Beginners and Beyond


Weekend Penguins Wishing for Spring (Read 25 times)


    Zel, cute picture!


    Traci, happy runniversary!


    Jack, good luck today.


    Baconista, hi there!  Sounds like a nice run.  Smile


    This morning the forecast for Santa Monica next Sunday has been updated to 89 degrees.    Well.  It is what it is, I guess.  Today I'm going to run an easy 4 in the afternoon when it should be in the upper 70s here, to start my too little too late heat acclimation.


      I'm back to work today, and it's kind of weird, but I'm not really sore after pushing the stroller for 13.1 miles. I hope that this will be a good thing that shows I need to push myself for the April 4th half, even though my training sucks because of work. I can't load FB pics at work, so I'm going to try and email a few to myself, then load through tiny pic. Be back shortly.


      Good luck Jack. Who else is racing?






        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  Humid 20 with the last 10 @ MP + 10% done.  Thanks to the clouds and rain, there was no sun, yay.


          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Hi Pens. 1:40:53 on a super hard course. 3rd place AG. More later. Time to drive home and then day 2 of swim meet with DW  and DD2.


              Beast mode activated. Great race, Jack!


              Mitch- Great photos!


              Ginny- Mia (blue harness) is a full chocolate lab.  Zoe (red harness) is a mix, we think with a bit of pointer and hound.  It's hard to believe that Zoe had her back surgery about a year ago, she is doing so well these days!

              From the Internet.

                You can actually see pavement again around here, the roads are just wide enough not to get hit by cars (since the sidewalks are still a fucking disaster), and the sun came out, so I got outside for 3 recovery-shuffle miles and it was just lovely Smile Ending the week with a personal best of 39.75 miles. I am too tired to go for the extra 0.25 to hit 40 - cutback next week, and then hopefully I'll break 40 the week after!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Great pics, Mitch.


                  Congrats, Jack.



                    Traci - happy belated runiverssary.


                    Mitch - glad you had so much fun at your race.


                    Brilliant - how early is your race?


                    Baconista - runners who smelled nice?  Odd.


                    Damaris - nice 20 miler.  Do you do MP every week or every other?  HH has the MP runs separate from the long runs, usually the day before.  Doing MP at the end of your LR should really help endurance.


                    Jack - I thought you were supposed to take it easy?  I knew you wouldn't.  Good job on the AG placement.  How is the ankle?


                    Lauren - great job getting so close to 40 miles, especially given all the TM miles.  Hurray for running outside, even if you had to dodge cars.


                    AFM:  Beautiful day here - 45 and sunny.  After walking Ben,  I drove into town so I could run flat and easy through the neighborhoods.  The snow on the sidewalks was mostly gone, though there were still a few houses that had never cleared theirs and some good-sized puddles to dodge.  I quickly figured out which was the sunny side of the street.  The six miles went surprisingly well, until the last half mile.  First I tripped on uneven sidewalk, smashing one knee, hand and shoulder.  Then a block later, the pain was completely driven out of my head by witnessing a small car smash into a pick-up truck about 20 yards ahead of me.  Yikes.  I don't think anybody was badly hurt, and there were plenty of people there to call 911 and help the more shaken up driver (the one who caused the accident) so I just removed a front bumper from the middle of the street and kept going.  I drove home very carefully, just to be sure that there wouldn't be a third bad event today. 


                    Former Bad Ass

                      He has me doing MP every week and every other week a tempo run and an MP.


                      Ginny!Ouch, glad no one was badly hurt.



                        Congrats on the weekly PB, Lauren!


                        Ginny- Glad everyone is OK!  I wiped out on my run today, too, at mile 4.5  Hope your knee, hand, and shoulder are OK!  I think I just have a skinned knee.


                        Well the same demons that were haunting Kathleen came to my house this morning.  It took a while to convince myself to go out and run.  But in the end, I planned for 14, but was feeling too good at 14, so I ran 15.1 instead, skinned knee at all.  I was picturing myself looking like a super badass with blood dripping down my leg of something, but I got home and see that it's just a regular old scrape.  


                          Brilliant- 89 is rough. I would just cry.  I am a very cold natured person but not when I run. I tend to overheat easily while running.  Is there any shade? Maybe we can all pray for a cloudy morning.


                          Jack, good grief that is fast ...on a tough course and with a bad ankle. CONGRATS! Did you win a gift card or what?


                          Ginny, how do you feel today? Not that sore?  Glad you weren't casualty #3


                          Zel, nice run! And you even added more.  WTG


                          Lauren, congrats on a nice week and WEEKLY PB


                          I ran 11 today first 6 easy last 5 at HMP  I'm thinking about signing up for a half this Saturday.  My rt calf is still a pain in the azz. On a heating pad now. My lower back aches at the ends of all my long runs. Do I need more core work?





                            Jack - wow, an AG place with an injury.  WTG!!


                            Traci, I did cry. Smile  My hubby walked into the kitchen this morning and I was literally crying over the forecast.  He asked, "What's wrong?" and I said, "I just needed to get that out of my system."  Then I got over it. Smile


                            Ginny, what an adventurous afternoon you had!  
                            My race starts at 7:25.  They get the waves going really quickly at LA so I think I'll be starting around 7:45-50.  Not a lot of shade on the course, but it should be cool at the start.  My plan is to go out at my original planned goal pace. Then if it really warms up and I need to slow down, well, I guess I'll slow down.


                              Traci - good job on the 11, sorry you're hurting.  Which race is next Saturday?  I had some issues with back pain on one of my longer races.  I think I was tensing up when tired.  Core work won't hurt, but also focus on your form, and especially relaxing when you're doing long runs.


                              It's funny - last night I was in a lot of pain.  My hamstring and glutes were killing me. I could barely walk. I sat on ice and took some pain killers, slept late, and woke up feeling just fine.  I worried about my run today, but after the first mile, I was running normally, albeit a bit slower than usual.  One of the things that has helped me a lot as a runner is that I usually recover very quickly from my long runs. I think it comes from my days as a long distance hiker.  No matter how much I hurt at the end of the day, the next day I had to get up and do it all over again.  My body learned to adapt.


                              Brilliant - you never know what is in store when you sign up for a race ahead of time.  My marathon is at the end of April - it could be cold and rainy or hot and sunny.  I think if I hadn't signed up ahead of time, I might not have done my race yesterday, but I'm glad I did.




                                Brilliant - you never know what is in store when you sign up for a race ahead of time.  My marathon is at the end of April - it could be cold and rainy or hot and sunny.  I think if I hadn't signed up ahead of time, I might not have done my race yesterday, but I'm glad I did.

                                Yes, and your race turned out fantastic despite the circumstances!  Which is why I've decided to just take whatever comes next week (as if I have a choice, haha).  Life is an adventure and running sure adds to it.
