Beginners and Beyond


FFFFriday Penguins (Read 20 times)


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


    "Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants won't help."

    -Calvin and Hobbes


      5 Done this morning. It's been tough getting back into it this week for some reason. Definitely a foot slapper run this morning.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning. 4 miles tonight.


        From the Internet.

          Good morning PAD and D and the rest of the igloo!


          Feeling way better than I did yesterday. No painkillers needed yet, walked 1.9 miles this morning, shuffle-jogged about 5 steps at the end. Obviously it hurt, I just had to see for myself, haha. Another 1+ mile walk later - DD's elementary school is half a mile away and I'm not back to driving yet. Eating, lounging, putting a tentative training plan and race dates into my RA log in the meantime.

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Hiya Pens.


            A quick check in for me. I have another Daniels workout tonight; 15E + 6x1k @ T pace + 15 E. Feeling good, so far.  We have a super busy weekend, as usual. Tonight we are having a spaghetti dinner for the XC team.  XC meet tomorrow and swim meet tomorrow and Sunday (they are usually two days). Busy but fun. I hope to get a Costco trip in there sometime.


            Have a fun weekend and enjoy the running and beer (Jerry).

            Singer who runs a smidge

              Morning, Penguins!!  I'm a little late getting on here because one of my sales reps stopped by with donuts, so we put on a pot of coffee and started gabbing.  Until he discovered I'm planning to buy a new instrument from a competitor, and then he got all sad.  But hey, donuts!

              PAD -- hey, at least the week is almost over!!

              Docket -- enjoy your 4!!

              Lauren -- Sounds like you're about ready to get restarted!!

              Jack -- Yeah, I don't know what your training plan means at all.  Have fun!!

              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


              Penguin Power!

                7 for me later today.  I need to get it done but the blerch is telling me naughty things ;-)  Back to studying for my human physiology midterm for now =D

                Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                  PAD - good job on the early 5 miles.  Is it gray where you are?  I find it harder to get out on the overcast days.  The sunny ones make me want to be outside.  The dreary ones, not so much.


                  Damaris - have fun with your 4 tonight.


                  Lauren - does your doctor know you're walking that much?  Good work though.  Looks like you're healing well.


                  Jack - I assume the 15E is minutes, not miles?  Have fun.


                  HopesMom - yea for Friday donuts!  Now you have to go out and walk off the calories, right?


                  sapf - good luck on your midterm.  Hopefully the run will sharpen your brain and make it easier to remember what you're reading.


                  AFM:  Going with DH for his physical, then I'll run a few miles this afternoon.  Yesterday's hike was wet, but beautiful as we walked through the autumn woods.  Loosened up my hamstring very nicely.


                  Return To Racing

                    Last 4 miles for us.  Really hard to see the edge of the bike path with all the leaves.  Kind of have to stay in the middle which includes the bikes.


                    Now we will take our annual autumn drive up Sheridan Road ($$$$) and pick out our MegaMillions house.  We leave for Des Moines in the morning, meet up with the nephew/niece and then head over to the Expo and hopefully meet our pace leader.


                    Have a great weekend.


                    Singer who runs a smidge


                      HopesMom - yea for Friday donuts!  Now you have to go out and walk off the calories, right?



                      Eh, I don't like classifying foods as good or bad, or something I have to pay for.  If I get home and feel like going for a walk, then I will.  Donuts notwithstanding! 

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                      From the Internet.

                        Ginny - I was told I had no restrictions on walking or "light cardio"-type exercises and they know I'm a runner, so I imagine it's fine. No strenuous workouts or lifting more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks though.


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          Rest day for me and packet pickup for my 5K on Saturday.  I also have a 5K on Sunday morning, but that is a small event, so packet pickup on race day morning.


                          Fun run/walk yesterday after work through the family housing area at Fort Sam Houston. Did a very easy 3.1 miles, with lots of stops to hand out treats along the way to my canine pals in their yards.  And played with my favorite doggie along the way, Liberty, a sweet lil daschund.  She is so funny.  She will growl at me until I give her the treats.  After she eats them, we then go down to the corner of the yard, where she lines up on the inside of the fence in her yard, and I line up on the outside..and then we 'race' each other a couple of times up-and-down the fence line before I get back to my regular running route.   The temp got up to 88 degrees yesterday, but it was a 'cool' 88, with the humidity only at 54 percent and the dew-point at 49.


                          Foot slapper, PAD?  No wonder it's tough getting back into it if you're stopping to slap your feet.


                          Good luck with the 4 miles, Damaris...and hope your debtor does not let loose your secret identity.


                          Glad you are feeling better, Lauren, but...behave yourself!  You don't want to rip your stitches, etc.  Don't make me come up there, young lady...


                          Hope you can fit your Costco trip in, Jack!  Good luck to your DD at the meets.


                          Funny, HsM, our office had donuts too this morning...and breakfast tacos.  I probably negated all my calorie burning for the whole week.


                          Good luck with the midterm, sapf! Human physiology, good grief....I can predict what MY grade would be in that!  It would be like a submarine....below C-level...


                          Glad your hamstring is feeling better, Ginny!  A Great Leg is a terrible thing to waste.


                          Jerry, safe trip and good luck this weekend!

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                          Penguin Power!

                            Wound up studying a bit too long today so swapped my short run to today.  Will have to get the 7 done tomorrow morning.  Now back to studying some more :/

                            Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                              I did an easy 3 today. I think the 2nd day back running after a break is the hardest day... for whatever reason.


                              The BLERCH has been after me some too.





                                The BLERCH almost got me too.  After Jim's doctor appt. we went out to a late lunch.  Hard to run after fish and chips, but I managed 5.5 miles.


                                Good luck to this weekend's racers.
