Beginners and Beyond

Tuesday, February 2 (Read 45 times)

Jack K.

uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI



    HM training starts today with 6 easy miles + 8 strides. During this cycle I am going to do a lot of runs on the TM because I have been enjoying the gym and doing my core stuff. It just seems easier to do a run and core stuff in one visit. Plus, I think the TM is easier on my knee.  At the minimum I will still do my Sunday LR outside.


    That is all.


      Good morning!


      I ran 15 miles.  2 miles WU, 5x1 @10k-ish and 1/2 mile recoveries,  an easy 1.5, 0.8 mile w/350ft gain, and the last 3.5 @ MP.  I am pleased.  And, I am tired and hungry.


      I hope everyone has a great day!


      15 with 5 at 10k paces and 3.5 at MP is a tough run. Nice.


      Are we there, yet?


        That happened to me once!!  Well, twice.  I stopped when it was mile two of a HM.  But halfway through a 5K, no, I'm not stopping to tie my shoe!!

        It was the scariest race I've ever run in my life.


        I lost a shoe in the first mile of a 5K because the mud we ran through sucked it off. I probably lost about 30-45 seconds between hopping on one foot to get my shoe and put it back on...and it was double knotted. That slowed me down getting it back on. I missed an award by one place.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






          I single tie (knot?) my jogging shoes, but double tie my racing ones. Because you know THAT WOULD SUCK.


          Racing shoes = jogging shoes, since typical race pace = jog. 


          Never had a lace issue in a race or training run. But one time I got a rock stuck in my shoe tread during a marathon. It was not big enough to cause a problem, except to make a clicking noise with every step. It was driving me crazy, but I was not going to stop and try to wedge that thing out. It was stuck there for probably 10-12 miles before finally working its way out.




            I lost a shoe in the first mile of a 5K because the mud we ran through sucked it off. I probably lost about 30-45 seconds between hopping on one foot to get my shoe and put it back on...and it was double knotted. That slowed me down getting it back on. I missed an award by one place.


            Oh FFS. Hopefully that never happens to me.  Although, I suppose if you run long enough, everything will!



              Racing shoes = jogging shoes, since typical race pace = jog. 


              Never had a lace issue in a race or training run. But one time I got a rock stuck in my shoe tread during a marathon. It was not big enough to cause a problem, except to make a clicking noise with every step. It was driving me crazy, but I was not going to stop and try to wedge that thing out. It was stuck there for probably 10-12 miles before finally working its way out.


              I remember that story. It annoys me and it didn't even happen to me. lol


                OLIVE GARDEN.


                Because soup and salad.


                  Because soup and salad.


                  Cold, windy, and rainy. Yep, today is a good day for soup.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    OLIVE GARDEN.


                    Because soup and salad.

                    I love their salad. Toobad there were none near the Palm Beach Court cause now I have a craving.


                    I hate driving to WPB, BTW. It was 2 hours this morning and 1.5 hours just now.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      The groundhog has spoken, I guess. 84F here, so I am not impressed.



                         Cold, windy, and rainy. Yep, today is a good day for soup.


                        Crap, that means it's coming my way.


                        I wonder why it is most storms blow from west to east. 



                          Crap, that means it's coming my way.


                          I wonder why it is most storms blow from west to east. 


                          Just a couple hours north of here they are predicting large amounts of snow.


                          Super B****


                            Crap, that means it's coming my way.


                            I wonder why it is most storms blow from west to east. 



                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                               Just a couple hours north of here they are predicting large amounts of snow.


                              Hopefully it stays there!
