Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #202 (Read 26 times)


    Had my usual late breakfast at work oatmeal (Bob's Red Mill Quick Cook steel cut oats, dried cherries and blueberries and some chia seeds) this morning. This time, based on Dave's suggestion (and maybe others), I added a handful of roasted almonds after cooking. They were a really nice addition; slightly softened from sitting in the hot oatmeal for a few minutes but still a nice crunch. Seems to make the oatmeal feel more like a meal as well. They will be part of my new oatmeal routine!


    Nice! I did oatmeal today too - brown sugar, golden raisins, roasted almonds, fresh blueberries. I still add everything after cooking. I did try adding stuff partway through the cooking one time, and it was good but not that much of an improvement imo.


    7 miles this morning. Over the weekend a guy posted on our community FB page about seeing a beaver crossing the road in an area I run by almost every morning. Apparently the guy was able to direct traffic to help that big chonker get safely across; he posted it to make people aware and drive carefully. I'd never seen one but it made sense since there's a big wetlands area around there. As I ran by this morning, now I'm keeping an eye out for it. Sure enough I spot one - smack dab in the middle of the road. This one did not make it across. 




      I personally wouldn't follow a marathon training plan in your position even if modified. 5k, 10k and even a half marathon plan are much better options. Having said that, I'm not sure that I've ever exceeded 3 miles of quality running 400s so the 16 reps would be out.


      We're all a bit different in what we do and it's usually based on personal preference. 35 - 40 miles doesn't sound like much but it's actually a tall order if you're not used to it.


      One option would be to build up to 35 miles or there abouts consistantly for 6 weeks, then look to introduce quality once you've established that base. Another would be to continue with the fast finish runs once a week and strides on a different run.


      Whatever the case, adding speed and volume simultaneously can be tricky so you want to be careful with that. For me, long runs are overrated so I would be less concerned with them and more concerned with the number of days run consistently. In fact, I wouldn't even be concerned with running long right now at all.

      I agree with all of this minus the bolded part. I have done 4x4x400m a handful of times but 12 of them is plenty Smile


        Sure enough I spot one - smack dab in the middle of the road. This one did not make it across. 



          Ran 6 this morning. DP was at 72, so FTS.


          who is this? Damaris?


            Ran 6 this morning. DP was at 72, so FTS.


            "Welcome to winter in Florida", someone used to say.



              I agree with all of this minus the bolded part. I have done 4x4x400m a handful of times but 12 of them is plenty Smile

              LRB trains Daniels style and 400s are run at R pace. At that pace, I would actually stop at 8 of them, 10 max.


              But if you run them at 5K pace, then it's a whole different thing.



                who is this? Damaris?


                Hahaha, DP is a big factor in the suckiness of running, so I look at that figure a lot.



                  Hahaha, DP is a big factor in the suckiness of running, so I look at that figure a lot.


                  yeah 72 DP is rough



                    I personally wouldn't follow a marathon training plan in your position even if modified. 5k, 10k and even a half marathon plan are much better options. Having said that, I'm not sure that I've ever exceeded 3 miles of quality running 400s so the 16 reps would be out.


                    We're all a bit different in what we do and it's usually based on personal preference. 35 - 40 miles doesn't sound like much but it's actually a tall order if you're not used to it.


                    One option would be to build up to 35 miles or there abouts consistantly for 6 weeks, then look to introduce quality once you've established that base. Another would be to continue with the fast finish runs once a week and strides on a different run.


                    Whatever the case, adding speed and volume simultaneously can be tricky so you want to be careful with that. For me, long runs are overrated so I would be less concerned with them and more concerned with the number of days run consistently. In fact, I wouldn't even be concerned with running long right now at all.


                    Also agree. Including the part about the 400s - FTS, that's too many to count, lol. Though I'm the wrong guy to ask, I never do 400s at all. When left to my own devices there's rarely anything <800, and the plans I've been doing the last few years are 600 min.


                    A marathon plan will definitely help your fitness, but then what? You need something that will keep pushing you, but not quite to the very limit like a full-blown marathon plan does. So you can keep it going, more or less, for an extended period until races come back. And mileage is still king, building up that base will serve you well no matter what.


                    I do think it is good to keep a LR every week, even if only in the 13-16 range, but that's personal preference. It's a physical & mental test you can't give yourself any other way. But anything in the 18-20+ range, FTS also. Funny I was just telling someone from my running group (on Sat AM, the one who didn't want to run with me) that I have been keeping up the miles, but without races had zero interest in serious LRs of say 18+. And then of course 2.5 hours later, I'm logging an 18. 


                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      KC, for long runs, maybe think in terms of time. I know 90 minutes is supposed to be some sort of magic number, however, you are like me in that it's not going to be a double digit run. On a good day, I'm getting about 8 miles in 90 minutes, summer, 7.5 or so. So maybe 2 hours for long runs.


                      I found I got good results for HM by doing a Friday run of at least 90 minutes and a Sunday long run that was in the 2 hour range. Hudson had this in his plans, usually the Friday run had HM pace and Sunday was either easy, fast finish or some sort of variety (like 4 miles of 1 minute hard, 1 easy). The Pfitz plans are alos similar with a long & medium-long run.


                         I do think it is good to keep a LR every week, even if only in the 13-16 range, but that's personal preference. It's a physical & mental test you can't give yourself any other way. But anything in the 18-20+ range, FTS also. 


                        For past few months, I've been enjoying LR that is only 10 miles (1:45ish for me) most weeks with 13-14 miles maybe once a month. Once there are races on the horizon, I'll have incentive to increase that but right now, running needs to be enjoyable. If RP wanted to run longer LRs I would, but he doesn't so I'm good.


                          9 miles with 5 at HMP

                          A little cooler this morning, I set off just to run easy. Miles 3 and 4 clicked off around HMP without really realizing it so I went with the momentum and ran 5-7 also quick. For a brief moment I thought "maybe I should do a HM TT"  hahahaha



                            For past few months, I've been enjoying LR that is only 10 miles (1:45ish for me) most weeks with 13-14 miles maybe once a month. Once there are races on the horizon, I'll have incentive to increase that but right now, running needs to be enjoyable. If RP wanted to run longer LRs I would, but he doesn't so I'm good.


                            Well I might feel differently if I were suffering through the same kind of heat most of you are.




                              Well I might feel differently if I were suffering through the same kind of heat most of you are.


                              Well...I am certainly not suffering like others here. Per Cyber's comment earlier today, I had to re-look up dew point to remember what that is (we are at 60 today). My running temps are 55-65 year round (early morning), it is just extra sunny in the summer.

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                96 degrees and 75 dewpoint right now. Funny, I haven't seen many people walking by my window today.
