Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES are not the happiest thing for everyone (Read 47 times)



    These words shall be reserved for those who know what they are doing.


    Which ain't me. Big grin


      'Sup. Busy, busy! My tummy is so angry with me for stuffing it to the rim today. And this just in: There's a whole lotta daylight left!


        Been at the computer for 30 minutes doing nothing interesting. Going at the jujube pot (next to the computer) like there's no tomorrow. Think I'll have a beer for my carbs instead of stupid candy. Candy is hard on the teeth, ffs.


        Former Bad Ass

          Been at the computer for 30 minutes doing nothing interesting. Going at the jujube pot (next to the computer) like there's no tomorrow. Think I'll have a beer for my carbs instead of stupid candy. Candy is hard on the teeth, ffs.





          delicate flower

            Easy 6 miles run complete.  Time to make a pizza.



            Super B****

              I picked up two bibs.  I thought I'd be able to use the same bib for both races and I was so delighted that for once, I'd get to pin it on at home so it would be STRAIGHT.  (No, I'm not anal or anything like that.)

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                There was one beer left. Now there's 1/4 of a beer left. 

                Gotta go out with the family anyways. Don't feel like cooking, so some restaurant will cook for us.


                Ok, so now there's no beer left.


                8 stages of running a marathon


                  2 hour nap under sedation, then 5 hour nap after my procedure.


                    2 hour nap under sedation, then 5 hour nap after my procedure.


                    You weren't kidding you would be napping!



                      You weren't kidding you would be napping!


                      I got my belly full and I'm ready to go back to bed.


                        I picked up two bibs.  I thought I'd be able to use the same bib for both races and I was so delighted that for once, I'd get to pin it on at home so it would be STRAIGHT.  (No, I'm not anal or anything like that.)


                        I have a superstition that I will perform better if the bib is oh so slightly crooked or off-center, after stinking up the joint with it perfectly straight once. Not that me stinking up the joint had anything to do with anything.


                        Super B****


                          I have a superstition that I will perform better if the bib is oh so slightly crooked or off-center, after stinking up the joint with it perfectly straight once. Not that me stinking up the joint had anything to do with anything.


                          Well, it will be straight for the 5K and crooked for the 10K, so we'll see what happens.    Of course, it's all a moot point if this stupid tooth (that I don't have anymore) doesn't stop hurting!


                          I got a shirt for my brother since I really don't need two.  At least one of us has one that fits now.  (That would not be me.)

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            5.25 mostly easy. I picked it up the last mile, which was uphill.


                            And with that, my first 1000 mile year.


                              Another 1.5 mile on the indoor track - 1 mile of it with DS, who lapped me, the little stinker - then a pilates/yoga class. BTW, I hurt.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                                September + MRT = time to start enjoying shit.

