Beginners and Beyond


Prospect Park 10K RR (AKA, "Can I stop doing 10Ks now?") (Read 49 times)


Super B****

    Yep, another shot at the distance that is my nemesis.  Because, you know, I am a glutton for punishment.  Either that, or I just need to get it right for once so that I can stop doing 10Ks!


    I did this race last year, when it was the Single to Mingle.  It was awful — I ran a massive positive split, owing partly to the terrible humidity.

    Today was nothing like that.  70°, humidity around 55%, partly sunny.  This is totally my sweet spot.  I mean, I could have done without the 15 MPH northerly wind, but I guess you can’t get everything.


    That wind wasn’t really supposed to matter, anyway, because the course was the same as last year — three lower loops of the park.  I had it all planned out to run each loop in fifteen minutes, and then if I picked it up a bit before the finish, I’d come in under 45:00.  Three lower loops means we wouldn’t be running north for more than a couple of miles, and those miles are mostly flat.


    Imagine my displeasure, then, when I learned there was a last-minute course change.  Apparently people “want to race the big hill” when in Prospect Park.  (They do?)  Running up the big hill = running north.  Into the wind.  Yay.


    But it should be fine, right… since I’ve run up that hill at sub-7:00 pace in 5Ks?  Yeah, I’ll just keep telling myself that.  Maybe it will help.

    What I did not do before this 10K: run 6+ miles.  The start was a bit over two miles from my house, so I ran there and threw in a few strides at the end.  I was carrying the most annoying running pack ever, which made it super duper fun.  Not.


    We had to walk half a mile from the finish area to the start, because a full loop is 3.35 miles — so we would do one of those preceded by, I guess, 2.85 miles.  There was no timing mat at the start, but I wasn’t worried about that since I was conveniently lined up right in the front.  The horn sounded, and we were off.


    This was one of the stranger race starts I’ve experienced — usually everyone shoots off like rockets, and that didn’t happen this time.  It did help me not go out stupidly fast.  There were two women right ahead of me from the get-go — one in a black tank and one in a blue short-sleeved shirt.  I could hear them chattering away, so, yeah, I can see how this is going to go if this is an easy pace for them!  Because it’s not an easy pace for me.


    Climbing the hill sort of sucked, but I expected that, and it didn’t suck worse than I thought it would, so I guess that’s okay.  The first mile marker came really early, which worried me a bit, but the rest of them lined up almost perfectly.  Love it when that happens.

    Approaching the finish line for the first time, I hear that I’m the second female.  I’m really confused until I look up ahead and see the woman in the blue short-sleeved shirt running around the mat, and the woman in the black tank top running over it.  Oh, that’s nice — she has a personal pacer.


    The clock read 20Tight lippedx when I passed it, and I know that I can run a full loop in under 25 minutes.  If I don’t fall off pace too much, I should be able to come in under 45:00…


    The hill sucked even worse the second time.  It sucked so badly that it took me almost a full mile to recover after that, which is a pity, since that mile is downhill.


    One thing that isn’t so great about doing races in the park when it’s filled with other runners: it’s all but impossible to pace off the people around you, because you can’t tell from behind who’s in the race and who isn’t.  I just tried to keep those two women in sight, because I knew they were definitely going to finish under my goal time.  But I lost them somewhere around the suckfest that was mile 5.




    Don’t ask me what happened here.  I was almost certain there was no way I’d be able to finish under 45:00, but I knew I’d hate myself forever if I didn’t at least try.  And when my watch beeped for mile 6 and I saw that I’d have to practically run a quarter of a mile at my goal mile pace, I nearly gave up.  Thankfully, the road turned just then and I was able to see the clock, which miraculously read 44:4x.  Cue: sprint like a person possessed.


    I was pretty sure I crossed over the mat before the clock hit 45:00.  According to my Garmin, I ran 6.22 miles in 45:00.6, 7:14/mi.  I would probably cry if that was my official time.


    Thankfully, it was not!




    6.2 miles in 44:58.772 (which will round up to 44:59), 7:15/mi.  By the skin of my teeth!  That’s actually right on the nose for what I wanted to run today, but I can’t decide whether I’m really pleased with it.  I mean, obviously I’m thrilled because it’s a PR by over a minute, but I don’t know that I executed it all that well.  My splits were all over the place.  (That 20:37.328 is my split for the first 2.85 miles, so it was an ever-so-slight positive split overall.)


    But I guess my placement wasn’t awful!  Far as I can figure… 11/193 OA, 2/116 F, and even though I was removed from the AG awards, I would have been 2/40 F30-39.  (First place female ran 44:08.  She did not fade as spectacularly as I did, because she was less than ten seconds ahead of me at the first split.)




    McMillan predicts a 44:20 10K off my 5K PR.  Ergo, no need to play the prediction game here!  I wonder whether I ought to keep trying to get there, or if I should just give up on this stupid stupid stupid distance already.


    Well, we all know I’m going to do another one someday.  Because I am nothing if not a total glutton for punishment.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      You are a PR machine.  I think even splits are much harder when you are dealing with hills and wind.


