Beginners and Beyond


Wednesdailies- Don't call it a comeback. (Read 42 times)


delicate flower

    All you can eat free M&M's and Cheez-Its at this four day training class are bad news.



      Thanks for all your input yesterday on tracking weekly mileage!  It seems like a lot of effort right now to re-do my excel sheet which is already set up through my May marathon.  We'll see.  If I get bored at work or need to procrastinate on something, this will be a good project to start at that time.  When I set up a new worksheet, I'll use the M-Su week.


      4 TM miles today. My feet and ankles have been sore since running last weekend on the uneven icy/snow-packed lake path in yaktracks, so I've been keeping everything slow and easy, today was no exception.


        All you can eat free M&M's and Cheez-Its at this four day training class are bad news.


        I don't even know what kind of conference, but I would sign up for that one.



          I don't even know what kind of conference, but I would sign up for that one.


          Right? Yummmmmmmmmm.


          Do you ladies have any favorite arm sleeves? It's going to be colder at the start of my HM than I'd thought (potentially 40* at the start! Sun rises an hour after the start).

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            6.93 with 10 x 2 minutes hard, 1:20 recovery. It was 80 degrees and looked like a thunder storm was going to come through any minute. I'm sure it will snow in a week or 2.


            Former Bad Ass


              Right? Yummmmmmmmmm.


              Do you ladies have any favorite arm sleeves? It's going to be colder at the start of my HM than I'd thought (potentially 40* at the start! Sun rises an hour after the start).


              40s? Just bring a throw away. My arm sleeves are from INKnBURN.




                Right? Yummmmmmmmmm.


                Do you ladies have any favorite arm sleeves? It's going to be colder at the start of my HM than I'd thought (potentially 40* at the start! Sun rises an hour after the start).


                I prefer the cheap black asics ones

                  Hey peeps.  Long weekend equals all the shit hitting the fan when the work week starts back up.  Oy.


                  Baboon, nice race last weekend!!!!


                  Whiskers, +1 to Docket's throw away suggestion.  You won't want them for very long, cut the toe out of some cheap tube socks and ditch them as soon as you warm up a little.  If you really think you want them the whole race, then I'd just wear a LS shirt and call it good.


                  KC, also a Monday to Sunday person now, but that started about 3-4 years ago.  I always do my LR on Sunday, always have, and I loved padding the mileage for the upcoming week with that big bolus of miles.  But now that I switched, it's easier to follow the schedules that are pre-made, and most of the informal coaching I've had did the Mon-Sun thing.  (Actually, I think that is the reason why I switched, Ilanarama was my coach muse on that move.)


                  I ran over the last few days.  4.5 Saturday; 14 with 4 warm up, 9 at MP, 1 cool down on Sunday; 8 on Monday; 7 on Tuesday; 8 this morning.  I was supposed to do speed this morning, but I had an appointment for a fasting blood draw at 9:30, so after I got all pissed off that I couldn't have coffee and pre-run food, I decided to swap the workout for tomorrow.


                  But, the BEST NEWS OF ALL TIME (possible overstatement, but RWMD and I'm guessing OneMile will understand the monumental awesomeness of this): I took my dawg running for the first time on Monday!!!  He loved it so much   I spent an entire mile grinning from ear to ear and crying my eyes out at the same time.  I really was shattered when my lab died last year, a bunch of the RWOL folks can attest.  She wasn't able to run for the last 6 or so months of her life, but then she passed, and it was so awful.  Having a dog on the run is the best therapy for me in the world, and I'm so happy.  Dude has to take tomorrow off though, he's not sore (or tired , lab energy cannot be abated), but I think he should let his paws work up to it.  I've been dropping him off after 3-4 miles, then going for the rest of the run and he is mad as hell.  I'ts hilarious.  I got me a running buddy!


                  I gave him 2 pancakes on Monday in celebration of this milestone:



                    I gave him 2 pancakes on Monday in celebration of this milestone:


                    Please let me know what I need to do to earn pancakes, tyvm.




                      Right? Yummmmmmmmmm.


                      Do you ladies have any favorite arm sleeves? It's going to be colder at the start of my HM than I'd thought (potentially 40* at the start! Sun rises an hour after the start).


                      Well you asked the ladies, but the only time I've ever worn arm sleeves, they were cotton tube socks with the toes cut off, for tossing during a marathon.



                        PR - welcome back. I'm glad you're able to run again.


                        LM - I understand the excitement of being able to run with your pup. I can't with mine - he overheats too quickly, plus he's very easily distracted - but I understand the pleasure since I do get to enjoy hiking with him. I thought the usual advice was to wait until they are 18 months though so you don't damage their hips and elbows.


                        Phil - nope, cheesits and M&Ms would not be a temptation for me. One handful of the candy would do me.


                        Hard run today. 11 miles with 7 at LT just wasn't feasible on a warm windy day. My effort felt more like 5k than HM effort most of the time and I couldn't hold the pace the last two miles.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          8 done. Forgot I said weights but I worked 11 hours today, so FTS.  Martini coming up while I cook dinner.


                          LawyerMom, awwwww.



                            8 done. Forgot I said weights but I worked 11 hours today, so FTS.  Martini coming up while I cook dinner.


                            LawyerMom, awwwww.


                            Yum. I'm looking forward to a martini, or margarita, after my race on Sat!


                            Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. The throw away tube socks are TOTALLY what I'm going to do. This is a destination race and we're leaving tomorrow so I'm freaking out I will forget something. 


                            Oh and LM: YAY on your puppy running with you and not dislocating your arm!!! How'd he do???? Sounds like it went really well? I had to kind of chuckle at the ear to ear grinning while simultaneously crying, b/c I've totally been there, too, with my dawg. Love those sweet animals.


                            And for anyone still up, can I spread my anxiety a little more? Sunrise there is 7am. Race starts at 6am. Should I bring my headlamp??? It's just a HM so I'll be done by 8.


                            Former Bad Ass


                              Yum. I'm looking forward to a martini, or margarita, after my race on Sat!


                              Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. The throw away tube socks are TOTALLY what I'm going to do. This is a destination race and we're leaving tomorrow so I'm freaking out I will forget something. 


                              Oh and LM: YAY on your puppy running with you and not dislocating your arm!!! How'd he do???? Sounds like it went really well? I had to kind of chuckle at the ear to ear grinning while simultaneously crying, b/c I've totally been there, too, with my dawg. Love those sweet animals.


                              Always keep a file for things to bring.  We keep one and we always miss one thing.  If we didn't have the spreadsheet we would miss many more...


                              I think I am packed for my girls' Princess HM weekend.  Something I never thought I would say.  I did offer to cancel this but hubby wouldn't have it.  The $400 registration fees might have something to do with it. Officially on vacation and with OK to work from home from the 1st to the 16th.  I might drink every day until the brain surgery is done and hubby is home.  Especially with my MIL coming in for this one.

