Beginners and Beyond


Rainy FriDailies (Read 30 times)


    Which btw, for a rainy marathon is a poncho really necessary? I keep seeing about people wearing them if it rains...but...idk I would almost rather just get wet. And I don’t carry my phone or ear buds so that’s not an issue


    No. Just wear a singlet and shorts. You'll be wet anyway from sweat. No need to trap in the heat.


      5 miles with a spontaneous decision to add 8 strides at the end. It felt not too bad, albeit not too fast either.


      you are all kinds of spontaneous lately.



        KC at 4:50 and shorti at 3:25, right?



        That's the plan!


        Shortii, I keep a ziploc bag in my pocket for my phone in case of rain.  Otherwise, I'm not doing anything special for rain.  At 60 something degrees, the rain would probably be refreshing.  My last 20 miler was in a downpour and I survived just fine.


          KC, shorti, and Docket, best of luck in Chicago!  No pressure or anything but we'll be watching your splits and don't let us down.


          Thank you!  I hope I don't let any of us down, I've worked too hard to lose it now.


          Onemile, are you ready for your pacing debut this weekend?  I think that would be a great experience!  Good luck!!


          And Good Luck to you, too, Lauren!


          We have lots of racers this week, it's very exciting Smile



            Onemile, are you ready for your pacing debut this weekend?  I think that would be a great experience!  Good luck!!


            Hopefully I don't botch it too badly 

            Group shake out run tomorrow AM and then working the morning shift at the pacer booth at the expo. Should be fun.



              KC at 4:50 and shorti at 3:25, right?


              I think that’s the plan. A bit warmer than I would like, but still cooler than all the long run workouts I’ve done this summer. And flatter too


              Former Bad Ass


                KC at 4:50 and shorti at 3:25, right?



                I DON'T KNOW. Between my root canal and ear pain and my BP, I am thinking I'm going to suck at this, but I am likely going to go at 10:21mm pace and regret it later (but will decide after Mile 1).  Anything under 5 hours is a win for me this year, but I am definitely going to start faster and FTS.



                Former Bad Ass

                  ^ That does sound like a recipe for disaster, lol.



                  delicate flower



                    Can be used in so many countless situations.



                      Which btw, for a rainy marathon is a poncho really necessary? I keep seeing about people wearing them if it rains...but...idk I would almost rather just get wet. And I don’t carry my phone or ear buds so that’s not an issue


                      Yeah, running in a poncho seems crazy, you will burn up. Just get wet. But it's gonna be chafe city. 




                        you are all kinds of spontaneous lately.


                        And I think I've talked myself into racing a 5k in 2 weeks.



                          I ran 8 miles with a fartlek 4 miles of 1 min on, 2 min on (2 min easy between all)



                            And I think I've talked myself into racing a 5k in 2 weeks.


                            I briefly considered this but then I remembered that I hate 5ks


                            delicate flower


                              And I think I've talked myself into racing a 5k in 2 weeks.


                              PR but please no ER ffs.




                                Yeah, running in a poncho seems crazy, you will burn up. Just get wet. But it's gonna be chafe city. 


                                Body glide all the way. Key is to put it on before the rain.
