Beginners and Beyond


Tie your shoes TuesdayDailies (Read 22 times)


    10-15 min after my run, about 0.3 mi from my house, a pedestrian was hit by a car. Entire 6 lane main road shut down and blocked off 


      10-15 min after my run, about 0.3 mi from my house, a pedestrian was hit by a car. Entire 6 lane main road shut down and blocked off 

      Damn. More happens in your life than in my whole country,


        Damn. More happens in your life than in my whole country,


        Maybe I just overshare...


          Congrats, Whiskers!



            Congrats, Whiskers!


            Whew, thanks. I was getting nervous when they brought out the big guns a few days ago: Obama doing ads for him.


            He's not without fault but better than the alternatives.



              I've been running primarily in Nike's Infinity Reacts since October. They're super soft and don't always release fully after a foot strike, particularly when running fast (I have no evidence of this, I'm just throwing crap at the wall), I think it causes me to jam my knee sometimes. I also have this weird internment throbbing pain above my inside right ankle when I'm not running, so I'm just trying a shoe that gave me zero problems to see if the issue is resolved.


              IMO shoes make a big difference. Even in a same company, different models= different results. My current foot problem is pretty much resolved (arch of the foot) or will be in a few months, as long as I stick to one particular model. It sucks because I have all these shoes lying around, and I'm always wearing the same pair. When I wear another one, I can feel the pain creeping back in.


                My laces get untied easily and often. Once during a short race one got loose so I had to stop to retie them. When I think about it, I double knot and tuck the ends under the laces, but I don't always remember to do that. None of the falls I've had have been caused by my shoelaces though. Usually I just trip over air or my own feet, occasionally a rock. I've had two faceplants - one on a trail, one on the TM. In both half my face was green for a week or more, in addition to the black and blue at point of impact.
