Beginners and Beyond


Agitated SaturDAILIES (Read 34 times)




    I took a call from the ex last night before bed then a text from her first thing this morning. Can you just leave me the **** alone already? I'm trying to get my positive vibe, be in-tune with the earth thing going here.


      Heading out for a run here shortly. Was gonna do something exciting, but had my juju zapped so I will just jog instead.


      What up doe?


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning. I have 8 miles tonight.




          Does it help?

          We’ll see how it feels tomorrow I guess. You’d think it might be aggravated by a hard workout, which I had 2 days ago, but yesterday was a short easy which felt fine. Today was 8 easy, but also had some hilliness, maybe that didn’t help, who knows. It was not a sharp pain, but not comfortable. Planning on short easy tomorrow.


          For me, I've found that tight hammies are oftentimes caused by super tight hip flexors or quads (which, I think pulls my pelvis forward and makes my hammies tight). So I haven't been able to get any relief rolling my hammies with a foam roller, but I've done foam rolling on the aforementioned leg areas and that's helped. Also doing trigger point therapy (on the hammies, or hip flexors) with a Beastie Ball helps a bit. My problem is I don't do it often enough.


          I've got 9 sometime today. I have zero motivation again. Probably due to the fact that we were out way too late again. Sigh. I need more sleep.


          Former Bad Ass



            I took a call from the ex last night before bed then a text from her first thing this morning. Can you just leave me the **** alone already? I'm trying to get my positive vibe, be in-tune with the earth thing going here.


            Is there an emergency for her to bug your life and sleep?  Sheesh.



            delicate flower

              Hello. I ran 14 miles this morning  Good run but my legs were heavy and I had to fight for it. I think my hard Tuesday through Thursday workouts were still fresh in my legs .


              Dinner and a movie tonight with the Oskis.



                Hello. I ran 14 miles this morning  Good run but my legs were heavy and I had to fight for it. I think my hard Tuesday through Thursday workouts were still fresh in my legs .


                Dinner and a movie tonight with the Oskis.


                What’re you seeing?


                5 miles.


                Hip Redux


                  What’re you seeing?


                  5 miles.


                  Into the Spider-verse!!



                  delicate flower


                    What’re you seeing?


                    5 miles.

                    That Spiderman cartoon.



                      I ran 6.


                      It was the most effortless, pain free, pleasant run I've had in a month of Sundays. I ate leftover mashed potatoes afterwards. Damn I can cook. 



                        For me, I've found that tight hammies are oftentimes caused by super tight hip flexors or quads (which, I think pulls my pelvis forward and makes my hammies tight). So I haven't been able to get any relief rolling my hammies with a foam roller, but I've done foam rolling on the aforementioned leg areas and that's helped. Also doing trigger point therapy (on the hammies, or hip flexors) with a Beastie Ball helps a bit. My problem is I don't do it often enough.




                        So, still feeling it today, but not quite as bad as I feared (because of course I feared the worst). It is most pronounced going uphill. Not debilitating though, and didn’t appear to affect my pace. Feel it more when I’m out longer, so we see how tomorrow goes, since it is planned to be something medium-longish.



                          That Spiderman cartoon.


                          Ha. We are literally talking about that movie right now. DD wants to see it.



                            You guys! I did my first outdoor run in 3 weeks! I just hadn't been feeling it but it was actually a pretty nice day (after the insane windstorm of last night) so I had no excuses. I did my first 7 mile run since my London Half at 8:56. Not my longest or my fastest pace but it's a good place to be after my break.


                            I did have a scare towards the end when a car threatened to run a red light. I stopped short to be safe and almost tweaked my knee. Fortunately almost isn't the same as doing.


                            delicate flower


                              Into the Spider-verse!!


                              And Connexican!


                              From the Internet.

                                I'm a track athlete now! Second slowest 3000m of the day but nbd, lol.


                                11:41.52, ran it watchless but my coaches have my splits and will email 'em to me. Relatively even, had a minor existential crisis when there were like 5 laps to go but closed with a 42 second 200. There's another meet next week, still deciding whether I will go and if I'll do the 3000 again or try the mile.
