Beginners and Beyond

TuesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


    Cancelled my Israel trip 

    I have a rest day again today. This plan is kind of annoying.



      Onemile, Dave, Cyber (and others?? Docket?), how long did it take for you guys to build up to that base? That is crazy amazing mileage. Do you guys do a lot in terms of injury prevention? (yoga, stretching, etc.?)

      I did 7.72 today on the 'mill. If I didn't have anything to stream while running on it I'd think it was boring AF. But today the Handmaid's Tale made it all the more tolerable. 20 min up, 2x2mi @ 8:30mm w/JR, 10 min down.


      Trying to get all ready for Turkey day--sometimes I wonder why we do this to ourselves.


      Former Bad Ass

        Sorry about the trip, onemile.


        Great mileage!



        Are we there, yet?

          Onemile, Dave, Cyber (and others?? Docket?), how long did it take for you guys to build up to that base? That is crazy amazing mileage. Do you guys do a lot in terms of injury prevention? (yoga, stretching, etc.?)


          Approximate mileage my first 5 years of running:

          1100 (8 months)





          Did strength training a couple times a week, mostly on machines rather than free weights.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Onemile, Dave, Cyber (and others?? Docket?), how long did it take for you guys to build up to that base? That is crazy amazing mileage. Do you guys do a lot in terms of injury prevention? (yoga, stretching, etc.?)

            I started running in the winter/spring of 2009 but I didn't track miles at all the first year. So about 9 years.  Once I got to the point I could run 3 miles, I usually ran 3 miles every other day or so and maybe a little bit longer run on the weekend (5 miles).  Then I decided to run a marathon in 2010 and started following a plan and tracking miles.  I don't stretch or xt or yoga or anything else but run.   I used to feel on the verge of injury a lot but not so much anymore.


            Date ▼ Distance Pace Speed Notes
            2017 2692.9 mi 8:21 7.2  
            2016 2660.0 mi 8:29 7.1 Achilles issue but I really only took 2 weeks off and a few lower mileage weeks.
            2015 2638.6 mi 8:27 7.1  
            2014 2301.4 mi 8:31 7.0 Calf injury and had to take a full month off
            2013 2568.5 mi 8:57 6.7  
            2012 2000.0 mi 9:54 6.1  
            2011 808.8 mi 10:09 5.9  Spent most of the year injured (ITBS)
            2010 1321.7 mi 10:13 5.9  

              Onemile, Dave, Cyber (and others?? Docket?), how long did it take for you guys to build up to that base?


              I started working on upping my mileage when I started hanging around here. I used to be a 30 mile runner plus one hockey game per week. That was like 3 years ago. Ever since I have been working on my mileage. The number (2000, 3000) is not a target in itself (except this year it is), but I wanted the volume to increase.

              Injury free? My old signature was "There is always something". I'm almost always hurting somewhere. Constantly trying to figure out what happened, how to fix myself (while running), and how to prevent it from happening in the future. It's an ongoing process. I still run when I'm hurt because a) I'm stupid and b) up until now I've always fixed myself while running. I do stop intensity when I'm hurt and sometimes temporarily cut back on the mileage.


                Onemile, Dave, Cyber (and others?? Docket?), how long did it take for you guys to build up to that base? That is crazy amazing mileage. Do you guys do a lot in terms of injury prevention? (yoga, stretching, etc.?)


                My mileage history:

                2010-2012 no log, but probably built gradually from ~800 to ~1200

                2013  1466

                2014  2359

                2015  2554

                2016  2821

                2017  2505 YTD


                Didn't get "serious" till after my first marathon, fall 2012 (which might've gone better if I'd gotten serious before it).

                Over that time increased run  frequency from 3 days/week to 4, 5, 6 and since the middle of this year have been pretty much every day.

                I used to be religious about yoga, 3x/week, but that gradually dwindled down to zero ~2014 - squeezed out by all the running.

                2016 was my first full year free of any significant injury down time, and this year has been pretty healthy too (knock wood, it's not over yet). Despite the fact that I am terrible about any kind of cross training; pretty much all I do is run.

                I do stretch, that is my new religion; I have a standard routine after finishing every run, for 10-15 min.




                  Injury free? My old signature was "There is always something". I'm almost always hurting somewhere. Constantly trying to figure out what happened, how to fix myself (while running), and how to prevent it from happening in the future. It's an ongoing process. I still run when I'm hurt because a) I'm stupid and b) up until now I've always fixed myself while running. I do stop intensity when I'm hurt and sometimes temporarily cut back on the mileage.


