Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES: Got Mask? (Read 25 times)


    You would if this became a thing.


      I have a small job out in Nowhereville Michigan this afternoon so I can't afford to pussyfoot around if I'm going to run!


        That would be a good incentive to wear the mask, lol.


        Ran 10 or so on the mountain. Still snow and ice on 75% of the trail, but we're getting there.


        75.6 for the week


        delicate flower

          YO.  I ran 15.33 miles.  54 for the week, which is my first 50 mile week of the year and only my second in the last 7 months.  I also biked 128 miles this week.


            Rest leg today and tomorrow for run Tuesday.

            Yard chores early this morning, after work tonight and early tomorrow via headlamp so that Tuesday I’ll have nothing to do but run and cook lunch and dinner on the grill

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              8 miles, 29.1 for the week.


                8 miles, 29.1 for the week.


                I ran 7.5.


                11.6 for the week.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Afternoon. I did a bit of Pilates earlier and I might run today if my motivation does not go down the drain.


                  Dad's GF called that he is not doing well. They asked me if I wanted him to be given the last rites (which he specifically instructed no so I had to shut that down) and sadly I don't think I am going to make it in time even if I can manage PR to accept a rapid test (they won't) and fly now. Sad



                    11 miles, squeezed in before the rain, and home in time to watch the Illini stinking up the floor. 

                    67 for the week. Each of the past 4 weeks has been 66 or 67 miles. Going for that standard deviation award!



                      YO.  I ran 15.33 miles.  54 for the week, which is my first 50 mile week of the year and only my second in the last 7 months.  I also biked 128 miles this week.


                      I had 2 in October and that's been it. It would be nice to get back up there so I can eat like a runner again!


                        YO.  I ran 15.33 miles.  54 for the week, which is my first 50 mile week of the year and only my second in the last 7 months.  I also biked 128 miles this week.





                          11 miles, squeezed in before the rain, and home in time to watch the Illini stinking up the floor. 

                          67 for the week. Each of the past 4 weeks has been 66 or 67 miles. Going for that standard deviation award!


                          Meanwhile The Marathon Man is plugging right along!



                            Meanwhile The Marathon Man is plugging right along!


                            I did not chime in yesterday, but it’s no secret that all the shit that went down in the past year (and 4 months before that when I lost my job) did not put a crimp in my motivation to run. At least from a mileage standpoint—I definitely gave up on speed work for several months.


                            Anyway I am  pretty excited about the possibility of racing again, now that I’ve got vaccination booked. There are a handful of races happening around here, typically with some kind of wave starts and other Covid precautions. I found one with a 5k and HM on 5/1, just about 2 weeks after shot #2. I feel like I should ease into things with the 5k, but I’m anxious to take a bigger plunge. So I might do the half, particularly since those opportunities will go away as summer nears, and there will always be 5k’s.


                            Now to get more serious with the training I guess. Fortunately I’ve started getting in some interval workouts over the last couple months, although with mixed results. Need to get more consistent with those, and add some longer tempo runs.



                              67 for the week. Each of the past 4 weeks has been 66 or 67 miles. Going for that standard deviation award!

                              That is consistent all right!


                              Super B****

                                I just had to pop in here to share something that is very exciting to me but nobody in my real life seems to understand: after a year and a half, I finally ran a second sub-1:30 HM to prove to myself that the first was not a fluke. ("It's only a minute." This is the non-runner response. Considering I'd have been happy with a PR of one second, a minute is huge, but yeah, okay! And for Dave: 1:28:52.)

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
