Beginners and Beyond

Get Your Hump on Wednesdailies (Read 43 times)



    It is currently 19 degrees outside, Rocky and I went for a planned 4 miler but my legs gave me 5.4 miles so that is nice of them. I was definitely feeling yesterday's seated leg press, might have to make sure those are just twice a week things and not too much.

    Once I warm up a bit, I'll get some abdominal/core strengthening in as well.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)





      delicate flower

        'Morning!  I've got an easy 50 minutes to run later, and the temp should get above 30 today which will be nice.


        Last night I had my first ever swim lesson.  I figure once summer gets here, maybe I'll join DW in her sprint triathlons.  I'll need to learn how to swim correctly first.  I feel like I just started the swimming equivalent of the C25K program.  Remember when you first started running and it was hard to jog a mile?  Yeah.  But after a 90 minute lesson, I was swimming much better and easier.  I have no endurance though and need to learn how to breathe.  Ok then.




          'Morning!  I've got an easy 50 minutes to run later, and the temp should get above 30 today which will be nice.


          Last night I had my first ever swim lesson.  I figure once summer gets here, maybe I'll join DW in her sprint triathlons.  I'll need to learn how to swim correctly first.  I feel like I just started the swimming equivalent of the C25K program.  Remember when you first started running and it was hard to jog a mile?  Yeah.  But after a 90 minute lesson, I was swimming much better and easier.  I have no endurance though and need to learn how to breathe.  Ok then.


          I like swimming  I love being underwater, but my back and breast stroke has gotten much better over the years.

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

          Little Blue

            Probably an URD for me.  DH ordered a new laptop, and it's out for delivery, signature required.  With the icy conditions, it probably won't show up until 4:00, but sure as shootin' as soon as I would leave, they'd come.


              Hey everyone!


              Pushed yesterday's VO2 max workout to today due to more snow, so I'll hit the treadmill today for that workout, 12 miles w/ 6x1200m @ 3-5k pace.  Did 10 miles in the snow yesterday, great run, love running when it's snowing!  More snow tonight into tomorrow morning. Smile


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              Barking Mad To Run

                Hill work yesterday after work on my favorite hill route at Fort Sam Houston.  Ended up with 4.1 miles of hills. Also, STUPIDLY forgot to put my knee brace into my gym bag. I did my run/walk anyway, taking it easy, but by the end of my workout my knee was nagging me a bit.  Did a few post-run stretches and it seemed fine after that.  I can get away with an 'every once in a while' run with no brace, but it's really not a good idea with my whacky knee. I think I am going to store an extra brace in my car as a reserve, just in case I have a future brain dump.     Also, our weather is improving a bit today - 65 degree high today and lots of sunshine, versus our high yesterday of 47 and no sun - so plan on a nice trail run in the park after work today.


                As for Feb 25...this Hump Day, the Holidays on February 25th are:


                • Inconvenience Yourself Day - February 25, 2015 (4th Wednesday in February) - it's not about you being inconvenienced; it's about you inconveniencing yourself today to do something for others, like random acts of kindness and so forth.  But just out of curiosity, what is inconveniencing you today?  Me...I'd rather not be at work...having to work SO inconveniences all the other stuff I'd rather be doing.. 

                Image result for kindness penguin



                • National Clam Chowder Day (my wife loves clam chowder;  AFM, this is another food I don't like)

                Image result for funny clam chowder


                • National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day (don't get any ideas, guys, for your wives later... )


                • National Pistol Patent Day - Sam Colt patented his revolver pistol this day in 1836.   And all the Texans were happy....


                • Quiet Day -  I said it's QUIET DAY!

                Sleeping Baby Penguins

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Barking Mad To Run

                  Quote from Jack K. on 2/24/2015 at 9:51 AM:


                  Another TM user! I think I am the only one without one!



                  Quote from Cyberic99 on 2/24/2015 at 4:25 PM:


                  Not quite. I'd like to have one at home, but can't because the ceiling in the basement is too low (or I'm too tall... depends on how you look at it).


                  I don't have one either.  I can't have one AND can't use any at the gym because the motion of the belt kicks my vertigo up.  For some reason, the gym staff seems to get very upset when someone gets dizzy and goes flying off the treadmill and bangs into the other patrons....

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                    Good morning, everyone.


                    FreeSoul87, thank you for starting today's thread. I'm happy that your legs were feeling generous. I hope that your core workout goes at least as well as your run did.


                    DaveP MI, have a relaxing and refreshing SRD.


                    Phil, enjoy your run.


                    Little Blue, make the best of your URD. That'd probably happen to me, too.


                    Dave, terrific ten yesterday. Have a wonderful VO2max workout.


                    scottydawg, great hill workout yesterday. Have fun on the trails.


                    After work yesterday, I did forty-five minutes on the AMT. I'm on my way to visit my dad. They did dialysis and plasmapheresis yesterday. He's having another round of dialysis this morning before he begins chemo later today.

                    Little Blue

                      Quote from Jack K. on 2/24/2015 at 9:51 AM:



                      Quote from Cyberic99 on 2/24/2015 at 4:25 PM:


                      I don't have one either.  I can't have one AND can't use any at the gym because the motion of the belt kicks my vertigo up.  For some reason, the gym staff seems to get very upset when someone gets dizzy and goes flying off the treadmill and bangs into the other patrons....


                      I don't have one either, and no real access to one.  But living here, there would be very few days that it would be necessary.  My MIL has one, but it's a 20 minute drive each way.  Not really worth it.


                      Basya, still keeping you and Dad in my thoughts.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning. I have 7 tonight. It was 82F last night during my run and tonight will be no exception.


                        There was dense fog in Broward this morning. This made my commute to court hideous



                          Obligatory ice beard picture from yesterday's run.  (yes, that's ice on my eyelashes, weird feeling)



                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            the gym staff seems to get very upset when someone gets dizzy and goes flying off the treadmill and bangs into the other patrons....


                            Pffff. Not very comprehensive gym staff.


                            I will be running easy today, with some strides. I'm sure you were dying to know.




                              Tempo run done. I would say it's time to eat shit up but I have been cutting back the past month as the race season is fast approaching, and I would like to get back south of 180.


                              Nothing real drastic, just cutting out that extra snack or two while I continue to build mileage. So don't you worry, I'll be back to my old goodie gobbling self soon enough.


                                Good one!

                                Obligatory ice beard picture from yesterday's run.  (yes, that's ice on my eyelashes, weird feeling)