Beginners and Beyond


MonDAILIES; Get out and sweat (Read 34 times)


    Yeah, I've had almost chronic ITBS in the other knee (I think I wrote an ode to my ITBS at some point on RA lol) but I've never had it in this knee.  Acting completely the same though.   It's so frustrating.


    I had it for like a whole year. I think graston helped the most. I did all of the strengthening stuff but it never seemed to make a difference. Although I thought maybe planks helped.

    No more marathons


      What are you listening to?


      My current audio book is about Charles Manson


      heartbreak hotel by jonathan kellerman - entertaining but forgettable police fiction.

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!


        Support insoles helped for me while I strengthened my hips and core. For a while there, I couldn't run without them.

        No more marathons


          heartbreak hotel by jonathan kellerman - entertaining but forgettable police fiction.

          I usually have three books going at a time.

          one on my ipod for running/walking/mowing the lawn

          one on another ipod that's hooked up in my car

          one on a kindle that I actually read at bedtime or while lazing away a Saturday afternoon.

          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

          He's a leaker!

          Hip Redux


            I had it for like a whole year. I think graston helped the most. I did all of the strengthening stuff but it never seemed to make a difference. Although I thought maybe planks helped.


            PT showed me how to do graston and some other ART/fascia stuff on my own.  I agree, that helps the most.   Really painful to do on your own though lol


            LRB - also put my insoles back in my daily shoes.  I haven't worn them in forever, but figure it can't hurt.



            Former Bad Ass

              So the results of my race got posted. Official time was 20:20. I ended up 3rd overall out of 204. Probably as high an OA finish as I've ever had. Which is pretty cool, although a good indicator of how pathetically slow the field was. Even better indicator - I was only 8 sec behind #2; I lost easily more than that in the wrong turn, so should've ended up in 2nd. Possibly the most telling however was the fact that the 3 finishers immediately behind me were all >50.





              Former Bad Ass

                Nice miles, onemile!



                  156 miles. My lowest since Jan 2014. It is what it is.
