Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #195 (Read 24 times)


    I see Chicago is offering a refund or a deferral.  You can't ask for much more than that.  I swear half of my 2020 season is already paid for with all of these dang deferrals.  I really need to sit down and plot them onto a calendar so I can keep track.


    I had took the refund (when offered) on the other events that were canceled this year and planned on doing the same with Chicago, but I suppose I should probably think about all the scenarios before deciding.


      For me, the thing with this virus is just because you cancel 2020 doesn't necessarily mean 2021 is an absolute go. Far from it, and especially with how it's been handled here save for a few states. I keep hearing people talking about returning to normal and I just don't know that it's going to happen anytime soon...


      delicate flower


        I had took the refund (when offered) on the other events that were canceled this year and planned on doing the same with Chicago, but I suppose I should probably think about all the scenarios before deciding.


        The only refund I got was Boston because no other race offered one, and for Boston the choices were to take the refund or let BAA keep the money and you get nothing.  I am glad I chose to skip an Ironman this year, because those deferrals have been a clusterfock.  They've been cancelling races late while taking in more registrations.  Of course, they own RNR, so no surprise there.



          For me, the thing with this virus is just because you cancel 2020 doesn't necessarily mean 2021 is an absolute go. Far from it, and especially with how it's been handled here save for a few states. I keep hearing people talking about returning to normal and I just don't know that it's going to happen anytime soon...


          Yeah I am already starting to be concerned about Spring 2021 races. It’s obviously a long way off but there’s certainly no curve you can extrapolate to say everything’s going to be all hunky dory by then.



            DaveP, your new shoes have arrived.  I'll put a couple of test miles on them to make sure they work and I'll pass them along when that number hits 400 or so.



            Well sure, you’re going to suck all the speed right out of them. By the time they get to me, they’ll be way, way slower. I bet with 400 miles, I won’t be able to run anywhere close to as fast as you have in them.




              Yeah I am already starting to be concerned about Spring 2021 races. It’s obviously a long way off but there’s certainly no curve you can extrapolate to say everything’s going to be all hunky dory by then.


              don't you know, this is all going to go away after the election?



                don't you know, this is all going to go away after the election?


                How could I forget this is all a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats and the lamestream media. Chuck Woolery knows. 



                Former Bad Ass

                  Yeah, 2021 is not assured by any means, but since I run the race every year, I'll take the deferral to 2021 and see.




                    Yeah I am already starting to be concerned about Spring 2021 races. It’s obviously a long way off but there’s certainly no curve you can extrapolate to say everything’s going to be all hunky dory by then.


                    I stopped looking at races, aside from the 3 of mine that were postponed. No idea if any small races around here have happened recently or are actually trying to happen. I just don't care because I have no interest in running them. Trying to maintain motivation (in running and life in general) is taking all my energy.


                    Former Bad Ass


                      How could I forget this is all a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats and the lamestream media. Chuck Woolery knows. 


                      I always laugh whenever I read the name of that dumbass.



                      Former Bad Ass


                        I stopped looking at races, aside from the 3 of mine that were postponed. No idea if any small races around here have happened recently or are actually trying to happen. I just don't care because I have no interest in running them. Trying to maintain motivation (in running and life in general) is taking all my energy.


                        Just saw your governor is going back on the reopening phases for a lot of your counties. And SD schools are starting online from what my recently moved friend there posted.




                          Just saw your governor is going back on the reopening phases for a lot of your counties. And SD schools are starting online from what my recently moved friend there posted.


                          To the surprise of no one. Plus we like to do the opposite of POTUS.


                          Are we betting on how long the baseball season will actually last? I say 2 weeks.



                            Are we betting on how long the baseball season will actually last? I say 2 weeks.


                            Or until someone like Mike Trout or Clayton Kershaw gets it.



                            delicate flower


                              Or until someone like Mike Trout or Clayton Kershaw gets it.


                              Russell Westbrook got it, but the NBA forges ahead.




                                I stopped looking at races


                                Pretty much. I immediately delete all the race related emails that continue to flood my inbox. What’s the point?


                                The only open registration I have is the Vancouver Marathon that was supposed to be in May. They’ve already given one of those 3-year deferrals, so there’s nothing I need to worry about for a while.
