Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES are not interested in the forum this morning (Read 42 times)



    Eric- I say go by LT pace. Your going to be targeting a pace in a race, not racing by HR. Just a thought.


    Sitting at the doc waiting to get my ankle looked at. Just wanna rule out that it's not a SF. Hopefully a simple X-ray can do that? See how it goes...


    Probably, but I'm trying to find if I'll use HR data during a race to help me figure out if I'm working too hard and predict the wall, or the bonk. Not sure I'll achieve anything, but it passes time Smile


    Hope the ankle isn't screwed up too bad.



    Will you be running the TPace runs longer than 5K?  I would say go by TPace, but monitor your HR.  It may have gone up, but it may also plateau.  You should be able to run for a lot longer at constant HR at a pace between Half and 10K.  Sometimes the ticker takes a while to warm up, especially when it cold out.  I don't let my Garmin give my my HR zones.  I calculate based off my MaxHR (which reminds me that I'm probably overdue to do another tortuous test to see if it has changed).  It's cool to try new methods though


    Up until now, I've trained by TPace, using Daniels' guidelines of either 3 or 4 x 1 miles w/1 minute, or 2 x 2 miles w/2 minutes or a 3 mile Tempo run. I sometimes use minutes or kilometers instead of miles, but I usually keep it along those lines. So longer than 5K? If so, not by much. Ran inside today, so temperature was not an issue with the HRM. I use zones based on the LTHR test from Garmin.


    Yes, it's cool to try things out, rethink things you always "knew".


    Finally a shorts day here, though the warm weather isn't lasting past tomorrow. I ran 10 hilly miles. Though the pace was much slower than on my 9 mile tempo run on Tuesday, my average HR was only 3 beats slower than during the run with 5 miles at LT.


    5 miles at LT? That's a lot, isn't it? By Daniels' recommendations, it is, anyways.


    delicate flower




        Hey there. I'm jealous of the warmer climates (shorts!). It's back in the single digits, but with 20mph winds (gusts will hit 40mph). And, snow. So, it's cold again! Dislike. Today was a SRD anyway, but it looks like tomorrow I'll be hitting the TM b/c it rained before it got cold so there's a nice layer of ice beneath the snow. 


        Former Bad Ass

          Boon- That sounds terrible. Glad it's not the flu or something.


          Eric- I say go by LT pace. Your going to be targeting a pace in a race, not racing by HR. Just a thought.


          Sitting at the doc waiting to get my ankle looked at. Just wanna rule out that it's not a SF. Hopefully a simple X-ray can do that? See how it goes...


          Good luck!



          Former Bad Ass

            You guys got shorts weather and I haveTM weather. 83/70 right now. Hubby braced the outdoors but I am staying on the TM. Might be the knee memory that did that.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              5 miles. Probably could have gone with capris, but since it was dark, I usually feel colder.  It's pretty obvious who has water leaks. There are a few spots where there were 6+ inches of ice.


              RWMD, slipping on ice is a definitely a fear of mine. I try to avoid outside runs if there is a chance of ice. Or when I do, I run on what would be the sunny side of the street.


              JayB, hope the x-rays were clear.


              Baboon, hope you feel better.


                Icy roads/sidewalks/trails are the worse running situation.  I would not go back to the time before I started to run with metal spikes or screws under my shoes. It's the only safe way to do it IMO.


                  Cy - I'm doing Pfitz's 18/55 plan. It has six LT runs - 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, and 7 miles at LT with 4 miles warm-up and cool-down.


                  Super B****

                    The Mk1 went from “estimated availability is 1-2 weeks” to “estimated availability is 2-3 weeks.”  WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO ME???

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Cy - I'm doing Pfitz's 18/55 plan. It has six LT runs - 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, and 7 miles at LT with 4 miles warm-up and cool-down.

                      Ok. Different author/coach, different approach. Makes sense. Paces are also probably different than with Daniels. I'd need to check in the book. Never trained by Pfitz. His plans scare me (seem too hard).


                        Was 55 this morning and it’s getting icy now. Not sure if I should plan on doing my 5 with pickups tomorrow outside or on the TM


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Pilates and 8 on the TM.



                            Was 55 this morning and it’s getting icy now. Not sure if I should plan on doing my 5 with pickups tomorrow outside or on the TM


                            I'm now about 3 hours north of Toronto.


                            Currently 46 degrees.


                            Dropping to -6 by Saturday morning.

                              Well work decided to become insane. Not loving it. I'm so phucking tired... 7 this morning. 8 tomorrow. Woot.


                              LRB, I bought a bottle of MaT. The Prisoner is better after having been open for 4 days. But I wouldn't pay for it, not worth the $40 IMO. But I'll finish it, waste not, want not.
