Beginners and Beyond


Mileage for December & for 2014 - how'd ya do? (Read 63 times)


    140 for the month and 1400 for the year.  I hope to get back to regularly scheduled programming in 2015.


      Highest month and year for me at 105 and 615.




        When knees go "pop," it doesn't bode well for mileage.

        A whopping 34, I think, for the month. :P
        1776 for the year is OK, but less than I've had in the 5 years before this.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          It hasn't been an easy one at times, but we've all survived and can still call ourselves runners. Congrats, guys! And Happy New Year!


          I ran a total of 2774 and change in 2014, finishing with lackluster months of November and December at less than 100 miles each. I'm ok with that. I had no particular mileage goal for the year, never had in the past and never will either.

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Are we there, yet?

            153.6 for the month and 2056.2 for the year after deciding to close it out with 2 consecutive rest days. That's my highest annual total since 1993 and put me just over 77,000 lifetime miles.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              153.6 for the month and 2056.2 for the year after deciding to close it out with 2 consecutive rest days. That's my highest annual total since 1993 and put me just over 77,000 lifetime miles.


              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                153.6 for the month and 2056.2 for the year after deciding to close it out with 2 consecutive rest days. That's my highest annual total since 1993 and put me just over 77,000 lifetime miles.

                George, that is amazing, congrats.


                Penguin Power!

                  125.5 for December and 700.3 for the year... very happy with my December mileage (highest month to date).  I'm not so happy with my yearly total, but it is mostly due to the months off from running due to injury rather than laziness on my part.

                  Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                  Barking Mad To Run

                    I ended up with 822.5 miles for 2014 - pretty pathetic considering Way Back When,  I used to routinely run anywhere from 100 to 120 miles  a month and sometimes even more than that when I was training for my one marathon, my halfs, etc, on occasion I even had a few 2,000 mile years, but those days are long gone.    But hey, it is what it is, and I accept that I am older now and dealing with some issues these days (arthritis in knees, hips, and spine; degenerative disk disease, my aging-and-slowing down body after many surgeries for various things, and so forth) and am just happy I can still be out here at all doing some kind of running.  This is my 31st year of running and I now have 45,679 lifetime miles.  If I had been completely healthy for the last several years, I may even have been up to 50,000 or more by now; but as said, it is what  it is and I will take what I can get.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      I had no particular mileage goal for the year, never had in the past and never will either.


                      Yeah I am more in tune with weekly mileage than I am even with monthly mileage and definitely yearly.


                        December was my highest mileage ever - 168 miles.  My goal was 1000 for the year, and I ended up with 1268, so I'm happy.  No major injuries definitely helped.

                          December was my highest mileage ever - 168 miles.  My goal was 1000 for the year, and I ended up with 1268, so I'm happy.  No major injuries definitely helped.

                          WTG Ginny!



                          2015 Goals:

                          Sub 30 5K

                          Sub 60 10K


                          Are we there, yet?

                            This is my 31st year of running and I now have 45,679 lifetime miles.  If I had been completely healthy for the last several years, I may even have been up to 50,000 or more by now; but as said, it is what  it is and I will take what I can get.


                            Scotty, I'd like to make a suggestion. It looks like it will be about 5 more years before you reach 50,000. I think a lot of us would like the idea of celebrating that milestone with you. Any possibility that you could plan ahead to reach that at a race, let us know well ahead of time, and have a massive FE?

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              I ended up with 822.5 miles for 2014 - pretty pathetic considering Way Back When,  I used to routinely run anywhere from 100 to 120 miles  a month and sometimes even more than that when I was training for my one marathon, my halfs, etc, on occasion I even had a few 2,000 mile years, but those days are long gone.    But hey, it is what it is, and I accept that I am older now and dealing with some issues these days (arthritis in knees, hips, and spine; degenerative disk disease, my aging-and-slowing down body after many surgeries for various things, and so forth) and am just happy I can still be out here at all doing some kind of running.  This is my 31st year of running and I now have 45,679 lifetime miles.  If I had been completely healthy for the last several years, I may even have been up to 50,000 or more by now; but as said, it is what  it is and I will take what I can get.


                              Very impressive numbers Scotty


                              Barking Mad To Run


                                Scotty, I'd like to make a suggestion. It looks like it will be about 5 more years before you reach 50,000. I think a lot of us would like the idea of celebrating that milestone with you. Any possibility that you could plan ahead to reach that at a race, let us know well ahead of time, and have a massive FE?


                                Sounds like a plan, George!  I will keep y'all posted!  If my back feels good over the next few years...maybe I can do it in 4 years and get my 50,000 mark the year I turn 65, in 2019.   If I figure right - and please correct me if I am wrong, math is definitely NOT my strong suit, lol - I have 4,321 miles to go to my 50,000.  So if I ran 1,080 miles a year, that would be, what about 90 miles a month?  So my weekly mileage would be about... 22.5 miles a week?   That is not really a big jump for me, as I am doing about 15 - 18 miles a week right now.   So that might be cool...50,000 mile mark in 2019 and a nice FE celebration of that and this old dog turning 65 that year.


                                Now I just have to figure out where to have the FE, a place convenient for everyone to get to.  I am pretty much limited to 5K and 10K events (stupid arthritis!)  so those probably can be found pretty much anywhere.   Although my birthday is in February, I'd prefer to do and FE in Spring sometime because (a) I HATE cold weather! and (b) hopefully the warmer time of the year will help anyone who flies in to avoid 'winter delays" etc.


                                ONE option, of course, is to have the FE during Fiesta San Antonio and right here in San Antonio.  Fiesta is typically in April and is just one big TEN DAY party, full of parades, margaritas and beer, singing and dancing, margaritas and beer, concerts, margaritas and beer...and several options for races over that time.   Here is the link for Fiesta San is a fun time of year:


                                I am going to re-post this as an individual post, George, to get some other ideas.  Thanks for the suggestion!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
