Beginners and Beyond


Penguin Summer Weekend (Read 17 times)


    PAD - congratulations on getting a PR on such a hot and humid day.


    Mitch - another PR.  I suppose it makes a big difference how heavy the person in the stroller is, so you may have to create different categories.


    D - did you get your double done?


    Z - sorry your store didn't have anything interesting.  I'm glad Mia is doing better.


    sapf - sounds like you had a good run today.  Have fun at the wedding.


    Jerry - I hope you had a good rest day.


    Hot and humid here, but I didn't want to do a LR on the TM, so I drove down to MD to the C&O Canal where I could run in almost constant shade instead of out on the open roads.  It was still too hot for me. The first half was great, second half I ended up walking part of every mile. It was a nice place to run, with flat dirt towpath and occasional views of the Potomac River. I saw lots of people with bikes or dogs.  I stopped to say hello to a couple of puppies and golden retrievers, then walked about a mile talking to one of the dog owners, so my 12 mile run became an 11 mile run.


    Former Bad Ass

      6 more miles with hubby.  13 for the day.



        Mitch- Way to go!  That sounds like a fantastic group!


        Ginny- Sounds like you turned what could have been a long slog into an enjoyable outing.  And a mile is still a mile, however we get there.


        D- Good job on the miles today!


        I thought this video was pretty funny:  If people talked about other hobbies the way they talked about running.


        It took me forever to motivate myself to go out, but I had a really nice 8 miler.  And it was something like 60 degrees out!  I wore long sleeves. 


        queen of headlamps

          I think it's funny that after a long winter, a 60 degree day means I'm in a tank top, but in the summer, a long sleeved shirt at 60 degrees would be fine.  (Though I prefer tanks as often as possible.)


          6 trail miles today, up hill.  Didn't have a lot of get up and go but my easy pace (on anything that isn't a hilly mountain) dropped 30 seconds this week, so I'm guessing the iron pills for anemia are starting to kick in.


          Mitch, so cool.


            Z - when we walked Ben a few minutes ago it was 68 and I was wishing I'd put on long sleeves.  Walking in the house felt nice and warm.  This morning it felt nice and cool.


            Emmbee - good job on the trail run.  Congratulations on the speed-up.  It always feels good to see progress in our running.  Our trails are really muddy right now, after some big thunderstorms this week, which is why I didn't go to the mountains today.  The canal wasn't as bad and it was a lot wider, so I could avoid the worst spots.


            D - good job on the double.  Nice way to get the miles in without having to spend 2 1/2 hours out in the heat.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning.  LR later, on the TM of course.



                3.5 this morning, and off to work.


                Penguin Power!

                  4.8 done this morning in the nasty heat.  Beer week for me with a total mileage of 36.  Wedding tonight, leaving for Paris tomorrow =D I'm not looking forward to packing for all of this silliness.  I should(?) have internet in Paris.  We're staying in an airbnb apartment that says it has wifi.

                  Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 

                  From the Internet.

                    Hi friends. Still alive. Toe still broken. Had a birthday. Spent 9 hours and 19 minutes in the pool this week, including a 2.5 hour "long run" yesterday.


                    Good news is that I can do a large portion of my pool time at tempo effort or harder and there's practically no recovery time, so if I can manage to wake my lazy ass up early enough I can start doing my main "run" in the morning and adding in a second one at lunch or in the evening. Depending on how quickly the toe heals the marathon is still a very real possibility, and keeping the time goal might not even be all that crazy.


                      Lauren - a belated happy birthday! to you.  There is a woman on the RW Marathon Turtle group who does the majority of her running in the pool because of bad knees.  She ran Boston this year.  Also, DH hiked most of the PCT with a broken toe.  It wasn't his big toe, which you need for push off, but it still says that you may be able to go back to running sooner than you think.


                      Sapf - Have fun in Paris.


                      DR - good luck with your LR. What movies today?


                      PAD - good job on the early miles.


                      AFM:  It's hot and humid (DP 67) with no breeze, so I'm planning on 6 or so on the TM later.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Lauren, happy belated birthday!


                        Ginny, not sure yet.  It will have to be one of my pre-recorded ones because there does not seem to be anything good around.



                          Hey guys.  Felt like a very slow run today since it's my first 6-day week in a while.  I put on an audiobook and just sort of moseyed along.  Mia is acting very much like herself today.  I am going to take her on a short walk and see how she handles it.  Got 7 done.


                          Lauren- You might be in better shape than all of the marathoners out pounding pavement all summer!


                          Ginny- Hope you enjoy the TM run!


                          PAD- Nice miles!  How do the legs feel after the race.


                          sapf- Have a great trip!  Take lots of pictures!


                            Hey guys.  Felt like a very slow run today since it's my first 6-day week in a while.  I put on an audiobook and just sort of moseyed along.  Mia is acting very much like herself today.  I am going to take her on a short walk and see how she handles it.  Got 7 done.


                            Lauren- You might be in better shape than all of the marathoners out pounding pavement all summer!


                            Ginny- Hope you enjoy the TM run!


                            PAD- Nice miles!  How do the legs feel after the race.


                            sapf- Have a great trip!  Take lots of pictures!


                            Lifeless. Smile



                              Lifeless. Smile


                              As they should after a PR. Smile
