Beginners and Beyond


Saturday up and at 'em! (Read 54 times)


delicate flower

    Well, I tried to get up and at 'em and bailed five miles in because the LR just wasn't happening.  Mentally I didn't want to be out there, and physically my legs wanted no part of a LR.  So, I will do it tomorrow as originally scheduled.  Wife is out running with her little friends and I'll join them for pancakes when they are done.



    Whatcha got!!



      Because rain tomorrow, and kid's soccer game is this afternoon, I might get my LR in today. I need to start putting back MP miles in there. I've been slacking in that regard.


        Well, I tried to get up and at 'em and bailed five miles in because the LR just wasn't happening.  Mentally I didn't want to be out there, and physically my legs wanted no part of a LR.  So, I will do it tomorrow as originally scheduled.  Wife is out running with her little friends and I'll join them for pancakes when they are done.



        Whatcha got!!

        this is supposed to be your slow one right? so maybe you should have done it so your legs forced you to be slow!




          I'm going to join a group run for the first time in forever. It's being billed as a charity event, but it's actually a surprise party for someone who has given so much to running in our area.


          It's a trail run and my left hoof is having none of that, so once it begins, I'll leave the celebrating masses and make my way out to the paved path and run alone. Blah.


          delicate flower

            this is supposed to be your slow one right? so maybe you should have done it so your legs forced you to be slow!


            Correct.  A big part of the problem is that I just didn't feel like running 20 miles today.  My inner conversation went something like this:  "I really don't want to be out here.  I don't want to run 20 miles.  Do I have to?  No.  Fuck it."



            Run Long, Hard, and Fast

              Good morning runners! 5 mile tempo run last night. The new running shoes are working out well. These are the first Nike shoes I have ever run in. In fact I have probably owned a total of 1 or 2 pairs of Nike shoes in my life. 6 miles today.


                Correct.  A big part of the problem is that I just didn't feel like running 20 miles today.  My inner conversation went something like this:  "I really don't want to be out here.  I don't want to run 20 miles.  Do I have to?  No.  Fuck it."


                If only it were that easy. lol



                  If only it were that easy. lol


                  Usually my LR is on Sunday so I have no choice.


                    I finished off that box of doughnuts last night (which are spelled donuts on the box) polishing off two and a half of them bitches with the ease of a dung beetle tearing off into a ball of shit.


                    They were a "gift" from someone trying to do something nice for me, to which I would say, next time, don't.



                       Usually my LR is on Sunday so I have no choice.


                      Most people here run them on Saturday. During MRT I run them on Sunday, so I am usually alone and miss out on the company of the group seems that I am always missing out on something!



                        Most people here run them on Saturday. During MRT I run them on Sunday, so I am usually alone and miss out on the company of the group seems that I am always missing out on something!


                        I asked Addie to give them on Saturday but I think she forgot about it after a week lol


                          Vet called and I can go get Gracie and bring her home. Waiting on my brother to get here - he is going to help with moving her

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            LRB, Entemenn's stuff is addicting. Someone brought int he chocolate assortment of dounts a few weeks ago. I had way to may pieces of them that day.


                            Onemile, glad she is able to come home. Hope she is able to rest more comfortably in her own home.


                            I do long runs on Sunday usually. I like doing a medium 90-2 hour run on Friday after work, so no way is something longer happening on Saturday.


                              16.5 miles with 4 x 2 km @ MP of my dreams, (total of approx 5 miles at MP). Be-yooouu-tiful day for running in Montreal. Was about 38-39 degrees when I left, sunshine... Just happy to be running.



                                 I don't want to run 20 miles.  


                                Does one ever?


                                My LR has been on Sunday forever. In fact, McMillan usually had hard workouts on Fridays, making it tough to switch. Although, Pfitz would sometimes have me race a freaking 10k on Saturday then do 18 on Sunday. Anyway, Saturday (when not racing) has always been relatively short/easy. Which DW has come to count on when making plans for any kind of all-day outings. I can still squeeze in a Saturday run before anyone else wants to get going.

