Beginners and Beyond


Th-th-th-th-thursDAILIES (Read 42 times)



    Morning dailies. Just a quick posting for me since I'm half way through my morning meetings. Just a couple more hours to go.


    Phil, nice picture!


    I did 4 miles @ 9mm on the TM this morning. When I walked out the door to walk my dog before hand it was actually decent enough to run. Unfortunately I already had my clothes out, and not the right ones for 45 with a bit of a wind.


    Have a great day everyone!

    - Andrew


      6.4 easy miles in the cold dark, with 8x8sec hill sprints, done. And since I had on a warm shirt, the bare legs weren't a problem at all. I also caught just the slightest glimpse of a huge, orange moon as it was going down. Nice way to start the run.
      Strength training class coming at noon.


      Oski - Time to see a doctor! That's not good.
      Baboon - Great photo!

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Good Morning Running Friends!


        Sorry I’m late posting this morning.   I hit the ground running when I got to work and am just now getting a few minutes to write.


        Shari – Thanks for starting us off!   That sounds like Pinklightful running weather to me!   I ran in skirts all of last winter – not that we get the kind of winter that you do, but we did have a few days below freezing where I ran in my skirt.   For me, as long as my ears and hands stay warm, I can run, but once they get cold, it’s over.   Maybe some of that baked oatmeal to warm you back up after your run?


        Tom – Welcome back!  Glad that the leg feels better after a few days off!   Hopefully, that’s just what it needed and you’ll be fine now.


        Rick – Good luck at PT today.   I hope that all this pain now pays off big dividends and lets you get back out on the road soon!    What kind of coffee did you have this morning?


        Granite – Nice run this morning!   Have a great day!


        Oski – That’s pretty scary!   I hope you can get in to see your doctor quickly!   Please let us know what he / she thinks.


        Kristin – Ouch!   That sounds bad.   When are you going to the doctor?


        Scotty – Thanks for the laughs this morning!   Enjoy your Riverwalk run this afternoon!


        Phil – That was crazy!   Wow!  So glad that you weren’t hurt by all that!   Nice picture!


        Damaris – Glad to see that you’re back at work again!   Woo Hoo!    Nice run this morning!


        Zelanie – Great work with your mystery track workout last night!   That workout would have scared me!   What’s on tap for today?


        Andrew – Way to get your run in early this morning!    Perhaps you should set out 2 sets of clothes  - 1 for the TM and 1 for outside just in case the weather isn’t so bad out when you get up.


        I got an after 5 voice mail yesterday from the doctor’s office.   In the message, the scheduler just told me that I could see the doctor on Monday and asked me to call her back today for all the details.    I’ve called like 6 times already and she hasn’t answered (only left 1 message though).    At any rate, it looks like I’ll see the doctor on Monday and that’s good news!


        Have a Pinktacular day!   And, may your next run clarify your goals and shed light on how you’re going to obliterate those goals!


        - Sarah

        But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


          Sarah- how frustrating to get that message and not be able to get through! Hope you can get through soon! Tonight I iust have the social run with the club. Looking forward to easy pace.

          Dad on the run.

            Hello everyone!


            Step - Glad you didn't freeze to death!


            RtR - Welcome back, glad you got 4 miles in and that your leg is feeling well


            LRB - Hope the PT pays off


            Granite - Every mile counts IMO. Good job getting out there!


            Oski - Go to the doc! that does not sound normal.


            Kristin - Hope your tummy gets to feeling better


            Baboon - Nice pace, no fun about the car wreck though. Be careful out there though, people are freaking crazy!


            Scotty - Glad you are finally having some nice weather


            Docket - So happy to see you back at work and knowing that the MCM didn't get canceled on you! Smile


            Zelanie - Those mystery track workouts sounds like they would be fun but very tough


            Pink - Hope all goes well at the doc monday!


            AFM - Took yesterday off and slept in this morning. ITB is acting up again. Since I think it has a lot to do with my shoes I will run in my Brooks once my leg feels up to par.

            Chasing the sub 20 5K.


              Oski - I hope you get that resolved quickly. That's scary.


              I was a bit late for work today so I jog/walked the last 3 blocks. My first run post-marathon Big grin

              Hip Redux

                Well the dr freaked me out.   I got in almost immediately this morning - it was unlike any other time I've tried to get an appt.   And when I left,  she said "If it happens again, go to the ER."  


                Got an EKG this morning - normal.  They called the cardiologist while I was getting the EKG to consult and they want me to get a stress test and Echo.  I've got to call the cardio office now and see when that will be.



                Former Bad Ass

                  Heh, from my HM Saturday, sprinting to the finish.  PAINFACE!  Big grin






                  delicate flower

                    Well the dr freaked me out.   I got in almost immediately this morning - it was unlike any other time I've tried to get an appt.   And when I left,  she said "If it happens again, go to the ER."  


                    Got an EKG this morning - normal.  They called the cardiologist while I was getting the EKG to consult and they want me to get a stress test and Echo.  I've got to call the cardio office now and see when that will be.


                    Cripes.  Sad



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Well the dr freaked me out.   I got in almost immediately this morning - it was unlike any other time I've tried to get an appt.   And when I left,  she said "If it happens again, go to the ER."  


                      Got an EKG this morning - normal.  They called the cardiologist while I was getting the EKG to consult and they want me to get a stress test and Echo.  I've got to call the cardio office now and see when that will be.


                      No answer?  Da fuck?


                      Maybe you are not eating enough the night before?  The only time I passed out after running was a day where I ate too few calories, woke up, went for a 10 mile run and no food.




                        Maybe a hike later today, but not really sure as it is raining.

                        In case anybody hasn't taken a look at the thread about the dog running the race, I just posted in it that the 8 year old Lab died yesterday morning of a heart attack apparently Sad

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        Skirt Runner

                          For those concerned....gastritis has unfortunately been a recurring issue for me for about 5 years. I've been to several doctors including a gastroenterologist to rule out gallstones, ulcers, cancer, ect and have had lots of tests...bloodwork, ultrasounds, have been scoped ect.  The final conclusion is that I have a very sensitive stomach lining that gets irritated easily and inflamed. It usually occurs after a stomach virus or when I've had to take a lot of medication for something. I haven't had it in over a year though. I'm going to the doctor on Saturday to get the prescription that always helps it go away (omeprezol) and see if he thinks any other tests need to be done at this time. 


                          Good luck Pink!

                          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                          Dad on the run.

                            Oski - Are you feeling any chest pains or palpatations when you start getting light headed? I hope everything comes back ok when you do go in for your stress test and Echo!

                            Chasing the sub 20 5K.

                            Hip Redux

                              Waiting for my stress test. Cardio doc got me in immediately. I do have sporadic chest pains, yes. I think that combination - nearly passing out with chest pain - is likely why the docs are all a flutter of activity. I had an EKG a few years ago when I had some rapid heartbeat episodes and pain and they weren't concerned then since everything else was normal.



                                And when I left,  she said "If it happens again, go to the ER." 


                                If it ain't one damn thing it's another!
