Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: Sunday Edition (Read 36 times)


    Talk to me...


      Wassup Crew!


      I am heading out to the loop this morning for a 10 mile easy run, which will be my longest run since September.  Long runs generally bore the shit out of me, but I am really looking forward to this one.


      The temps should be in the high 30's which will give me the opportunity to dress like the running 'ho that I am!  


      Wickedly Average

        Morning, Rich!  Morning, Dailies!


        Ham bean soup is in da house! I got one of those bean soup "kits" for Christmas from one of the niece-in-laws, so I put it (along with some navy and black beans I had laying around) together with a big chunk 'O ham, some celery, carrots, onions, and a bit of garlic together. Threw in the seasoning package that came with the soup mix. It smells good already and it isn't even simmering yet.


        After yesterday's mile, the knee feels pretty good today. SRD for me, though I might take a hike if the rain ever stops. I'm glad it feels good, and I'm going to s-l-o-w-l-y bring my mileage back up.

        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

          Good morning! And good luck on the long run Rick.


          Hey Tom, ham and bean soup sound good, especially with some cornbread!


          Temps were in the mid 50's yesterday then highs in the low 30's today and falling from there the rest of the week. That being said I will be doing 4 or 5 on the rail trail later this mornng.

          First Race

          Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

          Second Race

          Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



            Mmmm ... dinner at Tom's house!


            I'm thinking SRD here. Not much time between now and church, and temps are currently 11*, feels like -7*, with the wind picking up and temps continuing to fall through the day. By afternoon, wind chills should be -20* or worse. And we're at my FIL's farm with no access to a TM.

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


            Run to live; live to run

              It is raining to beat the band here. Along with high winds. No thunder/lightening yet but it us supposed to. I'm waiting as I don't want to get caught in lightening. I don't mind rain, but don't like pelting rain. At least it isn't cold. I may not get too many miles in. We shall see. I will probably go in the next 30 min depending in if the lightening holds off.



                Ham bean soup is in da house!


                Man, that sounds so damned good!  Good news on the knee!


                Enjoy your run later Spark!


                After yesterdays run you are playing it smart Shari!


                Good morning Marj!  I do not play with lightening either!


                Welp, I am stretched out and all warmed up and about to head to the park.  See you on the other side!


                  Good morning!


                  We've had snow on the satellite dish for 5 days, now, and were not getting any reception anymore. So SO said the heck with it and he cancelled the contract with Bell Express Vu. Now we're streaming live TV from the internet and have been watching Russia Today, Al Jazeera and some German network. It's quite entertaining, actually. If you don't hear from me for a few days, you'll know that I was taken in by secret services for interrogation. 


                  16 miles before lunch.

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  LR tonight.  Whatever time I have between 5 and 8 will have to be it.


                    Daisy is still not eating, so I'm going to spend some more dollars at the vet tomorrow.  Man, healthy kitties and 3 out of 5 get sick all at once.  Sigh.


                    Just B.S.

                      LRB yeah!

                      Steph enjoy the farm!

                      From the Internet.

                        4.9 this morning in perfect running weather (35, no wind, overcast). Which brings me to TWENTY POINT TWO for the week! My highest mileage week ever, I almost cried - it's been over a year of injuries, stubbornness, deep water running, PT visits, and strength training to get to this point, I was beginning to think I'd never get over 15/week without getting hurt. But I did it! Big grin


                        Former Bad Ass

                          4.9 this morning in perfect running weather (35, no wind, overcast). Which brings me to TWENTY POINT TWO for the week! My highest mileage week ever, I almost cried - it's been over a year of injuries, stubbornness, deep water running, PT visits, and strength training to get to this point, I was beginning to think I'd never get over 15/week without getting hurt. But I did it! Big grin


                          Nice job!



                          Wickedly Average

                            Way to go, Lauren!

                            Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                            5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                              Hooray, Lauren!  Congrats on the new weekly high mileage!


                              Tom- Glad the knee held up


                              LRB- Welcome back to double digits.


                              As for me, got my 6 in yesterday, but the hills kicked my butt.  It seems SIL lives at the bottom of a giant hill, so to get anywhere you have to run up and then back down it on the way out, and then again on the way back.  Got it done, but since this is supposed to be a recovery week, I am calling today a SRD.

                              Just B.S.

                                Up at 4:45 to take son to airport  on 4 1/2 hours sleep, that visit was way too short. Came home

                                and went back to bed and was woken up by a text an hour ago saying that they had to deplane

                                the connector flight due to mechanical issues. He is now boarding a new plane but the snow

                                from our latest storm (13 inches projected) is coming down. This has been quite a Christmas odyssey!

                                Having said all that storm #11 in 3 weeks will have me on the treadmill again today for 6 miles .

                                Oh well at least I own one better than not running .

                                My sister is still without power (6th day now), she lives 30 minutes from us but has a generator, thank



                                See ya!!
