Beginners and Beyond


Where is everybody? FriDailies (Read 41 times)


    Hello!  Are you out there?


      I ended up working late last night so I wasn't able to run home, I took the bus so I could get there faster.


      I did run to work this morning 2.2 miles, and we get out early today so I'll run home in the sunshine this afternoon.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I've been hard, if you ask me.  RD for me.



          RD! And it's Friday!


          I am not marathon training but my stomach thinks I am. Off to eat second breakfast...


            Hi all,


            Today is run commute day.


            Yesterday was tempo run day. I ran 2 x ( 3km /2 min jog ) at 6:23 and 6:25 pace, which is about 5-7 seconds faster than my Threshold pace. I was breathing very very hard in the last K. Crazy how a few seconds per mile make a big difference. Goal of the workout was to run 6K at sub20 5K pace. Just because.


              SRD for me, which is probably good because my legs are kind of jello-y after weights yesterday


              cyberic - nice workout yesterday


                Yesterday was tempo run day. I ran 2 x ( 3km /2 min jog ) at 6:23 and 6:25 pace, which is about 5-7 seconds faster than my Threshold pace. I was breathing very very hard in the last K. Crazy how a few seconds per mile make a big difference. Goal of the workout was to run 6K at sub20 5K pace. Just because.


                nice workout Cyber!


                  Hey all, I have been busy reading the news and getting more and more depressed and discouraged. Note to self: only read depressing stuff when I have a run to help work through the emotions. I'm flying blind today b/c it's a SRD.


                  KC, enjoy the sunshine!


                  Docket, Shortii, & Whiskers, enjoy your RD's. Docket, is your husband feeling any better?


                  Cyber, nice workout.


                  Not really a lot happening over here. My back is spasming so I should probably get in to see a chiro.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Yeah, he sounded more human yesterday. Hoping he recovers to 100% before the big day.



                    I lost my rama

                      Yeah, he sounded more human yesterday. Hoping he recovers to 100% before the big day.


                      That's great news Docket!

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                        Yeah, he sounded more human yesterday. Hoping he recovers to 100% before the big day.


                        Great news. Hoping you guys get a break!

                          6.6 this morning.  This is week 2 of 7 days a week running, and it's not so bad.


                            6.6 this morning.  This is week 2 of 7 days a week running, and it's not so bad.


                            How are your Achilles doing?


                              How are your Achilles doing?


                              Pretty good actually.  This morning I thought about them in the sense of, "Huh, they aren't bothering me, that's nice."  They're way better right when I get out of bed than they were.  I think the higher drop shoes have helped a lot.  In fact, I loved the ghosts so much I got another pair.  I always get reflective shoelaces too, here's my custom shooze:




                                Pretty good actually.  This morning I thought about them in the sense of, "Huh, they aren't bothering me, that's nice."  They're way better right when I get out of bed than they were.  I think the higher drop shoes have helped a lot.  In fact, I loved the ghosts so much I got another pair.  I always get reflective shoelaces too, here's my custom shooze:



                                Are they the 10's?  I love mine, too!  Are they the heathers?  I may have to try them out...snazzy.
