks as much as possible, because our little snow the other day wasn't enough to make people shovel, but it was enough to turn icy.


                Looks like! LOL.



                  I did my MP run outside after all, despite the feels like temperature of 1 degree. I decided I wasn't going to worry about the pace, just run the distance, but I ended up averaging MP anyway. Hills and wind made me a bit erratic.  It wasn't bad until the end, when my frozen balaclava formed an ice necklace around my throat that was quite painful.

                  From the Internet.

                    Goddamn winter is back again! *grumble grumble*


                    I ran 7.3ish with my club yesterday morning. Would have been ideal weather for a long run. Had I realized we were going to get a foot of snow yesterday, instead of the 3" that was being predicted Monday/Tuesday, I would have shuffled my weekend around, but by the time the forecast changed it was too late. I ran my MLR Friday and I maybe could have run a LR right after on Saturday but I didn't want to risk getting hurt - I've done 11/10 back to back before but never any more than that.


                    15 today in slush/snow. The sidewalks were "cleared" by the town at some point, but realistically they're still totally unrunnable (they really just care that kids can walk to school safely, which they can, but the snow layer that got left behind is too deep to run through). Couple of nerve-wracking miles on the shoulder of the main road, a couple minutes of trying to run the sidewalks and just swearing the whole time instead, a LOT of roughly 200m parking lot loops, a couple trips up and down some slightly-less-busy streets that were mostly clear. Wasn't as painfully slow as I thought it'd be, and I got in some MP surges down the clear and dry side of the parking lot (~12x10s MP-ish effort). Came back, warmed up for a minute and raided the fridge for a cobbled-together quick lunch, back out to shovel the driveway and clean off the cars. Husband usually does most of the snow-removal work but he has a nasty sinus infection with fever right now so I did it all myself.


                      Lauren and Ginny are rockstars!


                      I ran 6 on the TM. It's now something like 34 and raining with snow and slush on the ground.


                      My daughter just headed back to school and has made it past the icy parts.


                        19 degree start Saturday for one tough 25k+. Survived another one.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Congrats, PAD!


                          Ginny, great job, badass!


                          Lauren, nice 15.


                          Z, hope your daughter made it back to school OK.  Nice run.


                          Ran 12 with 4 @ MP outside in 67F and high winds.  It was great.



                            Yay PAD! Looks like you had a beautiful day for it.  Was all the trail that rocky?


                            D - nice weather for you too. I'm glad you got to run outside.  Feeling ready for Houston?


                            Lauren - that doesn't sound like fun. I try to avoid any repetition on a run, so looping around a parking lot would be hard. I like doing the MLR followed by a long run.  It makes for a hard long run, but I feel like it helps prepare me for race day.


                            Z - Sounds like a very good day for the TM.  We have similar weather in the forecast, and I'm sure I'll end up on the TM too. I'm glad your daughter finally got back to school.  Is she late or do classes start tomorrow?


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Not sure if I can run the MP I've been training for it, but I feel ready to break 2016's curse, that's for sure!



                                Most of it was Rocky. The 25k course had very little flats.
