Beginners and Beyond

Fridailies - Kickass! (Read 39 times)



    How about just drinking more beer?


    Can't handle it anymore. I get drunk. Like real drunk that I lose my memory. I'm still functionnal and my friends tell me that it shows that I'm drunk from my speech... which becomes less precise Smile , but I don't want to fight or nothing like that. I just don't have an intelligent conversation anymore, and don't remember the next day.



      Can't handle it anymore. I get drunk. Like real drunk that I lose my memory. I'm still functionnal and my friends tell me that it shows that I'm drunk from my speech... which becomes less precise Smile , but I don't want to fight or nothing like that. I just don't have an intelligent conversation anymore, and don't remember the next day.


      How about soda?

      I am just trying to think of the things people who are trying to lose weight say are the first things to cut out. They say you should never drink your calories, because usually that's a lot of calories with no nutritional value.



      Super B****


        How about soda?

        I am just trying to think of the things people who are trying to lose weight say are the first things to cut out. They say you should never drink your calories, because usually that's a lot of calories with no nutritional value.


        Which is why weight gain protocols tend to include things like Ensure or Boost.  YUM YUM.  Pure sugar is really not helpful unless you're trying to send yourself into a diabetic coma.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Are we there, yet?


          If he's the superintendent, wouldn't he have a key to the field house?  I could understand a one time emergency, but the article I read made it sound like an everyday vindictive kind of thing.


          From what I read, the school where he was running, while near his home, is not in the same school district where he is superintendent.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






            How about soda?

            I am just trying to think of the things people who are trying to lose weight say are the first things to cut out. They say you should never drink your calories, because usually that's a lot of calories with no nutritional value.


            Empty calories. Ditto beer, and most alcohol for that matter. The best bang for your buck when trying to gain weight is dense calories like olive oil, avocados, oats, nuts and peanut butter. The first thing one should cut when trying to lose weight is you guessed it, empty calories.



              Empty calories. Ditto beer, and most alcohol for that matter. The best bang for your buck when trying to gain weight is dense calories like olive oil, avocados, oats, nuts and peanut butter. The first thing one should cut when trying to lose weight is you guessed it, empty calories.


              That was my point. But I obviously don't know anything about how to properly gain weight. Or lose weight, for that matter. I just like to eat. And drink coffee.



              Former Bad Ass


                I always joke that one of my major life goals is to drink more. I'm only half joking though. I really would love to drink more. I just don't have the time or energy for it lol


                Hold my beer...




                  Maybe because it also tastes like shit? 




                    I hate to interrupt this with a workout report but I had something that resembled a normal workout for me (4 machines of lifting and a 3/4 stairs challenge) for the first time in ages so I'm stoked.


                    delicate flower

                      I hate to interrupt this with a workout report...


                      Good luck with that once this group gets going about food and beer.



                        I was just perusing my log, last Sunday's was 3rd largest marathon I've done (close to 2nd) - at about 1500 finishers. I haven't really done big races. One 4000, 3 in the 1000-1500 range, 4 in the 300-500 range, and 2 in the 100-200 range.



                          Good luck with that once this group gets going about food and beer.




                          Not like the old BF, where you could start a thread about anything over there and get a hundred replies. Anyone remember the banana strings thread. 



                            That was my point. But I obviously don't know anything about how to properly gain weight. Or lose weight, for that matter. I just like to eat. And drink coffee.


                            And a great one.


                            And you are much smarter than you let on. 👍


                              Good afternoon.


                              I had a lovely day planned - absolutely nothing to do at work.  Roll in at 10 am, attend a pointless meeting, go to the gym at lunch for a run, hide in my office for an hour or so, leave early with another run.


                              The Friday fates had other plans.  Tedious, low-importance job dropped on my desk this morning.  It should have taken me a couple of hours to rattle off, but I am sooooooooo unmotivated.


                              So lunch workout is scrapped.  Will run 12.5 km home.


                              Went for a run yesterday.  Ran by an older gentleman who was wearing his National Capital (Ottawa) Marathon t-shirt from 1996.  It looked like cotton - and the shoulders were practically see-through.


                              Serial pooper story:





                                100% addicted. I get a raging headache if I skip coffee in the morning.




                                And I'm okay with that.