Beginners and Beyond

Freezing FRIDAILIES (Read 50 times)


    I have never heard the words easy and Boston in the same sentence.  I understand it's relatively speaking though and appreciate the perspective. As I said, I am enlightened.


    I think another thing that gets lost is that it is sometimes eleventy billion degrees there on race day, which would require an even more drastic goal adjustment.


    That is (another) one of the reasons I don't want to train for it. I would like to do something a little faster than easy pace though.  If I can run around an 8 pace, I will be happy.



      To answer the specific question, +1. The first 4 miles are downhill and it's ok to be a bit quicker, but don't go crazy (otherwise you'll pay for it later). Wellesley will pump you up, so be careful. The hills are from 16-21. You will lose a bit of time here, but guess what, it's all downhill to the finish from there! My splits weren't 100% ideal, but to give you an idea, check out 2010:



      Thanks. I just read your race report. Great race and helpful info!


           If I can run around an 8 pace, I will be happy.





          I have never heard the words easy and Boston in the same sentence.  I understand it's relatively speaking though and appreciate the perspective. As I said, I am enlightened.


          I think another thing that gets lost is that it is sometimes eleventy billion degrees there on race day, which would require an even more drastic goal adjustment.


          I hope we get a tailwind this year 

          Little Blue

            Can I interject here, just a moment?




            Seriously.  I've tried recipes like this that look good, but don't turn out well.  If I had one suggested by a real, live virtual person, I might have more luck.


            Once LRB points me toward the recipe, you may resume running talk.


            Thanks for your cooperation.


              Can I interject here, just a moment?




              Seriously.  I've tried recipes like this that look good, but don't turn out well.  If I had one suggested by a real, live virtual person, I might have more luck.


              Once LRB points me toward the recipe, you may resume running talk.


              Thanks for your cooperation.




              I got major kudos from those who tried it. Give me some time to dig up the name, you are going to kill it with this dish!


                That is (another) one of the reasons I don't want to train for it. I would like to do something a little faster than easy pace though.   


                Agree on both counts.


                Are we there, yet?

                  I have never heard the words easy and Boston in the same sentence.  I understand it's relatively speaking though and appreciate the perspective. As I said, I am enlightened.


                  I think another thing that gets lost is that it is sometimes eleventy billion degrees there on race day, which would require an even more drastic goal adjustment.

                  Boston is a course where strategy is important because of the hills and where they occur in the race. This has made for sometimes slow times by the top runners, but remember the 2011 race won in 2:03:02, at that time the fastest marathon ever run. That was also Ryan Hall's fastest marathon and the fastest ever run by an American. Tailwind not withstanding, that was a fast race. It's a difficult course to run well, but it's not a hard course as marathons go. NYC from what I've heard and read is a much harder course.


                  Warm days at Boston are the exception, though it has had some scorching days. My PB set there in 1971 was actually a warm day with temps in the 70s back when it started at noon. That was a surprising race considering the winner 's time was 7 minutes off the then course record.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    Boston is a course where strategy is important because of the hills and where they occur in the race. This has made for sometimes slow times by the top runners, but remember the 2011 race won in 2:03:02, at that time the fastest marathon ever run. That was also Ryan Hall's fastest marathon and the fastest ever run by an American. Tailwind not withstanding, that was a fast race. It's a difficult course to run well, but it's not a hard course as marathons go. NYC from what I've heard and read is a much harder course.


                    Warm days at Boston are the exception, though it has had some scorching days. My PB set there in 1971 was actually a warm day with temps in the 70s back when it started at noon. That was a surprising race considering the winner 's time was 7 minutes off the then course record.


                    Hall's time in contrast to Meb's 2:08 (who won) proves that point.


                    Barking Mad To Run

                      Hey. More snow in and around Boston. WTH?


                      SRD. I didn't sleep well Wednesday night. I involuntarily made up for it this morning. I'll get off a few T stops early, so that I can get some extra movement in.


                      I haven't had to break out the Albuterol yet. Yay.


                      The daughter of one of my supervisors is going to college in Boston.  She says she's hibernating in her dorm right now with Netflix.

                      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Barking Mad To Run

                        The girls will decorate it?  Decorate it yourself, you chauvinist... 


                        Here is a pic of our layout. The theme this year is the superbowl so the girls will decorate the room before it kicks off.


                        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                        Barking Mad To Run


                          I actually work in the field and my schedule is loaded today so I will miss out this year.


                          Ahhh, okay're excused from not helping 'the girls' decorate the room...

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            The girls will decorate it?  Decorate it yourself, you chauvinist... 





                            Barking Mad To Run

                              In California, everything has avocado on it, right?


                              It sure does...


                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt




                                NYCM is definitely harder, by about 3 or 4 minutes for a runner like myself. Toronto is about the same difficulty as Boston, maybe a minute or two more difficult. Most of my other marathons were in the tropics, so not comparable because of the weather. Chicago was easier, so was Amherstburg and Hamilton. Ottawa was freaking hard, but only because it was my first, otherwise it's comparable to Boston. Prague was so much fun that I remember nothing of the difficulty of the course (except that we ran about 25% of it on cobblestones and tram tracks). Where else have I run marathons?  I can't remember... Oh yeah, Nova Scotia was hard, because hot in June and four boring loops with one stupid big hill (4 times). Fredericton is about as easy as Boston. And Niagara-on-the-Lake is hard because of June and an almost 2 mile incline. There, the story of my life, bro.

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010