Beginners and Beyond

ThursDay Time! (Read 36 times)


    What do you have today Runners???


      I've got  7/5 planned today. We are under a cloud bank for a few days here in AZ. Sad Here's our mutt. She has some Rat dog in her, but not too much.   Sheds like crazy!  Spunky the Rat Terrier... She runs 3-5 with DW, and is almost 15!




      I lost my rama

        OFR - Spunky doing 3-5 at nearly15... she's the female dog equivalent of Ed Whitlock!  And look at that tail wag... fast, like her old man .


        For me, 7 easy last night.  Rest day today.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have either 0 or 5-6 tonight and Pilates.  I am going to see Lady Gaga which is why I might move the run to tomorrow.


          OFR, awww, so cute and active!


          Bugsy ate already and we tortured him with antibiotics.  He is now back to grumpy face.



          delicate flower

            'Morning!  I hit the pool this morning for the first time in 10 days.  2200 yards done.  Now that my marathon is behind me, I get work on getting my swim and bike fitness back.  My swim isn't too far off but my biking has taken a big dip.  Fortunately the biking comes back a lot faster than the running does.



              There are seemingly more bagels, doughnuts and other ridiculous eats at my office on a day to day basis than there is at Sam's Club. I never eat any of it, but had a bagel today which was all sorts of yummy. A half hour later, I polished off a pound of the most delicous Greek pasta salad I've ever had. Now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.


              Carbs; it's what's for breakfast.


                lat pulldown, long pull, seated leg press


                Then it's stair day. As always 4 laps bottom of parking garage to 23rd floor of my building (with a few weird spots where I powerwalk down halls) for approximately 120 flighs. Goal is under 43, under 42 is great, 41:47 today.



                  Carbs; it's what's for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.




                  I realized when my watch beeped after 1 mile into my warmup, that it shouldn't be beeping, but I had started it for a regular run instead of the programmed workout I was planning. So I stopped, saved it, and started my watch again for the workout. And when I uploaded to my log, I deleted the 1 mile, and manually added that distance/time to the warmup portion of my main workout. OK then.


                  I wish that was the hardest thing I did this morning. 10 miles total with 3k + 2k + 3x1k. Intended to be ~HMP down to ~10k. But the 2k was probably a bit too fast, which likely made the last two 1k's a bit too slow. Anyway, it was hard.


                  MTA: 237 for the month.




                    I feel like shit... my sinuses are acting up as of yesterday so this will probably last a few days if not a week....

                    I feel like someone is trying to smother me right now.... I somehow didn't hear my alarm this morning and ended up waking up at 5 AM, couldn't go because the child woke up too... So I went to the gym after I took him to school.


                    I don't care if I run today or not.... if I don't then I'll still have ended up with 125 miles for November and that ain't too bad in my opinion.....

                    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      There are seemingly more bagels, doughnuts and other ridiculous eats at my office on a day to day basis than there is at Sam's Club. I never eat any of it, but had a bagel today which was all sorts of yummy. A half hour later, I polished off a pound of the most delicous Greek pasta salad I've ever had. Now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.


                      Carbs; it's what's for breakfast.


                      I used to work at an office where one of the employee's husband worked at a bakery. Every morning she would bring in leftover baked goods. It was very hard to lose weight there, especially with my sweet tooth.


                        I used to work at an office where one of the employee's husband worked at a bakery. Every morning she would bring in leftover baked goods. It was very hard to lose weight there, especially with my sweet tooth.


                        When I changed jobs, I lost about 7 pounds in the first couple months because these people don't bring in shittons of food every. damn. day.  I have zero control around carby deliciousness.  I tried the Atkins diet once when hubs--boyfriend at the time--was trying to lose weight, so solidarity and all that.  I hated it.  I would have killedabitch for a banana like 3 days in, I missed fresh fruit so much!  Never again.  I don't care so much about dessert and cake, but no potatoes?  Deal breaker.


                        Dave, I didn't know you could manually add miles!  I need to figure out how to do that, my compulsive nature needs this hack.


                        9 miles this morning.  2 warm up, 3x 1 mile 10K pace with .25 jog recoveries, then whatever cool down to hit 9.  Then I had a shower and an omelette.    We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner last night, I snagged the leftovers for lunch.  We'll see if I can hold out past 11 before I devour them.


                        Oh, OFR, I don't know how I didn't know you have a dog!?!?  She's awesome!  What a little spitfire--kinda like your wife Wink  You have good taste.


                        And Docket, so glad Bugs is doing better.  That grumpy face is the most hilarious thing I've about ever seen.


                          When I changed jobs, I lost about 7 pounds in the first couple months because these people don't bring in shittons of food every. damn. day.  I have zero control around carby deliciousness.  I tried the Atkins diet once when hubs--boyfriend at the time--was trying to lose weight, so solidarity and all that.  I hated it.  I would have killedabitch for a banana like 3 days in, I missed fresh fruit so much!  Never again.  I don't care so much about dessert and cake, but no potatoes?  Deal breaker.


                          It's actually a long term problem with many who have tried that particular diet. It's ingrained in their heads that carbs are bad. While the basic theory of the diet has merit (use fat for energy instead of carbs, thereby burning all the unwanted fat), practically speaking, it's the dumbest thing ever.


                            I used to work at an office where one of the employee's husband worked at a bakery. Every morning she would bring in leftover baked goods. It was very hard to lose weight there, especially with my sweet tooth.


                            I used to have that problem, then I had that tooth pulled. 



                              When I changed jobs, I lost about 7 pounds in the first couple months because these people don't bring in shittons of food every. damn. day.  I have zero control around carby deliciousness.  I tried the Atkins diet once when hubs--boyfriend at the time--was trying to lose weight, so solidarity and all that.  I hated it.  I would have killedabitch for a banana like 3 days in, I missed fresh fruit so much!  Never again.  I don't care so much about dessert and cake, but no potatoes?  Deal breaker.


                              Dave, I didn't know you could manually add miles!  I need to figure out how to do that, my compulsive nature needs this hack.



                              How to edit splits/intervals in workouts:

                              • Go into edit mode of workout either of two ways:
                              • -  When viewing workout, click the 3 horizontal lines on the top of the dark blue area and select "edit entry"
                              • -  When looking at list of workouts, select the edit dropdown on far right
                              • For each of the intervals, there are icons on the far right - pencil icon is to edit
                              • You can then change distance and/or time (I have adjusted time on occasions that I made a bathroom stop and forgot to stop my watch)
                              • Click the "Save" icon on far right
                              • There is also the option to add a completely new interval at the bottom, and the arrow icons allow you to move it up in the list of intervals.
                              • Check the box to Autosum Intervals - otherwise it won't add the changes to your total for the workout
                              • Save the workout


                              Oh and eff low carb diets. My wife has done a ketogenic diet, which is even lower carb than Atkins; it's painful to watch. Although she lost about 20 lb in 2 months. I could do an all-carb diet though.



                              Former Bad Ass


                                How to edit splits/intervals in workouts:

                                • Go into edit mode of workout either of two ways:
                                • -  When viewing workout, click the 3 horizontal lines on the top of the dark blue area and select "edit entry"
                                • -  When looking at list of workouts, select the edit dropdown on far right
                                • For each of the intervals, there are icons on the far right - pencil icon is to edit
                                • You can then change distance and/or time (I have adjusted time on occasions that I made a bathroom stop and forgot to stop my watch)
                                • Click the "Save" icon on far right
                                • There is also the option to add a completely new interval at the bottom, and the arrow icons allow you to move it up in the list of intervals.
                                • Check the box to Autosum Intervals - otherwise it won't add the changes to your total for the workout
                                • Save the workout


                                Oh and eff low carb diets. My wife has done a ketogenic diet, which is even lower carb than Atkins; it's painful to watch. Although she lost about 20 lb in 2 months. I could do an all-carb diet though.


                                Actually, Keto is 20g of carbs, like the first two weeks of Atkins and can go as up to 50g, which is the one I do.
