Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES on the 10th (Read 34 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Probably not a meeting request, but someone saying "oh can you just step in here for a second", and then putting you on the spot with a question you are unprepared for, in front of a roomful of people.


    You can still say no.  The only one I don't say no to is the judge, but other than that, nope, I'm busy, TYVM.




      You can still say no.  


      Not always.



      Former Bad Ass


        Always fun. I get "do we have money in the budget to do X?" Of course it's something people really want, so it's really can you find money.


        I used to answer those with: we don't have money for anything. Have you started looking for bankruptcy counsel?  But then again, we always had to squeeze money out of clients to pay payroll every two weeks; I would be surprised if the company is still open at this point. (googling now).


        PostGoogle:  Ooh, it is still open and revamped.  My boss is no longer the CFO, so that's probably why...



        delicate flower

          45 minute tempo run done (5 x 5:00/1:00) and felt lousy.  Heavy legs and no energy.  Better today than next Monday!



            45 minute tempo run done (5 x 5:00/1:00) and felt lousy.  Heavy legs and no energy.  Better today than next Monday!


            That's doing taper right! I honestly have not been feeling the taper legs. But still a few runs left, so there's time.




              That's doing taper right!


              Totes! It seems like there has to be not one, not two, not even three, but several things that make you question at least some aspect of how well you'll be able to run come race day (including weather, etc.).


              Work meetings. I'd feel super stupid if someone asked me something in a roomful of people. But then again I usually need time to process an answer anyway, even if it's something I do know without having to research it. Sounds like Baboon is able to handle it like a boss.



              Also sounds like Docket was able to successfully avoid those potentially stressful situations. What happens when a judge needs you ASAP? Does that happen during trials? I don't get it. (Sorry--my knowledge of our legal system is laughable at best.)


              LM, cool about you signing up for your HM! And that camera sounds wicked cool. I had to laugh at your comment about the $300 baby camera. TOTALLY!! We still have ours. For reasons unknown (and now the sound doesn't work at all ).


              Whiskers & Crazy, awesome about your races, too! I've got one on Saturday but we're currently under a winter weather advisory so idk if it'll still be on.


              Where's @LRB?


              Where's @Jay? How's your stress fracture--are you cycling?


                Whiskers, that is why I do a winter trail half. No snakes or bugs.


                I signed up for a mostly flat 5k on Sunday. My watch thinks I can run 23:10. I'd be happy 2 minutes slower than that. I clearly need the crack my watch smokes


                If you find that crack, please share it, b/c my watch smokes the same crack.


                Former Bad Ass

                  RoS, if a judge wants us ASAP, they call the office.  I was once at Pilates while a hearing was ongoing, had to run out of Pilates with my phone to attend a hearing the court wanted to hear my opinion on.  A hearing we had no opinion on, but sometimes judges have a mind of their own.  We are the US Trustee's Office, the watchdog of the bankruptcy system (google us) and we are allowed to appear in any bankruptcy case at any time.  Sometimes, the court takes that seriously.


                  We are not advisors of the court, so sometimes they don't like us telling them we are not getting involved but it has to be done.  We're sort of an interested party of 40K cases a year, lol.


                  And yeah, they can call us even during trials if they want to hear about something we only know about.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    7 miles with intervals.
