Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


    Did 6 miles last night after 2 weeks off because of a knee issue.  I was never so happy to feel PF pain as I was last night... at least it wasn't my wonky knee!


    5k I had scheduled for August 7th is definitely out.  Maybe.


    Ha, that is a good sign that your injury is healing, when you start to notice other injuries. Somehow that is absolutely a good feeling.


    8/26 is the deadline for me to be able to transfer my 10/20 marathon registration. Which I should probably go ahead & do, since I don't see any chance of being ready for that. But I guess I am holding out for some kind of miracle.Undecided


    Hip Redux

      Sorry, Dave.  Sad  

      I had picked an August 10k as my goal race for the year and I'll likely either not do it, or not be able to really race it if I do.   It sucks, I know.


      I have an appt with a physicians asst on Tuesday.   I freaked myself out last night since the pain I have is also in a common pelvic stress fracture area, but I sort of doubt that's it.   Dr. Google can sure be convincing sometimes.



      Super B****

        Sorry, Dave.  Sad  

        I had picked an August 10k as my goal race for the year and I'll likely either not do it, or not be able to really race it if I do.   It sucks, I know.


        I have an appt with a physicians asst on Tuesday.   I freaked myself out last night since the pain I have is also in a common pelvic stress fracture area, but I sort of doubt that's it.   Dr. Google can sure be convincing sometimes.


        In my experience (and I unfortunately have a lot of it), there's not really a  "common pelvic stress fracture area"... where exactly do you feel it??


        Another "normal" run for me -- still doesn't feel completely the way I'd like, but it wasn't really painful, so I'm glad.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog

        Hip Redux

          From what I can tell, it's the inferior pubic ramus.  Seems like every time someone said they had a pelvic sfx, it was there!


          MTA: To be more specific... the inferior pubic ramus (I think) is sore to the touch.  Then when I walk or run the pain is in the upper, inner thigh - and it runs around to the back of leg, like the top of the hamstring/butt.  It hurts sharply when I step, but if I am not moving, for the most part, it's a nagging soreness.



            I was never so happy to feel PF pain as I was last night... at least it wasn't my wonky knee!


            I feel you, whenever my left hip or achilles aches as opposed to either on my right side, I do a fist pump and scream hell yeah!


            Super B****

              From what I can tell, it's the inferior pubic ramus.  Seems like every time someone said they had a pelvic sfx, it was there!


              MTA: To be more specific... the inferior pubic ramus (I think) is sore to the touch.  Then when I walk or run the pain is in the upper, inner thigh - and it runs around to the back of leg, like the top of the hamstring/butt.  It hurts sharply when I step, but if I am not moving, for the most part, it's a nagging soreness.


              Nope, I've had fractures in my superior pubic rami too!  I don't remember it running around to the back of my leg, though (and I had a few sacral fractures at the time, too, so you'd have expected my back to hurt, but it didn't).  Or it being sore to the touch.  Dr. Google is really great at creating panic and mayhem, though.  I hope it turns out not to be a sfx!!

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog

              Hip Redux


                Nope, I've had fractures in my superior pubic rami too!  I don't remember it running around to the back of my leg, though (and I had a few sacral fractures at the time, too, so you'd have expected my back to hurt, but it didn't).  Or it being sore to the touch.  Dr. Google is really great at creating panic and mayhem, though.  I hope it turns out not to be a sfx!!


                Yeah, I don't think it is, but Dr. Google freaked me out!


                And you have had a serious run of pelvis injuries!  Yikes.



                  Oski - my pelvic sfx did run to the back of the leg as well as hurting in the pubis.  When it healed, that was the part that took the longest to stop hurting.


                  My current issue is still uncertain.  It feels like another pelvic sfx - like I'm being hit with an ice pick in the groin when I run - but it doesn't hurt when I'm standing on one leg, and I can hop on one leg without pain.  Last time, any time my leg was weight bearing it hurt.  Now it hurts when I'm sitting but not when I'm standing.  I can walk okay, but not run.  My muscles are really tight, so it could be muscle or tendon - but I can't tell. When doing leg lifts one day, I could feel pain at a point where muscle attaches to the bone, but I've done leg lifts since then without a problem.  I was able to run one day this week.  It hurt a little the first 1/4 mile, then I was okay, achy but not in pain, then it started to hurt a lot around mile 4 and I stopped at 5.  That was two days ago.  Today it hurt a lot from the start, so I quit at a mile.  I think I won't be running my HM in September.

                  Will run for scenery.

                    Boo to ice picks in the groin!  And all the other places.



                    Stupid feet!

                    Stupid elbow!


                      From what I can tell, it's the inferior pubic ramus.  Seems like every time someone said they had a pelvic sfx, it was there!


                      MTA: To be more specific... the inferior pubic ramus (I think) is sore to the touch.  Then when I walk or run the pain is in the upper, inner thigh - and it runs around to the back of leg, like the top of the hamstring/butt.  It hurts sharply when I step, but if I am not moving, for the most part, it's a nagging soreness.

                      I had this injury and the tell tale sign of a stress fracture in that area is that it is impossible to put your pants on without sitting down.  When you stand on one leg and bend it like you would to put on pants (to put the other leg in), it's so painful that you have to stop.  I had soreness in the area of the injury and also had pain actually on my outer thigh down to my knee, but nothing that radiated to the back of the leg.  Running was nearly impossible.


                      I hope this is not what you have.  Unless you've had it for quite a while, it won't show up on an X-ray.  You would need an MRI or bone scan.  Mine showed up on the X-ray because I couldn't get into the doctor until 6 weeks after I injured it.


                      Good luck to you!


                        Dammit... now my PF is so bad I'm disabled again!  What the hell?



                        Hip Redux


                          Hip Redux

                            I had this injury and the tell tale sign of a stress fracture in that area is that it is impossible to put your pants on without sitting down.  When you stand on one leg and bend it like you would to put on pants (to put the other leg in), it's so painful that you have to stop.  I had soreness in the area of the injury and also had pain actually on my outer thigh down to my knee, but nothing that radiated to the back of the leg.  Running was nearly impossible.


                            I hope this is not what you have.  Unless you've had it for quite a while, it won't show up on an X-ray.  You would need an MRI or bone scan.  Mine showed up on the X-ray because I couldn't get into the doctor until 6 weeks after I injured it.


                            Good luck to you!


                            Thanks - the first week I had the pain, it definitely was impossible to stand on one leg.  But now - no problems.  So I'm hoping that's a good sign!



                              I've been out of commission since the end of June with a herniated disc that affected the nerve going down my left leg. I was unable to walk and had  to use crutches to get around. I've been feeling much better and I am in my 2nd week of PT. Today I walked unassisted!!! I am officially done with the crutches and can now just use a cane. It is a HUGE breakthrough and even though I still have a long way to go, I am really excited! I just had to share!

                              Hip Redux

                                Ortho guy says I strained something in my hip flexor/groin (no, really?), PT for four weeks.  He said "try not to run".   He also said "you are going to need to rehab big time."  X-rays were clear.


                                So, yay?