Beginners and Beyond


Sunny Sunday (Read 40 times)



    Nuun is disgusting under any circumstances, imho.

    Sorry about all that.




    Dockett, I’m sorry you got sick, but I’m so impressed that you kept going and finished!


    I ran 5.3 today. It warmed up to 22°, which was great. The wind picked up on the way home though and it was biting cold so I was glad I turned around when I did.


    Onemile, I went into the store, so I’m not sure how email/phone support is, but they were great  and quick to solve the problem and make me happy. If you go into the store, take the charger with you. They only replace exactly what you give back.


      Anybody else have a hard time writing posts on an Android using Chrome? Browser crashes. Keyboard hides itself. Only on RA forums, only with my phone.


      Super B****


        Yeah, I always think it will be ok running over the bridges until the wind hits.  I took these pics after I ran this morning while walking the dog.  I wish I had my phone with me while running over the Manhattan Bridge... the ice on the river was much more dramatic looking.  But the phone probably wouldn't have worked then.


        Try taking the 5 train.  Last time I did that, I wound up on the Manhattan bridge.  On an R train.  Running on the Q line. 

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Former Bad Ass

          I only finished because there was no way for hubby to pick me up or for me to go to the hotel was as long of a walk as the finish line, so I kept pushing as much as I could.  I would have quit if I could have.



            Anybody else have a hard time writing posts on an Android using Chrome? Browser crashes. Keyboard hides itself. Only on RA forums, only with my phone.


            No. Mine works fine.


              I always seem to be the odd person-out. I actually like Nuun. Easier on my tummy. Thanks for the thread discussions yesterday, and the last few days for that matter on the watches. I have just been thinking about what I might get for the next one, but by the time I need one, they will all be extinct, and we'll have to have more discussions. Anyways, I did 7.5 miles today.


                Docket, so sorry about the marathon. Sad I’m impressed you finished it. I also didn’t get the telephoning it in.


                JayB, hope your ankle isn’t anything major?


                DaveP, nice seeing you get some mileage in again. How is your body handling running again?

                Ginny, hoping your back is okay tomorrow, too, and doesn’t turn into anything major.


                SRD for me today. Which is good, b/c it ended up being a day filled with lots of stuff. We had a party Fri night, and they left most of their desserts here. Which means I'm shoveling them in at a pretty rapid rate. Blah...tomorrow time to hop on the veggie train again. 

                So the discussion of going from 5-6 days per week--assuming it's adding an extra day of easy mileage, how's it for recovery? It's a huge change in terms of days off - running 5 days a week you're always getting a couple days off per week, so running 2 or 3 days in a row before your break. But jumping up to 6 days of running obviously you're running 6 consecutive days. Is it that much harder on your body? I'm thinking specifically of me with my "overuse injury" (Achilles). Wondering if I'll ever get back to running 6 days per week. I've been running mostly 5 days per week since May, with a very few 3 or sometimes 4 days per week. Also, I think I am set on my fall marathon--has anyone ever run the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon? 



                  DaveP, nice seeing you get some mileage in again. How is your body handling running again?


                  Things still don't really feel quite right. Nothing too severe, just some nagging stiffness/achiness in the hamstring/glute/hip area. Not a big deal to keep churning out 5-8 (very slow) easy runs, but it feels like anything too long or fast would be problematic. Kind of reluctant to try.



                    So the discussion of going from 5-6 days per week--assuming it's adding an extra day of easy mileage, how's it for recovery? It's a huge change in terms of days off - running 5 days a week you're always getting a couple days off per week, so running 2 or 3 days in a row before your break. But jumping up to 6 days of running obviously you're running 6 consecutive days. Is it that much harder on your body? I'm thinking specifically of me with my "overuse injury" (Achilles). Wondering if I'll ever get back to running 6 days per week. I've been running mostly 5 days per week since May, with a very few 3 or sometimes 4 days per week. Also, I think I am set on my fall marathon--has anyone ever run the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon? 


                    No. The sixth day can be easy and as little as 4 - 5 miles.


                      hog4life, yeah, we'll hqve the discussion again Smile


                      RoS, I can only speak for myself, but I very gradually increased mileage. Say I was wondering if going from 5 to 6 days was a good idea, I would not commit to it, but do it maybe once every 2-3 weeks, or so. Just an example, here. And yeah, that day of recovery you take away has to be replaced by an amount of easy miles that is easy for you. Can't copy somebody else IMO. For Dave and onemile, they often use 5 miles. Me, it depends. It can be a 4-5 miles at lunch, or 7 miles divided in two runs (commuting). But for you it could be 3 or 4 miles. Especially at first. Your body is not used to 6 days in a row, so ease into it.

                      I now run every day, with an occasional RD. But I've been working at that for quite a while now.


                      So that is my take on the subject.


                        double post.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          ROS, I was doing 6 days towards the end of the year. Leg wise, I was ok. When I've done 6 days, usually I am around 8 hours per week. That does not agree with me, I'll spare the guys the details, so yea, that type of impact. Kind of interconnected with all that is my sleep goes to crap, yet I'm tired, I'll fall asleep but then wake up  few times. And even with no change to what I eat, I gain weight (the 2 times I've done 50 mile weeks, weight went up).


                            When moving from 5 days a week to 6, I started running 3 miles every other Friday (I used to run Tues, Wed, Thur, Sat and Sun. )  And then eventually every Friday and then eventually increased from 3 to 5.  Pretty much exactly what Cyberic said.


                            And Runshortii has run Lakefront


                              So the discussion of going from 5-6 days per week--assuming it's adding an extra day of easy mileage, how's it for recovery? It's a huge change in terms of days off - running 5 days a week you're always getting a couple days off per week, so running 2 or 3 days in a row before your break. But jumping up to 6 days of running obviously you're running 6 consecutive days. Is it that much harder on your body? I'm thinking specifically of me with my "overuse injury" (Achilles). Wondering if I'll ever get back to running 6 days per week. I've been running mostly 5 days per week since May, with a very few 3 or sometimes 4 days per week. Also, I think I am set on my fall marathon--has anyone ever run the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon? 

                              I ran it this past October. It was my first marathon so I don’t have anything to compare it to as far as full marathons go, but I enjoyed it.  It is a point to point, my fiancé drove me to the start in Grafton but they have shuttles that take you to Grafton from downtown Milwaukee. It’s well organized, and put on by the local running club (and the distance is always correct unlike the other fall Milwaukee marathon) Not a ton of crowd support in the early miles but it didn’t bother me, more support once you get close to downtown and running through the Concordia campus was fun. Plenty of aid stations, I think they had one every mile after mile 20. I would run it again in the future.


                                I ran it this past October. It was my first marathon so I don’t have anything to compare it to as far as full marathons go, but I enjoyed it.  It is a point to point, my fiancé drove me to the start in Grafton but they have shuttles that take you to Grafton from downtown Milwaukee. It’s well organized, and put on by the local running club (and the distance is always correct unlike the other fall Milwaukee marathon) Not a ton of crowd support in the early miles but it didn’t bother me, more support once you get close to downtown and running through the Concordia campus was fun. Plenty of aid stations, I think they had one every mile after mile 20. I would run it again in the future.


                                Sweet--you just solidified it for me. Thanks a bunch!


                                Thanks so much for chiming in re: transitioning to 6 days per week. I really liked Cyber's suggestion of throwing in a 6th day every 2 or 3 weeks to see how the body adapts, and also doing shorter mileage also. 

                                Dave, sorry you're still dealing with some stuff. Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer and your body starts cooperating with your mind!
