Beginners and Beyond


Recovery run Sundailies (Read 41 times)





      Only 15 D Pizzle? What up wit dat?


      Cutback week!

      I did end up flipping the plan weeks to accommodate a crazy work schedule. Next week is on tap to be a real treat: 6/4 double, 15, 6, 13, 6 w/strides, 16w/12MP. 


      Half Crazy K 2.0

        LRB, Atlantic City half on April 3. Back up is the Columbia (MD) half April 24.


        Former Bad Ass

          Thanks!  I woke up with a migraine and stomach issues, which screwed my second half, plus the sun and the heat made it into a slowfest. Another state done and not a DNF. My slowest in a year but still happy.


          oh and my watch froze at mile 5 so I had no idea what I was running so hubby was texting me the mat times.



          Former Bad Ass

            D is on CentralTime, the race starts late compared to mine and I am at the airport so it took a while sheesh.Wink




              oh and my watch froze at mile 5 so I had no idea what I was running so hubby was texting me the mat times.

              Those TomTom are so unreliable Wink


              Another day, another  marathon. Great work, D!


                 Next week is on tap to be a real treat: 6/4 double, 15, 6, 13, 6 w/strides, 16w/12MP. 


                Looks like cutback week for PleasantRidge.


                Seriously, though, looks like a pretty tiring week, and the grand finale is crazy, IMO.


                  Those TomTom are so unreliable Wink


                  Another day, another  marathon. Great work, D!


                  She must've forgotten her TomTom. It was a Garmin, obviously. :eyeroll:

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Thanks!  I woke up with a migraine and stomach issues, which screwed my second half, plus the sun and the heat made it into a slowfest. Another state done and not a DNF. My slowest in a year but still happy.


                    oh and my watch froze at mile 5 so I had no idea what I was running so hubby was texting me the mat times.


                    Did you finish the race with a hurricane or other NOLA beverage? Sounds like a rough day, congrats on knocking out another state.


                    delicate flower


                      Okay so it wasn't Gone With the Wind, but it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, geez.


                      So you're the one who saw it this weekend!


                      Thanks!  I woke up with a migraine and stomach issues, which screwed my second half, plus the sun and the heat made it into a slowfest. Another state done and not a DNF. My slowest in a year but still happy.


                      oh and my watch froze at mile 5 so I had no idea what I was running so hubby was texting me the mat times.


                      Congrats on knocking down another state, Docket!  Good job to He-Docket as well!



                      I was a little achy this morning, but now DOMS has settled in.  Tomorrow won't be fun.  



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Those TomTom are so unreliable Wink


                        Another day, another  marathon. Great work, D!


                        I was wearing my Garmin. Take that.




                          I was wearing my Garmin. Take that.


                          I SAID THAT.


                            So you're the one who saw it this weekend!


                            There was a decent crowd actually. Must be a Michigan thing.


                            EAT PROTEIN.


                              I ran 13.  25mph wind and kind of muddy on my trail but 58 degrees 

                              60 miles this week.



                                Still no run, my stomach is still very "grouchy" and I've made the mistake of eating twizzlers earlier this afternoon and then mint chocolate chip ice cream earlier  And my needy little boy is driving me up the wall.... it would be one thing if I was dealing with stomach issues, but it's a tough job dealing with a child that doesn't feel good while you aren't feeling too great yourself 

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
