Beginners and Beyond

FriDAILIES in 3, 2, 1... (Read 43 times)


Former Bad Ass


    What changed?


    Probably the paces.  Faster paces, tougher workouts, more tired legs?



      Hrmmph. Well, the combination of Phil's RR and Oski's lure to bash FB flushed me out of hiding. Sooo, I guess I should post in the dailies to just complete my dance around B&B this morning. I've been fine ... just busy ... so have pretty much confined myself to Marathoner Dailies for my RA online presence. (It's so much easier to keep up with personals with a smaller group).


      Anyway, running has been going well and training (in spite of that horrific winter) was actually really good. Unfortunately, my spring goal race didn't go as planned (hit with a cramp after 15), even though I think I was trained up to hit my goal. Anyway, I'm now into maintenance mode until ramping up training for the races this fall. Today I have about 8 miles planned, though I'll do whatever I feel like doing once I hit the road.

      Train smart ... race smarter.


        There are some really nice looking plan here.


        And, one super-cute looking baby Lily!


        I'm taking a RD and am really mulling over what I what to do in terms of training and racing for the rest of the year.  I'm going to post a question on the  main page now, and would really appreciate any advice.

        Life is good.



          What changed?


          I'm not sure.  I added 2 miles to all of the easy runs the second time around so it could have been the higher mileage.  I also chose a more aggressive GMP (but by the end it was very reasonable, if not conservative based on my tune up half).  But on race day my legs just never felt good and it felt too hard from the beginning (which was completely the opposite of how I felt on M day the first Hansons cycle)  


            Maybe I've been away too long ... where'd Lily get that adorable baby?

            Train smart ... race smarter.


              Welcome back, Bruce!


              And that adorable thing with the huge beautiful eyes is Lily's grandbaby!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                Hi Bruce! Wow, you've been running a lot of miles lately (like always). Too bad about that crap. Sad What a bummer.

                - Andrew


                  But on race day my legs just never felt good and it felt too hard from the beginning (which was completely the opposite of how I felt on M day the first Hansons cycle)  


                  Damn.  Anything but that...well, almost anything.  If anyone can figure it out you will.


                  Feel better Step!


                  Which main page Blue here or RA at large?


                  'Sup Bruce!


                  "Probably the paces.  Faster paces, tougher workouts, more tired legs?"


                  That should all be taken care of during the taper though shouldn't it?


                  MTA: I see it now Blue!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Yes, but with a taper of 10 days it's harder.



                      It's too bad work has to come along and nudge its nose in there today.  But, I guess we have to pay the bills.


                      I absolutely hate it when works gets in the way, hate it.  Why without work I would be um, without work. 


                      Enjoy the miles Beth, are you reassessing your goals for the big race with the training interruptions and what not?


                      Nice shot lily!  It looks like you just asked her if she would like to become a runner someday.  lol


                      FS, Rocky has given you some great miles, maybe your fitness is exceeding his and it's simply time to cut the cord so to speak?


                      Lauren do not sell yourself short, an 8:00 mile may be your 10k pace come October.  Just train to be the best and fastest as you can and try not to limit yourself by time goals, or if you do, think and dream BIG! 


                      Zel, we need pics of the cake.  I still remember the one you posted for your daughter that one year, I actually licked the screen!


                      'Sup Jack!  DW's last day too?  She's a teach?



                        Nah, Rocky is way more physically fit than me, but this humidity and heat is more than he can stand. His fur is thick, almost like wool in a way, air and heat bush can't pass through it Sad  I can tell he wants to keep going but his hard panting worrires me. I can run half naked and swaet, he is stuck with fur.


                        This stupid nook won't let me delete the emoticons damn it.



                        FS, Rocky has given you some great miles, maybe your fitness is exceeding his and it's simply time to cut the cord so to speak

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                          Hrmmph. Well, the combination of Phil's RR and Oski's lure to bash FB flushed me out of hiding. Sooo, I guess I should post in the dailies to just complete my dance around B&B this morning. I've been fine ... just busy ... so have pretty much confined myself to Marathoner Dailies for my RA online presence. (It's so much easier to keep up with personals with a smaller group).


                          Anyway, running has been going well and training (in spite of that horrific winter) was actually really good. Unfortunately, my spring goal race didn't go as planned (hit with a cramp after 15), even though I think I was trained up to hit my goal. Anyway, I'm now into maintenance mode until ramping up training for the races this fall. Today I have about 8 miles planned, though I'll do whatever I feel like doing once I hit the road.


                          Hey Chief Illiniwek! Glad to see you back. Feel free to hang around here without giving personals to everyone...I know that's what I do & I haven't been kicked out yet.

                          Sorry your spring marathon didn't go better. Do you have one planned for the fall?



                            Welcome back, Bruce!


                            And that adorable thing with the huge beautiful eyes is Lily's grandbaby!


                            Crap! I dislike getting "chicked" and now I gotta worry about getting "grandma'd" ... I've gotta choose my races after carefully considering Lily's racing schedule. Now, off to read the 2014 Marathon & Ultra Race Thread...

                            Train smart ... race smarter.



                              Hey Chief Illiniwek! Glad to see you back. Feel free to hang around here without giving personals to everyone...I know that's what I do & I haven't been kicked out yet.

                              Sorry your spring marathon didn't go better. Do you have one planned for the fall?


                              Not one, but two on the schedule. I'm doing repeats again this year and will do Milwaukee in October and then follow up with the Indianapolis Monumental a month later.  (I did both last year as well) Friends are trying to convince me to run a hilly trail marathon in July but that just sounds like a horrible time and REFUSE to do it. I told them I'd wait for them at the finish line with burgers on the grill.


                              Whew, Lily is doing neither of those races so I think I'm safe.

                              Train smart ... race smarter.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, Bruce!
