Beginners and Beyond

The Aftermath MonDAILIES (Read 42 times)


    Good morning.


    The snow came and went Saturday and while there were tons of accidents and it got quite messy during our first "storm" of the season, most of it is gone and the streets are all pretty much clear now. What remains however is 25 degrees for a current temp, and I found out both days this weekend that I have completely forgotten how to dress for this crap. Must. Do. Better. Today.


    So anyway, what's up with you for the beginning of this three day work week (for some of us)?


      It's a feels like of 16 degrees this morning. Brrrr. But I'll be running indoors, so there's that. 



        Good morning!


        I did the longest run of the last few days this morning.  The foot felt decent after I got warmed up, and felt even better after a few more miles.  I'm remaining hopeful that a few more easier days will make it all better.

        It was 25F here, the coldest morning for us yet.  There was no wind, and it was clear.  Pretty nice running weather all in all.


        I hope everyone has a great day!

        Runner with a riding problem.

        From the Internet.

          I am lazy and tired and slept in this morning. Running after I get to work and get an experiment going!


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  Happy Monday!  HOORAY MONDAY!  It's a cutback week for me.  Total training time has been north of 11 hours each of the last four weeks, so I'll enjoy this recovery week.  I rolled my wide load out of bed at 5:30 this morning for a short 4 miler, and that's all I have to do today.  HOORAY!  *Feels like* temp of 26 for the run.  Alrighty then.


            Spent about five hours this weekend vacuuming the house top to bottom in preparation for the Thanksgiving Day food moocher invasion.  I swear, that much vacuuming felt like cross training.  



            Super B****

              More trainer fun.  Evidently I set a huge 40K PR, according to Garmin Connect.  How nice. 


              I'm going to pick up my bib this evening, but I have to decide whether I actually want to humiliate myself and "run" this Turkey Trot.  Bleh.

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog


                Sorry I didn't check in last week. It ended up being a big cutback week because I skipped Wednesday's run due to rain and having felt a bit feverish all day Tuesday, then no long run because of a 5k with DS Saturday, and no run Sunday because lazy.


                5 miles this morning. Hour of martial arts tonight.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  There is a cold front in Florida.  Except down here, where cold front means I will be able to run outside tonight in 75F.  Unfortunately, it will be gone before my race this weekend, boo hiss.  But for now, we will enjoy!


                  Pilates class done, dentist in a few, then work and 6 miles tonight.  Outside!  Did I mention it might be outside?  Like for real? 



                    Hey guys.  RD today. Smile  My piriformis is killing me.


                      8 miles.


                      Little Blue

                        3 miles, and whoo, baby, it's cold outside!  I looked at the temperature, about 43 when I left.  I failed to note the brisk breeze.  I ran those three a bit faster than I intended!


                          Good morning!!


                          27* this morning, brisk baby!


                          Had a great time Saturday at the Paris Mtn Ultra, ended up doing my leg in 1:55, very happy that I was able to get sub-2 on a tough course.  My team came in 4th in the Relay with a total time of 9:06 for 50 miles.  First place team was just under 7 hours.   Their 4th leg blew my doors off coming down the switchbacks (I was 3rd leg).  He had the fastest leg of the day at 1:30, crazy.


                          Felt good for an 8 miler yesterday, but then sore this morning, so just did 4 recovery.  Might do a few more recovery this evening, or just wait till tomorrow morning, we'll see.


                          Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            75 points done. I plan on adding about 33 more later.


                            Okay, that was an inside joke... I will run 5 miles easy after work and so far I've done 3 sets of 25 push-ups. I plan on some more this afternoon, along with some sit-ups and about 15 minutes of stretching.

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                            Slymoon Runs

                            race obsessed

                              22 points done - contemplating missing the goal Wink



                              1st 14 miler of this plan cycle and ramp up week - I should be ending around 72.  Sad



                              I realized I have only hit double digit runs 3 times in the past 5 months.  This is gonna be rough for a bit.

                              (14, 10, 10, 12, 9, 9, 9) not! Looking forward to it


                                75 points done. I plan on adding about 33 more later.


                                Okay, that was an inside joke... I will run 5 miles easy after work and so far I've done 3 sets of 25 push-ups. I plan on some more this afternoon, along with some sit-ups and about 15 minutes of stretching.


                                I'm the wimp around here. It is my greatest virtue.