Beginners and Beyond


Tuesdailies (Read 38 times)


    I'm traveling to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving and realized there is a turkey trot 5K only 1 block my hotel. Yes, please!


    Question for the group--I'd like to have my 6 year old run (his first 5k!) but if MrW and I both register, do I need to spend $40 for the little guy too? Seems excessive. He doesn't need a shirt and can have my medal. On the other side, at least the race claims to benefit a good cause.


    Yes. IMHO. It's actually excessive for any of you, but that's the price.


    We were in Eugene, OR for Thanksgiving last year. Their Turkey Trot is a pretty big event. But there was the choice of 2-mile or 4-mile. WTF? How hard is it to just have a 5k? I would have done it if it was. I really have no interest in racing odd distance.




      Yes. IMHO. It's actually excessive for any of you, but that's the price.


      yeah, unless they say kids are free I assume you pay for each of you.

      and.. yeah, definitely $120 for 3 of you to do a 5k is ridiculous


      Are we there, yet?


        Question for the group--I'd like to have my 6 year old run (his first 5k!) but if MrW and I both register, do I need to spend $40 for the little guy too? Seems excessive. He doesn't need a shirt and can have my medal. On the other side, at least the race claims to benefit a good cause.


        Check to see if there's a family option.  Some of the races around me have one that reduces the per runner amount quite a bit if you register as a family.


        MTA - often there is also a reduced rate for kids under a certain age, varies by race.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





          It kind of seems bananas to me that they would charge a kid the same price for the 5k that they'd charge an adult. I suppose they're probably still ordering the same medal and finisher's t-shirt, but, it still seems bananas. 


            I expected a busy as hell work day today and so far it has not disappointed.  And on that topic, a tiny little dead mouse sure has a way of stinking up the office.  How could something so small generate such stink!?



            A few years ago, my aunt & uncle started noticing a very foul smell in their house, and they couldn't quite tell where the smell was coming from. They finally narrowed it down to their bathroom. A possum had burrowed underneath their tile somehow and had died. 



              I really don't get that whole freaking out over words, I mean unless proven otherwise, I just assume a guy is talking about a legal aged chick. Some like to say woman, lady, girl, gal, whatever...


              Different strokes for different folks.



                yeah, unless they say kids are free I assume you pay for each of you.

                and.. yeah, definitely $120 for 3 of you to do a 5k is ridiculous


                I looked at the website again and apparently it is $40 for a runner/walker and $50 for a virtual runner!! Price gouging at it's finest.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Whiskers, I just looked at our local turkey trot. Kids 6 and under are free, 7-17 have a reduced entry rate. Often they don't get a shirt or if it's tech shirts, the kids get cotton. $40 for each of you is insane.


                     yeah, definitely $120 for 3 of you to do a 5k is ridiculous


                    $40 for each of you is insane.


                    West coast pricing, baby! 



                      Whiskers, I just looked at our local turkey trot. Kids 6 and under are free, 7-17 have a reduced entry rate. Often they don't get a shirt or if it's tech shirts, the kids get cotton. $40 for each of you is insane.


                      Yeah, there is zero kid discount.


                      I could probably push him in a stroller for free but F that. He is ready to run! He's done almost 2 miles without walking at his school's running club so we will see what happens. I forked over the $132 (with fees) for the 3 of us  


                         He's done almost 2 miles without walking at his school's running club so we will see what happens. 


                        Explain to him about race day magic.



                          I ran 5. Any suggestions for a tight arch? Just roll the crap out of it? For a few weeks about a mile in my R arch always gets super tight and almost spasm pain like and then I have to stop 1000 times to stretch it out. Eventually it calms down but it’s annoying stopping 1000 times. It doesn’t hurt any other time.



                            Explain to him about race day magic.




                            My only goal is to keep him from sprinting the first 200m. And fun of course.


                              I ran 5. Any suggestions for a tight arch? Just roll the crap out of it? For a few weeks about a mile in my R arch always gets super tight and almost spasm pain like and then I have to stop 1000 times to stretch it out. Eventually it calms down but it’s annoying stopping 1000 times. It doesn’t hurt any other time.


                              Calf and Achille stretches will take some tension off the arch, I believe, as they are both tied up to the heel.



                                My only goal is to keep him from sprinting the first 200m. 


                                Ha, he wouldn't be a kid if he didn't do that.

