Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES can spot runners easily (Read 33 times)


Former Bad Ass


    One or two weeks of higher mileage for me does not impact, um, female things, like it does when I do it over a long period of time.


    And this.  So much this, lol.




      Nice! What pace were the 1000s? HMP? 10K?


      MTA: please don't tell me 5K pace 


      So I guess it really was a pretty good workout. 6km is probably a little longer rep distance than I usually do. And paces ranged from  6:28-6:39. My 5k PR is 6:30 from a year and a half ago, but the one I just did a few weeks ago was 6:41.


      Also, Strava tells me I set a PR on a 100m segment of the track, 22 sec. Ha.




        So I guess it really was a pretty good workout. 6km is probably a little longer rep distance than I usually do. And paces ranged from  6:28-6:39. My 5k PR is 6:30 from a year and a half ago, but the one I just did a few weeks ago was 6:41.


        Also, Strava tells me I set a PR on a 100m segment of the track, 22 sec. Ha.


        If your paces in this workout were those of your 5K PR, then my deep belief is that your 5K PR is soft.



          If your paces in this workout were those of your 5K PR, then my deep belief is that your 5K PR is soft.


          Ha, then why couldn’t I run any faster 3 weeks ago?

          Anyway, I’m probably looking at a 10k in 2 weeks, we’ll see how that goes.




            Ha, then why couldn’t I run any faster 3 weeks ago?

            Anyway, I’m probably looking at a 10k in 2 weeks, we’ll see how that goes.


            I'll answer by asking you a question myself? How can you run 6 x1000m in training at 5K race pace?  Maybe it's because we're marathoners and can't race a 5K correctly?  Because you don't rest (taper) before your 5K race? I don't know, but to me it means the 5K PR could be better. It's just my belief, nothing else.


            Former Bad Ass

              This is how I spent my night.  The Miami Improv opened in my suburb and 2 miles from me:


