Beginners and Beyond


Mileage for December & for 2014 - how'd ya do? (Read 63 times)


    December:138; highest month this year.

    2014: 1089



      For the year, 2676 miles


      I would've loved for this to have been a battle down to the wire, if not for that nasty case of Kneebola.



        OOTB, you beat my year's total by 3 miles!   I am almost tempted to go run 3.1 now. 


        I will finish with 1932.1, and 115.6 for December.  I relaxed a bit when I decided to let me 2014 mileage goal go for the year, because I think I needed the rest.


        Although I was short of my yearly goal, I still ran 383.3 miles more than in 2013, which was over 923.1 miles more than my first year. Smile


          I'm going to take the rash step of replying to this thread because I've just had my biggest month ever! Small or average by the standards of many here, but I'm proud of my 118 miles. I'm not so proud of my measly 678 miles for the year, due to some serious back injuries. May 2015 be better!



          "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

          ~ Sir Edmund Hillary


          Return To Racing



            From the Internet.

              Highest mileage of the year at 125.8. I'd been shooting for 130 but considering I had to skip a long run I'll take it! Goal for the year was 900, actual total 1086.8.

                294 for December, 3053 for the year.  That makes 3 years in a row at 3,000+, closing in on 10,000 since my return to non-casual running in late 2011.


                  I would've loved for this to have been a battle down to the wire, if not for that nasty case of Kneebola.


                  Baboon = Legolas, DaveP = Gimli, or is it the other way around?


                    294 for December, 3053 for the year.  That makes 3 years in a row at 3,000+...


                    Please post in the alien thread. lol



                      Baboon = Legolas, DaveP = Gimli, or is it the other way around?


                      You are asking the wrong guy, I didn't see any of those movies or read any of the books.



                        You are asking the wrong guy, I didn't see any of those movies or read any of the books.


                        He's talking about food yo.  


                        delicate flower


                          I would've loved for this to have been a battle down to the wire, if not for that nasty case of Kneebola.


                          Me too.  2015 is a new year, and the battle is on.


                          Wait, 2015 is a new year, right??



                            December = 179.9

                            2014 = 1583.6


                            Former Bad Ass

                              146.18, 1829.39.  Worse year in four years.  Hoping 2015 lets me get back on track.


                              At least the year ended with two great marathons and my fastest in close to two years.


                                Highest month and year for me at 105 and 615.



                                2015 Goals:

                                Sub 30 5K

                                Sub 60 10K
