Beginners and Beyond


Thursdailies: LRB must have drank the whole bottle. (Read 46 times)



    Good morning!


    5 miles in the snow.  Meh.


    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Runner with a riding problem.


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  I ran 6 and now on my way to the airport soon.


      From the Internet.

        Crazy wind and thunderstorms all night! Everyone slept in at my house. Ain't no way I'm gonna wake up early to run and get struck by lightning. Bringing the kid to school in a minute, running later on.



          Ugh, I feel so tired and blah. It's like since I've got my 20 miler done, and almost 2 weeks to go , I've suddenly got this "fuck it, taper time" attitude  or it is this week's aggravating weather,  either it is cold or windy, or both.

          I got in 10 miles this morning, literally had to drag myself out of bed and house.

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          delicate flower


            I hope everyone has a great day!


            Why thank you.  That was a very nice thing to say, and I wish the same for you as well, friend.


            Good morning!  Thursday morning means a masters group swim, but you guys already knew that.  2350 yards done at my fastest avg pace yet, which is the second time this week I can say that (I'm still pretty damn slow).  Good swim...I enjoyed it and felt good.  Bummed that I had to stop and get to work or I'd have done another thousand yards.  I got to talking with another guy there who is an avid runner and he wants to hook up for some training runs this spring and summer.  Googlestalk indicates he is much faster than me when he's in top form, though he's currently coming back from a prolonged injury.


            I've got a short run to do later, which will be my last before my HM Saturday.



              Good morning.


              Due to the mass hysteria that has engulfed this area (it's fucking snow people, not lava rain) I was up and out early to get my run in at work on the belt. It actually wasn't all that bad, slower than normal, but not bad. It's funny that by the time I get into a groove on that stupid thing, it's time to get off. lol


                Got in another 6 mile run in Seattle this morning.


                Random thoughts:


                - I am defintely not a morning runner anymore

                - It sucks to run somewhere you don't know, because a washroom emergency might mean going back home. First morning was kind of an emergency, and both days after that I didn't want to take any chance. Although boring, a treadmill has the advantage of being near a bathroom (well technically it doesn't need to be, but ya know...)

                - I thought I would itch to run more because of this relative low mileage week, but on the contrary, it's even more difficult to motivate myself to go out. I really need to get back into training mode.

                - I would definitely trade our Montreal weather for this Seattle weather. Where do I sign?


                   6 mile run in Seattle this morning.



                    Got in another 6 mile run in Seattle this morning.


                    Random thoughts:


                    - I am defintely not a morning runner anymore

                    - It sucks to run somewhere you don't know, because a washroom emergency might mean going back home. First morning was kind of an emergency, and both days after that I didn't want to take any chance. Although boring, a treadmill has the advantage of being near a bathroom (well technically it doesn't need to be, but ya know...)

                    - I thought I would itch to run more because of this relative low mileage week, but on the contrary, it's even more difficult to motivate myself to go out. I really need to get back into training mode.

                    - I would definitely trade our Montreal weather for this Seattle weather. Where do I sign?


                    I don't like running when I'm travelling. I like running on my same boring, familiar route everyday.  Unless I am staying next to a nice bike path.

                    And usually I don't feel great when I try to run...from not sleeping as well, or not eating normally, or being dehydrated from the travel.



                      I like running on my same boring, familiar route everyday.  Unless I am staying next to a nice bike path.

                      Yep, I'm the same. Last summer, in Mt-Tremblant, it was really fun running because of the gorgeous bike paths, public bathroom cabins every 2-3 miles. Usually I like putting my brain on "off" when I'm running, and couldn't really do that here. I love my familiar routes too.


                        Got in another 6 mile run in Seattle this morning.


                        Random thoughts:


                        - I am defintely not a morning runner anymore

                        - It sucks to run somewhere you don't know, because a washroom emergency might mean going back home. First morning was kind of an emergency, and both days after that I didn't want to take any chance. Although boring, a treadmill has the advantage of being near a bathroom (well technically it doesn't need to be, but ya know...)

                        - I thought I would itch to run more because of this relative low mileage week, but on the contrary, it's even more difficult to motivate myself to go out. I really need to get back into training mode.

                        - I would definitely trade our Montreal weather for this Seattle weather. Where do I sign?


                        Another thing to be mindful of is that you're knee deep in marathon training shit, soon to be waste deep, and so on. Not to mention you've carried some pretty significant mileage the past eight months.


                          Morning!  I ran 6 and now on my way to the airport soon.


                          Next Stop: New Orleans!


                          I hear the beads are nice. NTIWKAAT  

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            Hi Dailies.


                            No run for me today but I am going to push some weight at the gym and work on that core stuff.  Yesterday I ran into someone I haven't seen in a few months and she said, "Have you been working out?" Believe me, that made my day.



                              Next Stop: New Orleans!


                               Go earn some beads, D.    


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                3.6 miles done in a local park after work yesterday and had a lot of fun testing out my "Flash" socks with fellow runners were laughing and giving me lots of comments about them, they were a big hit; and actually quite comfortable to run in too.


                                 photo Flash Socks 1_zpsbvsz4lig.jpg


                                 photo Flash Socks 2_zpsbmiijl0p.jpg


                                Today after work, packet pickup for my 5K on Saturday at San Antonio Sea World, followed by an easy run on the San Antonio Riverwalk.  Nice today...sunny and nearly 70 degrees.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
