Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES - Also known as Friday Jr (Read 32 times)


    Peeing after eating beets and asparagus can throw you for a fucking loop. Like, for real.




    Former Bad Ass

      I am on Strava and I am sure I'm not on the top of anything on my list, past or present, neither against myself.  Yay me.



        15 trainer miles... 5K tonight.  Bag check closes at 5:30.  Um.  People, you know... work?



        Nah, I don't even pay attention to that.  I think it's hilarious when people try to do that in training and then they wonder why their race times are slower than their training runs.


        I wouldn't call it racing, but my first year of running I ran every run HARD. I compared the times and even points along the way of a given route and got pissed if it was not as fast as those before it. There were other times where I ran a lot at medium effort.


        Nowadays, I run which such little effort, that I could probably have a slowest run contest. lol


        delicate flower



          In any case, no. I am still mostly unclear on how Strava works anyway. Sometimes I see those little messages, and my general reaction is "Oh."


          You are currently the leader on one segment.  Good job.



            I ran 10


            We were actually pretty much twinsies, on distance, pace, and starting time. So in fact we practically did race our runs! A very slow race.



            <time>Today at 5:43 AM</time>

             Morning Run

            • 10.0mi
            • 9:00/mi


            <time>Today at 5:57 AM</time>

             Morning Run

            • 10.0mi
            • 9:05/mi





              You are currently the leader on one segment.  Good job.




                Speaking of Strava, I didn't know onemile's last name, and it turns out that she has the same name as a school board member (and parent of a kid at my school) in the district where I work. So when I got the notification, my first thought was that the school board lady had followed me.  Luckily onemile had a picture up and I could see who it was when I logged in.



                  You are currently the leader on one segment.  Good job.


                  Ha, so I looked at this. It's 0.7 miles of that mountain-climbing 10k I ran. No one else in their right mind would bother to try running hard on that segment. Average 6% grade, and the first 1/4 mile is about 11%. It was ridiculous.



                    I jogged 4 and it felt like a week 9 of a 12 week MRT run. Oof.


                    Not sure what was up with that but I'm not going to complain about it. I've been dealing with some personal crap and running (albeit not well!) has helped maintain a sense of normalcy and kept me from losing my marbles.



                      We were actually pretty much twinsies, on distance, pace, and starting time. So in fact we practically did race our runs! A very slow race.




                       Morning Run

                      • 10.0mi
                      • 9:00/mi



                       Morning Run

                      • 10.0mi
                      • 9:05/mi



                      lol you won.

                      But I didn't taper for it 



                        lol you won.

                        But I didn't taper for it 


                        Yeah, didn't you do like 9 million 1k repeats yesterday? Of course I raced a 5k 2 days ago. Anyway, we're in different divisions, so we can both win.



                        Super B****

                          I get those "Uh oh! X stole your lead" emails a lot.  Mostly about segments from Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.  Like... what exactly do you want me to do about that now?!

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            Anyway, we're in different divisions, so we can both win.


                            Oh, okay!


                            delicate flower

                              I get those "Uh oh! X stole your lead" emails a lot.  Mostly about segments from Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.  Like... what exactly do you want me to do about that now?!


                              Maybe turn off the notifications?  


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                Peeing after eating beets and asparagus can throw you for a fucking loop. Like, for real.



                                Thanks for no picture.