Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES: JOMO (Read 38 times)


    That's the joy of missing out. Because not being everywhere, with everyone, every time is great. YMMV


      I will run after coffee. I have two turkey day stops to make and hopefully will be back home at a decent hour.



      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Rest day. Heading to my parents for Thanksgiving. Best part of that is we do not need to worry about someone showing up late with 10 lbs of raw potatoes.


        delicate flower

          Good morning and Merry Eat Day!  I went for an easy four mile jog this morning, feeling mostly bummed that I can't race today, but also keeping my eyes on the prize.  I've got my family invasion beginning at 2:00 this afternoon and I'll be kicking them out early.  Looking forward to the weekend getaway.  I packed my bags last night, pre-flight, zero hour, 9 AM.


          FYI for you folks in the northeast, free coffee at Cumby's today!  That would be gas station coffee for the rest of you.  YUUUUM-Y!


            Off, Chauffeur  this morning: wife, older son, brother-in-law, his wife and niece doing 5k.. some running and others walking.  Race real close but parking jammed so I just did two drop offs. 

            just pool for me, a little gutter walk later.   Right ham feels perfectly fine, first time in months


            Tennessee Ernie Ford with The San Quentin Prison Choir - We Gather Together (1963)



              Rest day. Heading to my parents for Thanksgiving. Best part of that is we do not need to worry about someone showing up late with 10 lbs of raw potatoes.


              lol - Will they be there?

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                lol - Will they be there?


                Thankfully no. It was my BIL who showed up late with raw potatoes.


                  Good morning and Merry Eat Month


                  For me.


                  Safe travels!


                    Happy Thanksgiving to all! We're heading out in a few to drive to MD for Turkey Day fun with the family. We'll stay the night, so no running today and maybe not tomorrow. My tired legs will be thankful.


                      Happy turkey trotting, for those of you trotting. Happy eating for everyone else. We will be at home, and just the four of us. DS is taking the train in from school, picking him up this afternoon. We are always excited to see him. He is mostly excited to see the dog, and to be fed.




                        Made it to the gym this morning, 70 minutes focused mainly on delts with some chest and legs thrown in. Then I got in a 6.1 mile run, I am ready for the food!

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning! And Happy Thanksgiving!  My Gobblers Jog 5K was one of those 3.05 "5Ks".  Still, I sucked even if it was short but I pushed as much as I could.  It was 32F and windy so the windchill was 25 or something like that and some in my running club were wondering why I wasn't cold with one layer. LOL.  Best part was that the race was part of my route (but it took all the uphill parts) and a mile from the house which made for a great warmup and cooldown.  I was 17th in my AG of 59 so nothing too bad.


                          Weights later.  And the roasting of our turkey breast and stuff.



                            Happy turkey trottin!!


                            45 but no rain! Race starts in a few.


                              Happy Thanksgiving, all! I hope you guys are all surrounding by people you at least like today, and are well fed and happy.


                              To bring in some sap, I'm grateful for this group!


                              Now onto the good stuff: no running for me, as my right Achilles has been bugging me for the last week or so. It's (finally) starting to calm down a bit (as of today, FFS), so I decided to not run on the new ice/snow this morning that the snowmageddon of the Midwest brought. Instead, I'll eat a ton. Big grin #moo


                              Are there any early Black Friday (or Cyber Monday) deals for running that you guys are partaking in?


                              Super B****

                                I ran a pretty crappy race (unsurprising, since that's exactly how I feel... it would be really nice if someone could figure this shit [word purposely chosen] out) but the good thing about having a soft PR is that even if you run a bad race, you can still PR. Which I did by almost a minute. At least I achieved my goal of placing in the top ten females, I guess?


                                And now I am going to be super thankful that I don't celebrate Thanksgiving and just chill out for the rest of the day!

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
