Beginners and Beyond


What up doe Friday DAILIES! (Read 42 times)


    LRB, how'd you like the new Avengers movie?  Knowing what you look for in a movie, I am guessing you liked it.


    Actually of the 7 or 8 Marvel movies of this series, this one was about middle of the pack.


    Now while their middle of the pack might be higher than that of other movie franchises of the genre, no, I am not particularly crazy about this one.


    Barking Mad To Run

      Geez, Scotty!  Be careful, those things are mean.  My college had some wooded areas on campus and they finally had to put up signs during the deers mating season to stay away because they were getting, um, "aggressive" with the students.


      I attempted a 4 mile "run" this morning.  I made it 3 miles and had to do the walk of shame for the last mile.  I think I honked up my calves worse than I thought in the race on Saturday.  I'm leaning towards just resting at least until Monday.  No sense in doing anything stupid.  Well, anything else stupid. Smile


      I also apparently hosed up my Garmin in the rain on Saturday.  Waterproof my ass.  It only will stay on if it's plugged in.  Garmin wants $59 to replace it, which isn't terrible compared to buying a new one.


      There is no shame, cj!  Hey, sometimes on a run stuff happens.  As long as you deal with it and keep moving forward - if you are able to with whatever reason made you stop running, then you're still trying and not giving up and there is no shame in that!  Naturally, if you had something going on that was going to put your life or health at risk, then DEFINITELY stop all together -

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Barking Mad To Run

        lol.  I have a cat like that too, lol, hides and "surprises' the other ones.


        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt



          All four of my cats will do shit like that to each other, one minute you're sitting peacefully in your house then you hear two pissed off cats running through the house ......

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          Former Bad Ass


            I LOVE THIS!  That's one of my kitties with the other.  Poor Rubio....


            Morning!  Been swamped at work until now.  I have Pilates and 7 miles tonight.


            Scotty, take care of that knee!




                10k tomorrow, no idea how that will go.


                You are going to commit race-slaughter on that thing!


                Former Bad Ass


                  You are going to commit race-slaughter on that thing!



                  delicate flower


                    Actually of the 7 or 8 Marvel movies of this series, this one was about middle of the pack.


                    Now while their middle of the pack might be higher than that of other movie franchises of the genre, no, I am not particularly crazy about this one.


                    It certainly isn't getting the rave reviews that the first one got.  Still, we'll be checking it out next weekend.




                      It certainly isn't getting the rave reviews that the first one got.  Still, we'll be checking it out next weekend.


                      Absolutely do that, hell, I am going to see it again. lol


                      On its own it's a good flick, when judged against it predecessor though (which was great) and some of the other ones of the series it's not my fave. You may think differently though and even if not it is worth the time and ticket.


                        Bubble wrap. We need to cover Scottydawg in bubble wrap. - Glad it isn't too bad, Scotty!



                        6 miles of walk/wog - only about 15 1-minute segements - on the schedule. But I'm debating whether to do it on the rail-trail (much more beautiful) or around my neighborhood (less chance of having to hobble for two or three miles on an injured leg if something goes wrong, since my knee was a little wonky yesterday). Decisions, decisions.


                        So glad I decided to go to the trail. I saw the pair of eagles, one of the first great blue herons of the season, a muskrat, turtles, and the most wonderful smelling flowering bushes.
                        And I ran 20 1-minute segments. Smile (10 min walk + 20x1:4 run/walk = 7.4 miles in 1:50 - I think the turtles were laughing at me.)

                        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                          Rest day here.  I was feeling my little two mile run last night (hamstrings) but today I'm just a bit stiff.  It's the annual yard sale weekend in the neighborhood, so our walk with the dog was very leisurely.


                            Ouch Scottydawg!





                                I feel like I am coming down with some kind of cold or virus. If true, Imma smack the crap out of first person at work who coughs or sneezes.
