Beginners and Beyond


Record warm Saturdailies (Read 45 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    I am loving the bluetooth on my 220. It is so nice not to have to sweet talk to the ANT stick asking it to please upload, like 3x before it finally is successful. Not sure I like the current field set up of current pace--it totally sucked to look at the 11+ while dying on the hill today, that mile would up being 9:30.


    WIP, hope you feel better.


    LRB, I though Dr Google's default diagnosis was cancer?


    Pleasant Ridge, it definitely feels like April or early May. I am waiting for the bottom to drop out and we get nailed with snow. Granted, I work in a school, so I welcome the snow days.


    Baboon, it's nice to be overdressed in minimal clothes in December. Did you have feet of snow at this time last year?


      HCK, a run is a run. Congrats on getting it done.


      Zel, nice streak. How long do you plan on going?


      PR, nice weather for a LR


      LRB, are you steady with your workouts on the elliptical?


      Not really. lol


        I am loving the bluetooth on my 220. It is so nice not to have to sweet talk to the ANT stick asking it to please upload, like 3x before it finally is successful. Not sure I like the current field set up of current pace--it totally sucked to look at the 11+ while dying on the hill today, that mile would up being 9:30.


        WIP, hope you feel better.


        LRB, I though Dr Google's default diagnosis was cancer?


        Pleasant Ridge, it definitely feels like April or early May. I am waiting for the bottom to drop out and we get nailed with snow. Granted, I work in a school, so I welcome the snow days.


        Baboon, it's nice to be overdressed in minimal clothes in December. Did you have feet of snow at this time last year?


        Cancer, death. One leads to the other, invariably.



          Hopefully your snorkiness goes away.


          A run always fixes that, at least temporarily.




            Done.  10 @ 7:21 avg pace on rolling hills.  Medium effort.  I felt great today.  I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech shirt, and light gloves.  I was overdressed.


            ETA:  My last half marathon was 7:23 pace ffs.


            It must be fast out today.

            Rain, wind, 42 degrees, blecch. But a great workout. I was inspired by all the talk yesterday about tempo pace. Did total 12 miles with 3x2mi, which I usually do at about HMP or 7:30ish. But felt good today so decided to push it. Ended up with 7:22, 7:16, 7:08. The last one was close to Daniels T & 10k pace. Although pretty sure I could not have done all 3 at that. Anyway, good stuff.


            No more marathons



              What I like about Chrome is that it saves your bookmarks and history in the cloud, so you can log on from any computer and find what you are looking for.

              Yeah, the first time I logged into Google at work an all my bookmarks and icons across the top were the same as at home I just about freaked out.  Don't use Chrome at work anymore.  Smile




              Yes, there are a few more copy and paste and editing options (autocorrect and text prediction to name a couple) in the you Edge browser when using the onscreen keyboard. But if I recall correctly, you have the keyboard add-on so you would have no need for Edge.


              I actually returned my keyboard, I just didn't like it. The onscreen keyboard surprisingly works fine for me.

              I got the tablet and the keyboards as gifts a few years ago - so return wasn't an option.  Onscreen keyboard is good, but now that I'm used to the add on it would be a bit strange to go back.

              Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

              Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

              He's a leaker!

              No more marathons

                Where is Lily?


                Her last post in that other land that shall not be named was almost a month ago.

                Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                He's a leaker!



                  It must be fast out today.

                  Rain, wind, 42 degrees, blecch. But a great workout. I was inspired by all the talk yesterday about tempo pace. Did total 12 miles with 3x2mi, which I usually do at about HMP or 7:30ish. But felt good today so decided to push it. Ended up with 7:22, 7:16, 7:08. The last one was close to Daniels T & 10k pace. Although pretty sure I could not have done all 3 at that. Anyway, good stuff.


                  Great workout Dave. That's 6 miles, not 4, so doing them all at Daniels' Tempo pace would have left you pretty wasted IMO.


                  MTA: Seeing your workout reminds me of Hansons and makes me realize that I need to start MRT training soon. Bleh!


                    Where is Lily?


                    Been wondering the same thing for a while now.


                      LRB, I will check in occasionally.


                      I was wondering about Lily too.  It seems like it's been a long time since she's posted. I hope all is well!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I use IE at works. It sucks like crazy. Nope, all browsers are not the same.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          I am loving the bluetooth on my 220. It is so nice not to have to sweet talk to the ANT stick asking it to please upload, like 3x before it finally is successful. Not sure I like the current field set up of current pace--it totally sucked to look at the 11+ while dying on the hill today, that mile would up being 9:30.


                          WIP, hope you feel better.


                          LRB, I though Dr Google's default diagnosis was cancer?


                          Pleasant Ridge, it definitely feels like April or early May. I am waiting for the bottom to drop out and we get nailed with snow. Granted, I work in a school, so I welcome the snow days.


                          Baboon, it's nice to be overdressed in minimal clothes in December. Did you have feet of snow at this time last year?


                          It still feels like Summer to me, FFS!



                          Are we there, yet?


                            It still feels like Summer to me, FFS!


                            It always feels like summer to you.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              I did the math, and for an 18 week MRT plan for Boston, training starts this coming Monday 

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                I use IE at works. It sucks like crazy. Nope, all browsers are not the same.


                                I use an old version of Explorer at work, and yes, it can suck.
