Beginners and Beyond


A question for the shoe hoarders (Read 83 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Most boxes of shoes I ever had has been 4. When the New Balance Outlet puts my favorites on clearance plus has a 25% off sale (usually once a month) on top of that I'm in. I have 3 boxes of shoes now so may have to drop by soon.

    That is easy. I throw out the boxes.  



      That is easy. I throw out the boxes.  


      Maybe when she questions why I have so many I will take that approach. It hasn't happened yet so maybe I need to buy more to see what that threshold is.


      Former Bad Ass


        Maybe when she questions why I have so many I will take that approach. It hasn't happened yet so maybe I need to buy more to see what that threshold is.


        Yeap.  You are learning!


        While deciding to move, we went to see a house.  I saw the walking closet and exclaimed, this will not do.  Only half of my shoes would fit.  My husband knows, but he pretends he does not.



        Former Bad Ass

          Is this the time to mention I ordered two of the new Hokas?



            I read this thread this morning.  Then I went shopping and saw a beautiful pair of bright purple Ravennas on sale.  I took it as a sign, I mean, they were my size!! Big grin


              The most I've bought at one time was five pair, I'm getting ready to break out the last of those five and I bought them last summer.  So I would agree with others, probably no more than what you'd go through in a year or less.


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                I was wondering myself if I should get more of the ones I just got on clearance. This is a new thing for me.


                So to celebrate being injured & not running, I went ahead & ordered another pair. 



                Former Bad Ass


                  So to celebrate being injured & not running, I went ahead & ordered another pair. 






                      So to celebrate being injured & not running, I went ahead & ordered another pair. 


                      Don't forget a whole bunch of new running clothes while you're at it


                        Where is the sock hoarder thread? I have a bunch that weren't bought in packs, I haven't worn yet.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Where is the sock hoarder thread? I have a bunch that weren't bought in packs, I haven't worn yet.


                          Guilty. I found a deal on Balegas in 2013. One is still in the pack.
