Beginners and Beyond


Warming ThursDailies (Read 20 times)


Waltons ThreadLord

    A good final workout today.  13 with 10 at MP.  Thanks to the current warming trend, this one was a bit harder than the last two as the temp was out of my happy zone and into my "it's a little warm" zone (i.e. mid-40's for the last two workouts, low-mid 50s today).  I'm looking at the warming staying around through race day with the high near 60, which will definitely impact me.  Maybe the silver lining is it will finally and definitely chase the ambitious idea of sub-4 out of my head once and for all.


    At least hurricane Tammy is now forecast to be well out to sea next week and heading to Europe.

    5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
    10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

    Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4



    Former Bad Ass

      Great workout and glad the storm is moving out, not in.


      I have 4 and PT.


      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Rest day. It took me a while yesterday afternoon to figure out why I was sweating so much while lifting (75 outside). My home office stays cooler than the rest of the house because it gets no sun. The gym/spare bedroom faces east. Warm again today, almost starting sweating after my two block walk to cvs. Now time to hide because I had to buy powdered coffee creamer until the order for real stuff comes in. Years ago, my old boss promised the VP we would never, ever use powdered creamer again to save money.


          3 miles, 62F but 90% humidity. Ready for cooler running temps any day now.


          Horrific events in Maine. DH's best friend from high school lives in the town and it took several hours last night to hear back from him that he's ok. Then they find the murderer's car a few miles from my BIL's house. My niece's school closed today, everyone staying home.


            Whiskers—so awful.  


            Bucking the warming trend out here; I ran 6 miles at a frosty 34 degrees! Had to break out the gloves for the first time. Oh except for when I ran in North Dakota a couple weeks ago. 

            Oh important news from yesterday’s track workout. My track is considerate enough to have a brick & mortar restroom building with one for each gender, plus usually one or two portapotties. Less considerate is that they are all kept locked. Miraculously there was an open portapotty yesterday. Hallelujah.



            Former Bad Ass

              3 miles, 62F but 90% humidity. Ready for cooler running temps any day now.


              Horrific events in Maine. DH's best friend from high school lives in the town and it took several hours last night to hear back from him that he's ok. Then they find the murderer's car a few miles from my BIL's house. My niece's school closed today, everyone staying home.


              Ugh. And the murderer is still at large, no?



              5K Specialist

                No running since Saturday. It has been raining every evening on Monday - Wednesday. We've have over 8 inches of rain in three days. Typical Texas weather. We go straight from drought to floods. All our running trails are flooded, but the streets are fine. Dallas turns flood plains into running trails.

                Personal Bests:

                800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)

                Half Crazy K 2.0


                  Ugh. And the murderer is still at large, no?


                    1.5 flat fast paced warmup early this morning 



                    Just now: Guinea Pig again… going to get jabbed in an hour 😀



                    Moderna Announces First Participant Dosed in Phase 3 Study of mRNA-1083, a Combination Vaccine Against Influenza and COVID-19






                    I either get: 

                    A. the experimental mRNA-1083 COVID flu combo,


                    B. standard COVID boost + standard flu shot


                      Some minor work excitement--yesterday, I saw a mouse in the office. We were joking about it being an escapee from one of the labs but it's actually apparently quite serious. A random mouse cannot, under any circumstances, mix with a science mouse (diseases, etc). So catching this mouse is HIGH PRIORITY and we have a whole exterminator team on site trying to catch it. The services of several colleagues' cats have been offered but again, no non-science animals are allowed on site.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Thanks for helping science, Daffy!


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Strength training afterr work. After disassembling the LED in my vest earlier this week, I discoered it actually has a micro USB for charging


                          Daffy, dumb question, no one gets a control this time? Everyone gets a vaccine/


                          sdWhiskers, oh wow, I never thought about that with mice. We get them at work periodically. One year before Christmasas break, we had the "hallway of death". The exterminators placed traps basically every 2 feet all the way down the hall.Rumor was very few mice were caught. Since we do not have any research departments (or the lab based ones) in our building, I have suggested a working cat, but too many allergy issues.


                          DavePNW, locked POPs? I've seen that in one of the city parks where the POPs basically have cages around them & are locked. Not sure when they are unlocked.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Ran 4 with hubby at lunch. It was 73F, FFS. No pain during, started to have pain after. Went to vote after work before PT and voted the Klan Karenhood bitches out (hope this time they are gone) and PT killed my legs.





                              DavePNW, locked POPs? I've seen that in one of the city parks where the POPs basically have cages around them & are locked. Not sure when they are unlocked.


                              It seems like that's more the rule than the exception around here, especially in the city. At construction sites, they're often fenced off. And the ones that aren't, are kept locked when no workers are there, presumably to keep the homeless out. Then people complain when the homeless poop in the street. Many of those that are kept open do get pretty trashed, and are often poorly/infrequently maintained.





                                I either get: 

                                A. the experimental mRNA-1083 COVID flu combo,


                                B. standard COVID boost + standard flu shot


                                But presumably case A is a single shot? So to keep the experiment blind, do you still get a second shot with nothing in it? And then would you get suspicious when that arm isn't sore?

