Beginners and Beyond


TURKEY DAILIES (Read 37 times)


delicate flower




    delicate flower

      Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah!  I am getting ready to head out with the wife to meet the Oski for the Manchester Road Race.  We run, then we EAT.  I don't normally carry my phone in races, but I'll have to today since this race is such a spectacle.  4.75 miles and 15,000 people.


      I hope everyone has a great day with friends and/or family, has lots of fun, has good runs, and eats good food!



        Supp G!


        Busy day on tap which will start with a run, a run that will not start without coffee, which I cannot have until I get up!

        Hip Redux

          Yay!  I've got my camera with me, too!  Big grin


          Temps - 30 with a feels like 19.  I have on about fifteen layers.  My guess is I'll freeze standing around for an hour and I'll be way too hot for the run.



            I need more coffee.

              I set my scale back 10 lbs yesterday in anticipation of today's eating I'll head out for 3 or 4 miles soon.


              hey Baboon and Oski, what's with the odd distance of 4.75 miles? Have fun with the run!

              First Race

              Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

              Second Race

              Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                I need more coffee.


                I am about as jizzed up as I am going to get!  lol


                It is currently 21 degrees with a wind chill of 14.  I am trying to figure out what to wear in that crap, I really do not feel like wearing a jacket...



                  I am about as jizzed up as I am going to get!  lol


                  It is currently 21 degrees with a wind chill of 14.  I am trying to figure out what to wear in that crap, I really do not feel like wearing a jacket...


                  Long sleeve tech with short sleeve tech over that?


                    Long sleeve tech with short sleeve tech over that?

                    Close, I wear the SS underneath.


                    I just looked outside for the first time to find snow on the ground!  Shocked


                    This should be interesting...


                      Happy Thanksgiving and good luck to our Turkey Trotters and others running this morning.


                      URD for me - foot was still a bit sore off and on yesterday, then some judo-style groundwork at kyukido last night left me with ribs that feel like they are separated. So I slept in a bit and am now about to get the car loaded up to go over the river (the Mississippi even!) and through the woods fields to Grandpa's house.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning!  Turkey Trot 10K with hubby done, pacing him to a new 7+ minute PR!


                        T25 workout tonight, while cooking a nice dinner for us.


                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Travel day and SRD for me.


                          Baboon: let's see a few pictures from that spectacle!


                          Happy Thanksgiving, Dailies.  Smile


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Oops.  Happy Thanksgiving!


                            Not sure how I forgot that.



                            Run to live; live to run

                              3.3. Nearly 3 of that running. Taped the crap out if the ligament   I was going to do more but the rational part of my brain said no. Running >not running any day.


                              have a great Thanksgiving.



                                Running >not running any day.


                                Pretty, and smart.  A girl after my own heart!