        Let's see... a two loop course, into the wind with a big hill?  Yes, I think you are a glutton for punishment!


        Congrats on the sub-45 and yet another PR!


          I don't think you need to beat yourself up for non-even splits on a course that took you up a big hill twice!  Some courses aren't made for even splits; nothing to be done about it.  (Well, I guess you *could* aim for exactly even splits, but if it would require a highly unconventional progression of effort, then why bother?)


          I love the 6:59 last mile, that is sweet!  Great work and great PR. Smile


          5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

          10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

          HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)


            Congratulations on the PR and 2nd overall. Sweet!


               That’s actually right on the nose for what I wanted to run today, but I can’t decide whether I’m really pleased with it.  I mean, obviously I’m thrilled because it’s a PR by over a minute, but I don’t know that I executed it all that well.  

              You gotta be happy with your racing sometimes. Even splits is not a target in itself. I think we target even splits to get a good result. The result was there. Great!

              You are a PR machine, and it is really enjoyable to follow your fast progression.


                The hill sucked even worse the second time.  It sucked so badly that it took me almost a full mile to recover after that, which is a pity, since that mile is downhill.


                I have experienced that. It is a total drag. lol


                Super B****

                  You are a PR machine.  I think even splits are much harder when you are dealing with hills and wind.


                  I know it won't last forever, but I'm enjoying it while it does!!



                  Let's see... a two loop course, into the wind with a big hill?  Yes, I think you are a glutton for punishment!


                  Congrats on the sub-45 and yet another PR!


                  Does it make me more or less of a glutton when you consider that I thought it was going to be a three loop course when I registered?  Thanks!!


                  I don't think you need to beat yourself up for non-even splits on a course that took you up a big hill twice!  Some courses aren't made for even splits; nothing to be done about it.  (Well, I guess you *could* aim for exactly even splits, but if it would require a highly unconventional progression of effort, then why bother?)


                  I love the 6:59 last mile, that is sweet!  Great work and great PR. Smile


                  Ha, well, that makes sense -- maybe it's not the splits that bug me as much as the fact that it didn't feel like an even effort.  But then, if you're doing it right, I suppose the second half should hurt more than the first?  Clearly I know nothing.  Thank you!!



                  Congratulations on the PR and 2nd overall. Sweet!




                  You gotta be happy with your racing sometimes. Even splits is not a target in itself. I think we target even splits to get a good result. The result was there. Great!

                  You are a PR machine, and it is really enjoyable to follow your fast progression.


                  This is a good point.  I think the mental aspect that makes the 10K so difficult for me might have bled over into my reaction, so that even if I technically achieve what I set out to do, I still won't be satisfied with it.  (Yes, I am crazy.)

                  I'm still waiting for this PR magic to touch my HM...



                  I have experienced that. It is a total drag. lol


                  You should come do the Brooklyn Marathon.  You'd get to climb that hill eight times!

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    Your time is even more impressive given that hill. That means that you have an even faster 10k time in you. Signed up for one, yet?


                    Super B****

                      Your time is even more impressive given that hill. That means that you have an even faster 10k time in you. Signed up for one, yet?


                      HA!  Are you insane?  (There actually aren't many options for that distance in the near future.  Boo hoo.)


                      The "big hill" is not really that big... that's just what everyone calls it, I guess because it's the biggest one in the park.


                      It rises roughly 80 feet in half a mile, about a 4% grade.  If the course had been the same as last year, we would have had to go up the hill on Center Drive three times... but that's not as steep.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                      delicate flower

                        Running at 10K effort, that hill looks (and I'm sure feels) like Everest.


                        You are collecting some nice bling this summer!  Excellent work, Blue.  That is a big PR.  I wouldn't worry too much about your splits.  Given where the hill is located, the splits look fine to me.



                           HA!  Are you insane?  


                          Yes. And as insane as it sounds, I wouldn't mind running another one in the coming weeks.


                          10k's are great for training, you knock one of them bad boys out and all other paces don't seem so bad (relatively speaking of course). You either don't' have to hold them for as long (5k, mile), or you hold them longer but not as fast (HMP, MP).


                          Super B****

                            Running at 10K effort, that hill looks (and I'm sure feels) like Everest.


                            You are collecting some nice bling this summer!  Excellent work, Blue.  That is a big PR.  I wouldn't worry too much about your splits.  Given where the hill is located, the splits look fine to me.


                            Oddly, the hill seems to go by faster during races.  Though I guess it isn't so odd -- it DOES go by faster.  It also hurts more. 



                            Yes. And as insane as it sounds, I wouldn't mind running another one in the coming weeks.


                            10k's are great for training, you knock one of them bad boys out and all other paces don't seem so bad (relatively speaking of course). You either don't' have to hold them for as long (5k, mile), or you hold them longer but not as fast (HMP, MP).


                            Bahaha -- I just found one!  On October 25.  I was supposed to be doing a 5K that day, but the date was changed to November 1 (yes, the same day as NYCM), so I could theoretically do this 10K.  Except I don't care to pay $60 for a 10K.  Or run a 10K at all. 

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              Way to go on the PR and the sub 45!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Damn.  Congrats!

