Beginners and Beyond


More of the Same MonDAILIES (Read 39 times)




      Last two races done.

      Plan was to get under 23 (22:59 would do it) and got 23:02 - so close enough on dead legs.

      Splits were 7:30, 7:29, 7:23 and 40 for the final 200 meters (6:44 pace).


      The 800 followed about 40 minutes after the 5K, and I made the mistake of not warming up before the race started.  Didn't really have a goal in mine other than to beat anyone in my age group who was there (there was one) and qualify for the State Senior Games.  With no warm up, the first 400 was SLOW in 1:51 - the second 400 was much better at 1:33.  If run on fresh legs I'd hope to get the 800 under 3 minutes, which might be enough to get a third place at the State Games in September and qualify for the National Games.  Of course, at nationals that time wouldn't even get me into the finals.


      Recap of the 5 races:

        Time AG Time AG %
      1500 6:04 4:40 73.5%
      10000 49:46 38:40 69.1%
      HM 1:46:33 1:23:03 70.5%
      5000 23:02 17:57 72.3%
      800 3:23 2:36 64.6%


      Baller. Cool


      delicate flower



          Stretching, foam rolling, massages, chiropractors, core work and the need for those things is purely individualistic and cannot be compared in a broad sense. At this point in our running lives, most of us know what we need to be doing. Which usually has nothing to do with what someone else is doing...or isn't doing, as it were. Smile


            Stretching, foam rolling, massages, chiropractors, core work and the need for those things is purely individualistic and cannot be compared in a broad sense. At this point in our running lives, most of us know what we need to be doing. Which usually has nothing to do with what someone else is doing...or isn't doing, as it were. Smile


            In other words: Experiment of One.




                Stretching, foam rolling, massages, chiropractors, core work and the need for those things is purely individualistic and cannot be compared in a broad sense. At this point in our running lives, most of us know what we need to be doing. Which usually has nothing to do with what someone else is doing...or isn't doing, as it were. Smile


                The important question is, what does Rita Jeptoo do?



                  In other words: Experiment of One.


                  Especially in running.



                    The important question is, what does Rita Jeptoo do?


                    Drink chocolate milk. Big grin


                      That's great Bluesky. You did good in all events.



                        The important question is, what does Rita Jeptoo do?


                        I think you meant Priscah Jeptoo, didn't you?


                        MTA: Did you guys ever see the Priscah Jeptoo Running form analysis video ? If she doesn't roll, then I need to start drinking chocolate milk.


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          I like this 24-hour access to Fort Sam Houston gym - it's a thing you have to sign up for - means you can go any hour of the day or night. I was up early on Sunday and went before the gym 'officially' opened. Nice and quiet in the gym during 'early hours', no crowd, lots of room. I went outside and did a slow 3 miles in 34:18 - and I admit I did run a tad, darn piriormis in my butt still hurts, but it is getting better - and after I got back to the gym did a weight training circuit for arms and upper body. One tired old doggie and then I was lazy for the rest of Sunday.


                          Saturday morning I did a walk for an hour and 10 minutes.  Not very speedy, covered only 3.7 miles but it was a pretty good workout for a walk as it was a very hilly route.  7 uphills, 4 downhills.


                          I really do have to behave myself and NOT run for the rest of the month; but it's really hard mentally not to 'break out' when I get out there doing my walking.  Stupid piriformis and hamstring issue, very frustrating.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                          Mr MattM

                            4 miles before work.  5 miles at lunch.  3-4 planned for after work.

                            be curious; not judgmental


                              4 miles before work.  5 miles at lunch.  3-4 planned for after work.


                              That's one you don't see everyday. Big grin


                                4 miles before work.  5 miles at lunch.  3-4 planned for after work.


                                A triple 
