Beginners and Beyond


Marine Corps Marathon & 10K RRs: The Dockets' Double RR (Super Long, TWSS) (Read 99 times)


    What about the water tables? Were they slow to serve in 2011 also? And was it all of them or only a few? I thought Chicago was so amazingly efficient, serving 40,000 runners!

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    Former Bad Ass

      I was never even boxed in at Chicago.  Much more efficient.


      I ran this in 2012 and brought my water bottle because of the problem I had in berlin so I don't know.  I was not boxed in in 2012.



        Congrats on another marathon under your belt!  I can't believe how long that line at the port-a-john must have been.  Yikes.  Glad you had fun and congrats to Mr. Docket on his 10K.

        Life is good.


          Congrats to both of you.  That is great that your husband is so into running now.  I'm glad you had so much fun and got to meet up with a bunch of RWOL/RA folks.  This was great rebound race for you.  It is good to see that you are feeling better.

          2013 goals: 800m: 2:20 | mile: 4:59 | 5k: 18:59 | 10k: 39:59 | HM: 1:32 | Marathon: 3:20