                  I used to feel this way a lot more but not as much in the past 3 years and I think that's because my mileage has been pretty steady - but that's not to say I'm not feeling "normal" aches and pains and walking like an old person when I first start moving.  But nothing that really worries me. I have a series of visible bumps on my right shin which are very tender to the touch and sometimes I will feel a pinching pain in the area of the biggest one that sort of throbs on and off. And a blinding pain if I get bumped in the shin by a dog head.  So this, I refer to as my 'stress fracture'  But I typically don't feel pain in my shins while running and I have had this for long enough to not consider it an injury (because injuries keep you from running and this never has... )

                    Hey OneMile, sorry about the trip, that sucks.  Is it a rescheduleable thing, or not so much?  Glad Gracie is doing better, she looks a lot happier in the recent picture!  She's a stunning dog, even in a cone.


                    LRB, that was my morning too.  I questioned my decision to run from the first 100 feet until I was done.  I started doing weird runner math with workouts and rest days and races, and what should be where, and landed on the unavoidable conclusion that I should have taken a RD today.  But once I'm up at the butt crack of dawn, and dressed, it seems like a waste not to go.  But it felt sloggy.  Whatever, 5 done.


                    Dave, I almost bit it this morning.  I thought of you.  Hope round two is healing up.


                    OFR, drop kick 'em!!  Way to embrace your inner alpha 


                    I live where the weather makes no gdamn sense, so naturally it's predicted to be 87 on Thanksgiving day.  Not exactly PR weather.  This should be interesting.


                    Baboon, good luck this weekend!!!!!  I'm excited to hear how it went!


                    ETA: Happy anniversary Bert!!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Mine does not even get close to these guys.  The low year in 2014 was due to surgery and the same with 2017 (knee surgery).  The paces given are fucking loco, though.  Nothing close to that.  And the difference in temps is due to me running on the TM as of 2015 for most of the year.


                      I started running more than 1 mile a day in 2008, so it took me like 3 years to get to the 2000 mileage and been around 2300 otherwise.  Except my best year of 2500 which I want to get to again.  I've never been prone to injury from running, so never really thought of what to do to prevent injury.


                      Date ▼ Activity Type Distance Duration Pace Equipment Avg HR Temp
                      2017     1711.5 mi 304:55:36 10:42   137 75.4
                      2016     2295.0 mi 379:05:35 9:55   137 75.2
                      2015     2500.1 mi 356:00:06 8:33   136 78.2
                      2014     1829.9 mi 273:22:43 8:58   141 80.6
                      2013     2302.4 mi 396:41:54 10:21   145 82.2
                      2012     2066.4 mi 317:19:34 9:13   148 71.6
                      2011     2025.4 mi 351:22:34 10:25   151 83.6
                      2010     1878.7 mi 356:22:13 11:23   153  




                        I used to feel this way a lot more but not as much in the past 3 years and I think that's because my mileage has been pretty steady - but that's not to say I'm not feeling "normal" aches and pains and walking like an old person when I first start moving.  But nothing that really worries me. 


                        Yeah me too. Of course I AM an old person, so I suppose should be walking that way anyway. Injuries seemed more prevalent in my first couple years of higher-mileage building than my last couple. I don't want to make any kind of bold pronouncements though.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          I those were aches and pains from being old, but if onemile is having them too then it's from running. Big grin



                            I got 8. Smile... DW is at the store buying Thanksgiving dinner: Barbeque beef, buns, tater tots, and turtle pie! ...Nice mileage everyone! I'm trying to increase mine to see if I can stop the age decline some.


                            Freesoul: Looking good! Smile


                            Blue: Free climber?     Cool looking wall!


                            Onemile: Sorry you will miss your trip. Sad...I thought you were an ex-college runner or something with your times?


                            Berto: Happy Anniversary!


                            Image result




                              zzyzx - What's a stair challenge?  Sounds scary.




                              I always forget to check these for followups.


                              4 laps basement of the parking garage to the roof of the skyscraper I work in. Comes to about 120 flights.


                              Super B****



                                Blue: Free climber?     Cool looking wall!



                                Technically, I guess... since every time I dare let go to take a break, my belayer lets me drop a few inches!!  She claims she doesn't do this on purpose. 


                                Climbing is the best strength training ever, though.  No more chicken arms!  And it doesn't bore me to tears like traditional strength training.


                                On an unrelated note, it's been three weeks since Garmin announced the Mk1, and it still says "Estimated availability is 5-8 weeks."  I am trying to work on a dive trip, here, and it would be infuriating if I were to not have my new watch when I go!

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog