Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES (Read 29 times)


    I love chipotle. Burrito bowl, yum


    SRD for me, which is fine with me since it's 94 degrees out. My friend invited me over to her pool for the afternoon, it was rough 


      since it's 94 degrees out. My friend invited me over to her pool for the afternoon, it was rough 


      This makes me so glad my run is done


      Former Bad Ass

        7 done at my work gym. After finding a TM that would not jump like a wild horse, I was glad to see they have a fan. So I was happy.



        delicate flower

          How'd bluesky do? Why isn't he updating us?



            How'd bluesky do? Why isn't he updating us?

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Lower body weights and core. Gonna be sore tomorrow am.


              Why didn't Bluesky race with his cell & live stream?


              Former Bad Ass

                How'd bluesky do? Why isn't he updating us?




                  Why didn't Bluesky race with his cell & live stream?



                  No more marathons

                    Calm down B&B - I'm here

                    Three races in three days and three age group awards - 6th in the 10K, and 7th in the 1500 and tonight's 5K.


                    Time was not what I had hoped (22:08) but the pacing was spot on, and I really gave it every thing I had.


                    The 65-69 age group was one of the more competitive, with a total of 29 runners, and a total spread from 1st to 8th of only 2:09.

                    Only the 55-59 had a tighter spread (1:37) but they only had 21 total runners.


                    My splits were 7:07, 7:10, 7:10 and 6:27 pace for the final sprint to the finish.  No one passed me after the half mile mark, and I passed two in my age group in mile 2


                    And if heart rate is any indication of effort, both my average and my max were higher in the 5K than in either of the other two races.  I felt like I gave it all I had.


                    Now for a good nights sleep and a long drive back to Asheville tomorrow.


                    Bluesky out.  Smile

                    Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                    Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                    He's a leaker!
