Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #191 (Read 26 times)


    In other awful news, and those of you who are squeamish or faint of heart may not want to read this: we are out of bananas. What the hell am I supposed to do here?



      In other awful news, and those of you who are squeamish or faint of heart may not want to read this: we are out of bananas. What the hell am I supposed to do here?


      that is really the only reason I have to go to the grocery store every week.

      Half Crazy K 2.0


        that is really the only reason I have to go to the grocery store every week.


        Yep. If it wasn't for fresh fruits & vegetables, I could really stretch out my grocery store visits.



          I don't think it matters if I'm warmed up or not, they are just much faster than me.  Today there were 9 people.  I'm hoping the group grows and we get more varied paces.  The FB page has grown a lot the last month or two, I just need more of them to show up.  But it's still nice to meet fellow runners in the neighborhood and I will keep going.


          All scheduled group runs for my running group are still officially cancelled. But since I am connected with some of them on Strava, I can see they’ve been still doing some of them in small groups. So I’m thinking of just showing up and seeing who’s there. For the Saturday morning LR I used to go to, I’ve been seeing two main groups: one >9:00 and one around 7:30. I really wish there was something in between; when these were going as normal there were paces & distances all over the map. But I guess I’d just see what I was in the mood for.




            that is really the only reason I have to go to the grocery store every week.


            Such truth.



              I can get by without bananas, it'll take being out of something else to get me to the store, like milk or bread and once you add bananas on top of that, then I'm like, FINE, I'll go. 


              UM 45 Ohio 23

                In other awful news, and those of you who are squeamish or faint of heart may not want to read this: we are out of bananas. What the hell am I supposed to do here?


                The "Peach Truck" from Tennessee showed up in Michigan with Georgia peaches this weekend so we are stocked with peaches. No bananas...


                Looking forward to some Michigan peaches later this summer. No Michigan bananas to be had


                  Only 3 miles, didn't get out of bed early enough for more. I'll either run more later or Zwift if it's too hot out.


                  Former Bad Ass


                    All scheduled group runs for my running group are still officially cancelled. But since I am connected with some of them on Strava, I can see they’ve been still doing some of them in small groups. So I’m thinking of just showing up and seeing who’s there. For the Saturday morning LR I used to go to, I’ve been seeing two main groups: one >9:00 and one around 7:30. I really wish there was something in between; when these were going as normal there were paces & distances all over the map. But I guess I’d just see what I was in the mood for.


                    Ours is normally 30-40 people and still I end up running alone because no one is as slow as me (some are slower but they end up running faster than me at the beginning). Still, in these times, that ends up in my favor.



                      I can get by without bananas, it'll take being out of something else to get me to the store, like milk or bread and once you add bananas on top of that, then I'm like, FINE, I'll go. 


                      Not a big banana person. I love my berries and unfortunately those do not last long. I've also been eating a ton of apples because those seem to hang around the longest, as well as pineapple/melons.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I have two bananas left, both kind of on their last legs. Time to make a banana split! Wink


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          I have two bananas left, both kind of on their last legs. Time to make a banana split! Wink


                          Or a Dirty Banana.



                            Not a big banana person. I love my berries and unfortunately those do not last long. I've also been eating a ton of apples because those seem to hang around the longest, as well as pineapple/melons.


                            I keep a giant bag of blueberries in the freezer to use in my oatmeal for when I am out of bananas


                              banana bread is our outlet for past-their-prime bananas, but usually they don’t make it that far. For me, refrigerating when they start to get brown gives them a couple extra days.


                              Or a Dirty Banana.

                              Not googling this.




                                Not a big banana person. I love my berries and unfortunately those do not last long. I've also been eating a ton of apples because those seem to hang around the longest, as well as pineapple/melons.


                                Huh, I thought you were a runner. 

                                For me there is nothing that really compares in terms of being a year-round automatic daily consumption, but with such a short shelf life. The closest for me is avocados; they ripen fast and I hork them down when we have them, but I can go without. And there are long stretches when they aren’t really in season and we don’t get them. 

                                I have blueberries every day in either oatmeal or yogurt, but they seem to stay good long enough for the next shopping trip. Also more of a seasonal thing; otherwise I’m good with frozen ones. 

