Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #203 (Read 28 times)


Former Bad Ass


    That doesn't bode well for my Endless Summer 6-Hour race in Annapolis.


    Don’t worry. It will be canceled. Wink



    Are we there, yet?


      I saw it was rescheduled to late August.


      Yes, August 29, but it will also be entirely self-supported, no aid stations.  And if the pandemic is bad enough there that NY, NJ, and CT have added it to the list of states requiring 14-day quarantine, I don't think I want to travel there.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




      Half Crazy K 2.0


        Yes, August 29, but it will also be entirely self-supported, no aid stations.  And if the pandemic is bad enough there that NY, NJ, and CT have added it to the list of states requiring 14-day quarantine, I don't think I want to travel there.


        I think the issue is MD went from 300 cases per day in late June to 800 this week. I'm hoping they go back a stage in the reopening real soon.


        Super B****


          Yes, August 29, but it will also be entirely self-supported, no aid stations.  And if the pandemic is bad enough there that NY, NJ, and CT have added it to the list of states requiring 14-day quarantine, I don't think I want to travel there.


          Well, I mean, Florida still has people coming from the tristate area on the need-to-quarantine list, so...

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


            I did 4 miles on the TM during lunch.


            My brothers and I all played soccer growing up and we enjoy watching it together.  DH and I have a few teams we like to watch, but don't follow it closely.


              I ran 5 more.


              So now apparently RRP is no longer allowed to run with me alone.  Here I thought inviting his gf along for smoothies and coffee would let her see I am harmless 


                I ran 5 more.


                So now apparently RRP is no longer allowed to run with me alone.  Here I thought inviting his gf along for smoothies and coffee would let her see I am harmless 


                I've dealt with the male version in those situations and you can't get into the minds of these people, their problems are inherent. Oftentimes it consumes them, enraging them even. It was a great idea and all you could do as a last ditch effort short of having Mr O show up. Sorry.


                  I tried to watch soccer during one of the world cups whenever it was and they really need to do something about the diving, it was ridiculous. It's almost as if the red and yellow cards should be issued post game, after each incident has been thoroughly reviewed. Not that that would make me start watching, but as an outside observer, soccer has the best actors in the world.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I ran 5 more.


                    So now apparently RRP is no longer allowed to run with me alone.  Here I thought inviting his gf along for smoothies and coffee would let her see I am harmless 


                    Sigh. That's how I lost my male BFF. Don't worry, just like my friend, they will break up at some point, but might be too late to go back to how it was before. 



                      I am the owner of a brand new crown which brings my total to 8! Some kind of decay was identified in a lower molar during my cleaning last month, which resulted in a fat ass lip and numb jaw bone for the remainder of today. That'll be all.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        You guys should watch the Spanish channel while soccer is playing. The guy yelling GOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL for like 2 minutes straight every time someone scores a goal will make you pay attention real fast.


                        I ran 7.6 (yesterday's run) instead of the 14. I was coughing from acid reflux since Mile 0.01 and it didn't get any better.



                        delicate flower

                          I tried to watch soccer during one of the world cups whenever it was and they really need to do something about the diving, it was ridiculous. It's almost as if the red and yellow cards should be issued post game, after each incident has been thoroughly reviewed. Not that that would make me start watching, but as an outside observer, soccer has the best actors in the world.





                            I am the owner of a brand new crown which brings my total to 8!


                            Which is the higher number: the cost of all your crowns, or the cost of your car?



                              I ran 5 more.


                              So now apparently RRP is no longer allowed to run with me alone.  Here I thought inviting his gf along for smoothies and coffee would let her see I am harmless 


                              Well, that sucks .


                              I would have thought your gesture would have worked, also. If I ever  start running with Karine often, like I used to, I was also thinking of having her and the Woman have a smoothie together like you did.


                              I learned from a mutual friend that the reason why we stopped running together was in great part because she got a boyfriend for a while, and he didn't want her to run with male friends. He was a runner also so it does make sense that his train of thought was that if you want to run with somebody, why not run with me? I didn't know that because in that period she disappeared from Strava.


                              Jealousy is a real thing.


                                IDK why you posted an animation, there are so many live ones that are even worse than that. I was going to post a gif, but I had too hard a time picking one. I’ll just recommend everyone do a Google image search of “soccer flop gif”, and get ready for some belly-laughs.




